wanted: very cheap pata 2.5 inch hard drive suitable for old Dell laptop

Hi All,

I'm on the lookout for a cheap 2.5" PATA hard disk i can chuck in an old dell laptop;

I don't care how small - 40gb would be sufficient;

I don't even care the RPM speed;

it just needs to have no bad sectors :)

if you know of anything, drop us an IM..

second hand is probably ok too


Matt. / Brisbane.


  • i have had limited success looking for one too. LapyKing is offering 160GB for $100, which is crap compared to sata.

  • EDIT: ebay has them for about $30 less delivered

  • since it's pata , you might have better luck with ditching it off on ebay and get a net book which potentially could run faster ;)

  • thanks guys ; agree it is probably not worth spending any extra cash on the laptop for an old pata drive; The only thing the laptop is used for is internet browsing and some unix terminal stuff; I was hoping to pick up a drive for $50; but not looking good

    • if thats what you are planning to do… ssh/telnet stuff.. then i suggest ditching it. get a netbook that could run linux and you are good to go. not to mention netbooks draw less power and last ages if you are just using it as a telnet client. ;)

    • If your in sydney i have plenty of old laptop drives i would be willing to off load to you, they even work :)

      I have


      there is more but i have just moved and that was what i could locate in 5 mins

      let me know

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