How Does Bill My Telstra Account Work?

I was wondering when I use "Bill my telstra account" on google play how does the whole transaction go down? Who is losing money on this deal? I can't think telstra would allow us to buy these sims at less then value and then willingly give that money to google to pay the devs.

Are devs getting the full amount owed off Bill my telstra account purchases?
Is telstra actively losing money off this and making up for in the long run by overcharging of every other service or just lack of people taking advantage?

Always wondered and probably impossible to answer short of sitting in on the original board meeting about it but still any ideas?

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  • Google takes 30%.

    • Yeah thats how it works for normal transactions.

      How does it work for transactions which use "Bill my telstra account" as the funding source. Surely for telstra to set this system up they must be getting a nice cut. But why allow paying for apps ect through your telstra account funds at all when normally those funds would just expire or get spent on phone calls which cost next to nothing. I'm curious just how much telstra gives to google or the developers when I make a purchase using the money from my telstra account.

  • I can't think telstra would allow us to buy these sims at less then value and then willingly give that money to google to pay the devs.

    And yet that's what happens.

    • Well I'm guessing they're not worrying too much due to the fact most people are probably using them as intended buying at $30 so it's not really much of an issue financially.

  • +2

    Telstra gets it back by cutting off your coverage and blaming 'technical difficulties', then running a 'free data' day so you don't complain.

  • A well kept secret re: revenue-split after transfers to Google; all a matter for guesswork I reckon.

    Outside of forums, I doubt many would've been aware of this quiet feature, as a prepaid perk/point of differentiation, to spend much cash with bill-my-T? One very expensive group of users / crosssubsidy by postdated income, afforded after other offsets- not everyone in-group depletes corecredit fully, for instance.

    For the moment, bottom line, this feature has more worth than 100gb from Optus so it gets the primary number and renewed. Granted, it has been left it with next to 0 data, recharge gets bit over 1gb, def won't be buying data. Vodafone (Dual Sims) locally gets stronger signal +leading $0.50/GB-rate out of throw away cards +likewise from $1 Kogan.

  • when it first launched I'm 95% sure i read telstra gets 15% and google gets 15%, normally google gets 30% when you bill to google play account, also when android first launch here in australia did optus support paid apps at all(could not bill them even to google play)???? so maybe optus has a deal/all carriers get a cut of all transactions even if they are not billed to the mobile carrier.

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