This was posted 7 years 11 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NBA League Pass - 2016-2017 Rest of Season + Playoffs - $34.99CAD (~ $35AUS)


It's almost playoffs, and that means discounted NBA League Pass… and Canada is your friend

You can sign up locally for a pretty un-ozbargain local AUD price, or you can sign up via a VPN to Canada for $34.99CAD (~$35AUS)

Getflix VPN works, but other ways to 'be' in Canada involve
- Windscribe which use a freemium model. You can still connect to the Canada VPN with a free account:
- new version of Opera browser, which now has a VPN built into it:…
(thanks to reddit for those tips)

Just connect via VPN and visit
the total package price to sign up is $34.99CAD (ignore the instalment option, its the same price x 4)

Once you've signed up, ignore the VPN and watch league pass for the upcoming playoffs with no blackouts and full coverage

Props to jaydeenturk for the inspiration behind this deal post

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closed Comments

  • Haha maybe i should have posted this myself instead of commenting on the previous deal. but good on you for taking the initiative and making it more visible.

    • +1

      though i just needed to copy most of the details I had posted back in Sept
      +1 for inspiring me though :)

      • Ah didn't realise you had posted that deal previously. You didn't have to edit it, was just surprised to see this deal posted so fast after the comment :P but thanks anyway

      • hello
        does this work on apple TV? is it for the playoffs only. i'm in Sydney Australia.

  • +4

    Just remember in your preferences to disable auto renew otherwise you will get charged full price next year.

    • Can you be a little more specific as to where to disable auto renew? In the NBA pass page, Payment provider? Thanks for this tip!

      • +2

        I'm not 100% sure, I just learned the hard way this year! (They did refund me though after the fact)

        • +2

          Ok ive had a play around.

          I paid via PayPal. If you:
          1 - go to PayPal settings
          2 - click payments
          3 - Click on the NBA livepass payment
          4 - ensure CANCEL on auto payments is ticked
          You will not be charged again by NBA League Pass (I hope)

    • Actually, it's not too bad if you leave it on because you can get a few days/week(s) for free whilst they process the cancellation and refund.

      • I got the refund and cancellation within 24 hours!

    • +5


    • +3

      3 all stars wasn't enough I guess.
      Whos the 5th all star you're going to get after you get beat again?

    • Lebron just to sign a toaster !!

    • +5

      enjoy getting downvoted to hell bandwagoner

      • The Cavs won the title, seems more that the upvoters are bandwaggoners.

  • +1

    No idea what I am doing wrong. But I am on Canadian VPN and price is showing $74.99CAD? If I change to Mexico it is $43AUD.

  • +2

    good deal if you want everything camera angles, highlights etc, just use this for live games

    • +3

      Snitches get stitches

  • Has the deal expired? I'm using Getflix to connect via Toronto (I've even set 'Channel Group C' to Canada). There's no mention of a $34.99 package. It's CAD $40.99 per month for the full 'League Pass', and there's over 2 months left in the season including playoffs

    • You need to use a vpn or use opera browser which includes a vpn add on that you can set to Canada

      • +1

        I'm connecting to Getflix's Toronto server (VPN) before following the link

        • I logged into Getflix's Vancouver server instead and was able to sign up. Thanks for the post OP

  • please see comment above

  • +5

    In case anyone is interested: NHL's streaming product is only $4 US for the rest of the season plus playoffs. Playoffs kick off in under 2 weeks. No VPN required.

  • Worked a treat - thanks guys.

    (used TunnelBear)

  • -2

    Warriors blew 3-1 lead

    • someone repeated a meme

  • Go the nets!!! What they are the bottom team in the league… guess I save some money not having to subscribe then 😀

    • +3

      As a Celtics fan, I'd like to thank the Nets for having the spoon.

      • +1

        Lol…. that was one of the worse deal in the NBA history… or the best deal depend which side you are looking from 😀

  • I signed up for the7 day trial a few weeks back,. I enjoyed it but couldnt justify the ongoing price. This is perfect. Thanks!

  • +5

    A tip for those attempting to watch on PS4: there is no International League Pass app for Australia, and the US one does not work with International League Pass credentials. What you need to do is create a Brazilian PSN account, download the NBA app from there and then use your International League Pass credentials within that. It took me over half the season to find that info, hoping it helps someone on here.

    • Legend.

  • -6


    • +2

      Thanks for the constructive feedback

      • -3

        It's the same price prorate as purchased at the start of the season give or take $1-$2 but less about 9/10s of the season. The fact you hijacked the other guys post is why I deliver the meh. Enjoy

  • I failed my exams last year because I bought league pass during the valentines day special and watched playoff games instead of studying. FML.

    I heard William Hill have free live streaming of NBA games if you have an account with them (I don't have an account so I can't verify). Is this true?

    Edit: Calling it now, Kawhi for MVP, DPOY, Spurs-Cavs Finals Spurs in 5

    • +1

      Will hill has live stream
      And calling it now
      Westbrook or maybe harden for MVP draymond for dpoy and cavs warriors finals warriors in 5

      • +1

        Thoughts on Boston having a deep run in the playoffs? They're my dark horse. They put up a good fight against ATL last year.

        • i reckon they surely make it to the conference finals
          doubt they can get past clevland in the conference finals although it is a possibility
          I say the Eastern conference dark horse is either the celtics or wizards and western is the grizzlies

    • +1

      Has to be westbrook if he equals or surpasses the triple double record. Kawhi or Green very good shouts for DPOY but I think the dark horse is Rudy Gobert.

      Westbrook went from $2.50 to $1.80 overnight and is the bookies favourite (still $2.10 with sportsbet though, id post it as a bargain but think it wouldn't fit in with the rules). Harden has a hand problem currently and might struggle to make his "closing argument" in the run home.

      • The only reason why westbrook might not get mvp in team record but i still reckon he deserves

        • He has dropped to $1.50 and harden $2.50 after his efforts in memphis today.

    • Think your crystal ball is broken!

  • +1

    Just logged into my William Hill account and yes both the Cavs and Suns games are currently live. Appears to only be able to view in window and not full screen (but I might just be doing something wrong).

    • Interesting. Apart from the window issue, how's the quality of the feed?

  • I tried to sign up for this epic deal, using Windscribe, and when I go on '' it shows my IP as being in Canada, yet the listed price is not coming up for me when I open the NBA packages page? Just $169.99 for annual and $40.99 per month? Someone please help! :,)

    • Never mind!! I downloaded Opera and used the built in VPN and now it works. Thanks so much OP!

  • Feed quality off William Hill seems fairly average.

  • If i didnt have foxtel would definitely buy. Good post +1.

  • +1

    Downloading Opera seems to be the easiest option. Just signed up and watching the GS vs WSH game.

    Thanks OP great deal

    • Agreed. Opera is the way!

  • Thanks OP. Have been waiting all season for something like this.

  • Anyone know if you can get the NBA TV app working on the new Mii Boxes?

    • Should work fine. Just an android app

  • Hey guys,

    Silly question, but does anyone know if this includes the Finals?? Or will this simply be rest of season + playoffs, and then Conf. Finals and Finals Finals will need to be bought separately?

    • includes it all

  • This still working?

    Tried using Opera VPN set to Canada and it doesn't show this $35CAD option. Shows league pass, game choice and team choice.


  • +1

    I get there are no packages available.

  • +1

    I just had a look and it has gone back up to $109 again!

  • +1

    I think this should be marked as expired :(
    I couldnt get it to work. Its $109CAD

  • Anyone's purchase still working?

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