any thoughts on the best quality / value ergonomic keyboard and where is the best place to buy??
ergonomic keyboard

dr_ rusko on 19/08/2010 - 23:19
As Zelka has already mentioned it is a personal choice, I use the Microsoft ergonomic 4000 keyboard @ home and work. It's a split keyboard, so it takes a little while to get used to but it's fantastic.
It has an optional wrist rest that raises the front of the keyboard so that your hands are neutral rather than bent upwards on a traditional keyboard. Again a little weird at first but very comfortable.
I would recommend Microsoft or Logitech for mice and keyboards.
cheers for the advice - retrospectively i see i was rather vague - i've been in and the microsoft ergo 4000 is the way i think i am going to go….
It really depends what you are into. You say ergonomic, but some people use gaming keyboards for work (my friend for example uses macro keys to make his job easier). Different people like different things. If you were a bit more specific maybe I could help you?
For some generic advice, look at logitech's website they have a great range. Maybe go into a larger Harvey Norman or OfficeWorks store and see what you like? (One of the most important things for me is keystroke tactility, which you can read about, but you won't know you like it until you actually try it out, its a very personal thing).
As for finding the cheapest I would recommend having something more specific in mind and asking again. Otherwise I usually search StaticIce ( and then try to use them to price match with Office Works or Harvey Norman.
Sorry I couldn't help more, but you were too vague.
Kind Regards,
P.S. Also take a look at Microsoft's keyboards, I don't like them personally, but lots of people do, as I said, it is very much a personal choice.