So,mum in law signed up for NBN with iiNet.
Internet was easy and works.
Mum wanted to keep her phone number so they asked for porting Telstra to VOIP.
Now for almost 2 weeks they've been without a phone. Multiple calls to iiNet have resulted in all sorts of bs solutions and promises none of which have worked.
How long should I give iiNet til I pull the plug on their 24 month contract? ACCC page says
If the provider cannot fix the service in a reasonable time, state that you want to cancel the service contract.
What do you think is 'a' reasonable time'? They're 82 years old and not having a phone is a very big deal for them.
I'll also be asking for compensation for this.
Bad idea to go with IInet. Their customer service and competency have dropped to obscene levels after TPG took over…
Wait no longer. I'd take your complaints directly to TIO and ask for them to waive the contract.
I would stick with a 3rd party VSP like MyNetfone or Telecube. You'll be able to change internet providers with ease if you're not happy with IInet.