Google Just Turned into Your Dad

Google has just released the results of a study it paid for to find out whether it was "cool" amongst 13-17 year old children.

The study, entitled "It's Lit: A guide to what teens think is cool" (your Dad knows what is cool right kids?) found that Google "shaped" the teens world, presumably by collecting every single piece of data it could about them and then showing them advertising that they didn't want which made them buy things that they otherwise would not have.

Getting "lit" for Dad's that are nowhere near as cool as Google means getting drunk off your arse or alternatively being very high on cannabis.

The study, unsurprisingly considering who paid for it, found that cool was "unique, impressive, interesting, amazing, or awesome" and that, incredibly for a Dad, Google was all of these things. Despite Google being this hip amongst the 13 to 17 year old children market segment it failed to be the most cool to the high school children. Nope, the coolest thing ever with the kids was Youtube, another Google website. What a surprise!

So there you have it, according to Google it's now your Dad.

I'd stop hanging out with Daddy Google kids, he's decidely uncool now after this study.…

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  • +4

    "Cool" is a billion dollar industry

    Also I thought lit also meant good… "This party is lit". BTW I'm an uncool dad.

  • +24

    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.

  • +3

    Teenagers think OzBargain is cool, study commissioned by OzBargain finds

    • +4

      My mum says I'm handsome.

      • +3

        I hear she's a good bloke too.

        • +3

          My cat's breath smells like cat-food.

  • +1

    I think mints are cool, but gum mints are sticky.

  • +3

    No wonder the guardian is going broke.

  • "The Google-funded research found Generation Z relied on brands to “shape their world”…"
    And that pretty much sums up why this is a piece of marketing wank in one sentence.
    PS - if you are a 13-17yro who relies upon brands to "shape your world", I am prepared to give you a severe talking to, but I don't believe you exist.

    • I am not sure if you are serious or not, have you ever met a millennial teen?

      • +1

        Well, my 16yro mimed vomiting when I read out the report title and that she used brands to "shape her world".
        But she did buy an iPhone and makes fun of my china droid, so I guess she is prepared to pay more for branded rather than unbranded.
        I would suggest brands no more shape her world than they do mine. They are an indicator of predictable quality. I know Arnotts biscuits won't be gritty, McDonalds burgers will be consistently disappointing, brand name milk is a waste of money and Toyota cars have good histories of reliability.
        I don't think brands have any particular meaning that shapes my world, compared to the impact that my friends and family, my work, my house and neighbourhood, my hobbies etc. have.
        I suppose if your world is the things you buy that might be something, but for whom is that true?

  • I'm young, Google's cool. They put little games and easter eggs in their search engine, and they're ahead of the curve with technology and innovation.
    I fail to see what is so cringe worthy of determining the popularity amongst a teenage demographic.

    • Would you tell your friends how cool you are, and take a survey of your acquaintances to prove it? Maybe print out some copies of the results and hand them around as proof that you are really cool.
      Google is telling us how they are the coolest kid on the block, check out these statistics if you don't believe it, 'cause there ain't nothing cooler than some dope stats.

  • +3

    Your sarcasm and cynicism drips like breakfast honey onto my toast, and tastes at least twice as delicious :)

    • +3

      Have you tried eating breakfast for breakfast? Tastes better again.

  • Google buys all the cool websites, YouTube was not always googles.

  • Google should start paying there share of taxes,instead of ripping off the public

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