This was posted 7 years 10 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Round of Premier League from Optus


Optus are offering non-Optus customers access to Premier League content at no additional cost. There's no catch & you don't need a credit card to sign up but you'll need to get in quick because passes are limited.

This offer is also available to existing Optus customers who currently do not have the Optus Sport subscription.

Anyone who signs up from 12pm on Thursday, 6 April 2017 will gain access to Premier League content.

You'll want to get in quick because access to Premier League Content ends on Friday, 14 April 2017 regardless of when you signed up.

Simply sign up, log in and enjoy the action!

How to sign up?

Go to the deal and enter your First Name, Last name, Email (username), Password, Mobile, Current carrier & Favourite Premier League Team.

Read through the Privacy statement and marketing consents; they must be accepted before you create an account.

Once you've registered, you'll receive an email confirming your account creation.

Note: If you had an Optus Sport subscription previously and you unsubscribed from it; then please log in using your previous credentials to Optus Sport before activating your 7 day Premier League Pass.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thank you.

    The page gets blocked if connecting via a VPN but as soon as I disconnected it worked a treat!

    • which VPN do you use and how much does it cost? Thanks

      • +1

        Torguard - I think I have been with them for a few years now. I pay $29.99 US per year.

  • +13

    My experience so far with EPL on Optus has been excellent. Much better than Foxtel. You can watch it in HD without any additional cost. Replays and highlights are readily available for catching up at any time. Streaming quality is fairly consistent with minimal drop in quality.

    IMHO, it is well worth $15pm, but probably not if you have to switch to Optus. Don't even get me started on the lack of Visual Voicemail for iOS or the freaking $10 per day for roaming. Vodafone is much better in those areas.

    • do you get true hd? i think its really 720p max.

      • +2

        Foxtel was 1080i, so let your eyes decide

        • +1

          my experience has been woeful. the really good games where most people will be watching, i can hardly get on ( using the phone app )
          will never be as good as foxtel in my opinion

        • @notbad:

          Foxtel was like 4x the cost.
          Gonna try this as $15pm is ok for me.

  • Nice :)

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm a massive EPL fan but have been dealing with "unofficial" streams due to Optus holding their coverage ransom by requiring an Optus mobile/internet service.

    Hopefully the demand shown with this offer might allow them to drop their existing policy.

    • +5

      And foxtel required you to pay 25 for standard channels before you could access sport for another 25/30

      • +2

        Yeah Foxtel was $50 including sports but for someone who loves A-League, NRL, AFL and EPL it was a no brainer.

        I even miss Bozza and Robbie's banter.

    • +2


    • They're holding their own coverage for ransom from you? Do you consider all sellers to be criminals or just the ones with stuff you want personally?

      • +3

        Just the ones with stuff I want personally

  • +4

    I liked foxtel with an HD satellite feed.
    Optus (even with a 30 meg cable connection) is not as good and also drops quality periodically.

    • -2

      Fetch Mini is higher quality picture than other methods (not quite as good as Foxtel HD but close) and hasn't dropped quality for months. Definitely worth $5 a month to me.

  • Cheers OP.

    Ah dang it. Stupid ASus memo pad. Not compatible with Optus sport. I need to upgrade my cheapie tablet lol

  • +7

    Finally a good move from Optus. Now all they have to do is offer EPL without needing an Optus service and I'm in

  • Loving the EPL on Optus atm

    Just curious, I never had Foxtel but did they have EPL accessible on phones and other devices?

    • +2

      Yes - via foxtel Go

  • Is there a way to watch this on a Samsung smart tv without an apple tv or chromecast?

  • +5

    I bloody hope Optus go bankrupt soon..their EPL coverage is shit, often delayed coverage..

    • +3

      It's a good thing they're not going bankrupt any time soon because the service is top notch.

    • +5

      it's delayed by 1-2 minutes..

      I'm on adsl 4mb/s home internet connection and I have had no issues streaming both live games and highlights thus far.. and I've watched pretty much every round (early kick off games).

      I hated the fact and I had to rely on my crappy internet at first, rather than just picking up my remote and using foxtel, but it hasn't been as bad a experience as i thought it would be. Highlights are usually available 5-10mins after the game which is pretty cool.

      each to their own i guess.. i've only had positive experiences with it, but others might disagree.

      • +5

        I don't understand how a 1-2 minute delay affects anoyones experience. Are people that reliant on being glued to social media feeds that they might be affected by this delay?

    • +4

      I am on NBN and the speed is pretty good and I really don't mind the delayed coverage. 1 or 2 mins isn't going to spoil anything obviously if you are betting on the game it is totally different.

      However the quality of the stream is quite pour, I am on the 100mbps connection and the quality never goes beyond 900P it seems. Pretty blurry on a lot of occasions as well.

      Optus as a mobile services company is also crap, I had better connections on vodafone and optus has wrongly charged me for something I've never incurred twice in 3 months (totally in excess of ~$300 bucks) and both time I had to get TIO involved to have the charges removed. Just a inadequate billing system and customer services rep's inability to go beyond the surface and solve problems for customers.

      Can't wait for EPL right to be won by someone else or they can just offer it without having to be on the optus network in sort of services they offer.

      • It maxes out at 720p but the quality on Fetch is better than the other devices and quite good IMO.

        • Yea I had fetch mini (which is one of the charges they've wrongly put in my account after i returned the equipment to them with proof of delivery) but I checked with casting with chromecast and the quality is really quite comparable and I returned the fetch mini. Still not the best but it's really passable. I am more annoyed with optus's billing system and their customer service

  • I've found the technical aspects of Optus Sport to be great after being pretty poor in the first few EPL rounds. Using ADSL2+ (Max speed of about 850 KBps), I google cast to my TV from my iphone and have no issues whatsover. Qualitys good enough for me (albeit I never had foxtel HD) and I don't get any drops in quality. Also overall its worked out cheaper for me because I don't have foxtel anymore.

    I will say though the customer service i've got from Optus has been horrendous. It's taken weeks of follow-up live chats/calls to get them to apply a 10% student discount, set up direct debit, set up optus sport and include optus sport free of charge.

  • I have heard numerous reports that Optus has lost a butt load of money on this deal and Foxtel is waiting for them to come crawling back to buy the rights back off them. I highly doubt Optus will have EPL next season

    • +2

      Optus already have the infrastructure in place so only have running costs now. I'm pretty sure they would make more money selling EPL to non-customers for $15-20pm than Foxtel would ever pay them. If they are going to change direction, I would expect that to happen first.

      • +1

        precisely, a first year of offering a service as such should be forecasted with a loss anyway. Any sort of investment needs some sort of a payback period.

  • I had trouble trying to view a replay on a 4g mobile; normally its fine

  • +3

    I really wanted to sign up for this service at the start of the season but I didn't want to subscribe to any other Optus products.
    I was so disappointed that I couldn't do this as Foxtel allowed me to buy an online season pass for $70 but for some reason Optus didn't follow this course of action. I don't have Foxtel either but at least I was able to pay separately for this access.
    The whole business concept of only being able to watch EPL tied to another Optus service is very restrictive and probably done a lot of harm to EPL coverage within Australia. I follow one of the less popular EPL teams and they have only been on SBS once for the entire season. However saying that I haven't missed a game as I use other methods of watching EPL over the internet. I never understand why companies make it so difficult to give consumers what they want - especially when there are other means of getting the same product elsewhere.

  • +1


  • Is data counted on Optus mobile plans, including prepaid?

    Watched a game and it used 1.5Gb.

  • +2

    I'm pretty happy with how my first bargain on ozbargain has gone. Only 2 up-votes from breaking 100!

    I'm curious to know if Optus are gearing up to allow customers from outside their network to access Premier League content. I think that doing so would be wise. I'm not sure if they will win more customers over to their network now. If anyone wanted to they would have already changed mobile providers.

    Premier League may have been a loss leader for Optus, but like it or not they are still a telco and not a sports broadcaster. Opening it up to all helps recoup some of that money lost chasing new customers.

    • +1

      Many thanks for posting the offer.
      I really enjoyed the access of the free pass even though my team lost (again).

      I have to say I was quite impressed with the Optus website and the overall content. It was much better than I was expecting.
      I initially had trouble with unsupported browsers on my Samsung Smart TV and Samsung phone (S4) but it was OK on my computer.
      In the end I did manage to watch my game on Sunday morning on my main TV by using my wife's Samsung Galaxy 7 mobile (which supported the Optus browser) from which I screen mirrored to my Smart TV. Overall brilliant reception and coverage.

      Now lets hope Optus want a few more customers next season and allow a sensibly priced season pass to be purchased for those who want to use this service without having to purchase any other products.

  • +1

    Highlights show and match replays are available until this Friday 15 April.

    I am impressed with the quality of what's on offer. If made available to non-Optus customers I think I'd sign up for a max $10 per month for an HD service. $15 is too much for this novice ozbargainer!

  • I think plenty of people would pay $10-$15 PM as a stand alone service, I am sure they will next season.

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