Xiaomi Mi Mix Pro for US$599.99 delivered. Cheapest ever. Use the US$2 store coupon to bring the price further down to US$597.99.
Don't forget the 7% cashrewards.
Xiaomi Mi Mix Pro for US$599.99 delivered. Cheapest ever. Use the US$2 store coupon to bring the price further down to US$597.99.
Don't forget the 7% cashrewards.
TBH, not sure about this one. gsmarena quotes 4400mAh. On Geekbuying it's 4400/4300mAh
4400 is nominal capacity, 4300 is minimum.
Waiting for the s8 before deciding but this is a great price
Good decision because they'll drop another $100 next month.
Think $1300+ for the S8. There are plenty (ALL except top iPhone) under that price, and I'm not seeing anything super exciting on the S8 launch data.
Yeah leaning towards this phone now. I have the S3 frontier which will now be limited but still, extra $600 for the S8 not sure it's worth it
Under $500AUD and I'll pull the trigger.
I think you'll be waiting a while for this to drop another $384 …
wanna run those numbers again champ?
cough $284 cough .. :D
That'll teach me for using OzB at work!
Is it too big for a phone? I have a 5.7 and it fits perfectly atm.
Sure that's subjective but the question is at aimed at guys who put their phones in their pocket.
Do you have any difficulties?
Look at the dimensions, those bezels make the phone heaps smaller than the screen size would indicate.
Yeah dimensions suggests it's hardly much bigger than a Note. Though like the newer phones it could just be all screen.
Fair point guys, cheers
Beside the big ass border less display. Whats so special about this phone?
Great bang for buck. You're getting 6GB of RAM paired with 256GB of storage amongst other things. Plus, it's got a 3.5mm headphone jack. The big battery is also a huge plus.
The specs for the price.
I guess you could ask the same of any phone. This one has better specs than any other phone on the market AFAIK. Xiaomi build quality is decent IME - and I only have one of the cheaper ones.
The big ass screen to fit in a phone size that's of your regular note. Basically a one handed giant phone.
A shame about the camera though. I hope the second edition fixed that, cause I ain't sure as hell paying 1.3k for a new phone now that there's comparable phones at the $650 range (or 350 if you count mi5).
Just flip the screen and voila the camera is on the right side
The issue is the quality of the pictures. It's a pretty poor camera.
Too expensive for a Xiaomi imo. Good specs, but the resolution could be better, and the SoC is last year's. These are the kind of prices I would expect from Samsung, not Xiaomi.
Bezelless display makes it less comfortable to hold the phone. No bezel on side is ok, but save a bit of bezel for the top so you can hold it by the end on both sides.
Your opinion
6gb ram / 256gb storage
Decent SOC
Good price
Still cheaper than an iPhone with specs just as a good
Definitely a top of the line android
I would take this over Samsung anyday
One of the iPhone's specs is that it runs iOS.
Exactly. People need to remember that this is the selling point of Apple.
Except Samsung's and iphones camera isn't shit.
Other than that I might agree.
Your opinion
Of course it is. I labeled it as such.
6gb ram / 256gb storage
It's also $784. If they're charging this much for last year's SoC, what would they charge for SD830/1?
Good price
Not for a Xiaomi. These are Chinese phones that don't even support AU or any english as a first language country as a Region. Any idea on B28?
Still cheaper than an iPhone with specs just as a good
Can't compare Apple branded product with a Chinese brand. The iPhone sells on brand recognition alone. Xiaomi could make a better car than a Lamborghini but can never price it anywhere close to it.
Decent SOC
You can get the SD820 SoC (which is not much different) on a Lenovo Zuk for around $200ish.
Definitely a top of the line android
In 2016, yes. If you don't mind MIUI which I dislike for being too iOS'y. We're about to get next gen SoCs.
I would take this over Samsung anyday
For this price, I wouldn't. I like my OLED screens with much higher resolution, and a top bezel so that holding it while watching a movie isn't so awkward. 1080p is not that high a resolution for something that's 6.4" big.
The camera does leave a lot to be desired for. It is basically the same module as what was in the Galaxy Note 4 from Yesteryear (16 Mpix Samsung ISOCELL). The camera was good for its time but tech's moved past that now..
Look at other 821 phones out there that charge similar in shops right now. Cant compare 820 to 821 cos even though it is older chip the market doesn't look it at that way.
Wrong on language too. Xiaomi put global ROMs out for almost every phone they release, which is in English and has Google play services. Sure they don't have the bands that we do, but does the lenovo zuk z2 and leeco for example?
Resolution or no resolution many phone companies have dropped down from Quad HAD down to 1080p again. Stupid but it's not a biggie
Everything you have just said was extremely biased and opionated, we get it you don't like the phone. So scuttle along and go complain about something else.
Look at other 821 phones out there that charge similar in shops right now.
So you're comparing the "in-shops" local AU warranty price with a grey import prices now? If you're going to do a fair comparison, compare it to models sold on Kogan, ShoppingSquare, DWI, eGlobal, etc. I've seen better phones for cheaper than this.
Cant compare 820 to 821 cos even though it is older chip the market doesn't look it at that way.
Well you also can't compare a 1080p 6.4" screen with a QHD OLED 578 ppi screen either. The market doesn't work that way.
Wrong on language too. Xiaomi put global ROMs out for almost every phone they release
I didn't say language, I said region. There is no such thing as Australia region, or UK, or USA. Since you can't pick an English speaking country as your region, you are saddled with stupid Chinese bloatware apps tailored for that region that you can't get rid of.
Sure they don't have the bands that we do, but does the lenovo zuk z2 and leeco for example?
No it doesn't. But it's 1/3 the price. Are you only comparing apples to oranges when it's in favor of the Xiaomi and not when it's the other way? You compare Xiaomi import prices with Harvey Norman phones, which is apples to oranges. But when it's an apples to apples comparison, e.g. ZUK2 vs Xiaomi with no b28 support, you don't accept that the Zuk2 being 1/3 the price despite having almost the same specs is a legitimate point against the Xiaomi.
Resolution or no resolution many phone companies have dropped down from Quad HAD down to 1080p again. Stupid but it's not a biggie
So basically, if my phone has it, it's good and you should want it too. If my phone doesn't have it, you shouldn't want it anyway because you don't need it. In other words, the Apple mantra.
I'm comparing the prices for what u get. Sure phones like one plus 3T are cheaper but u pay a bit more and u get features bolted on top. Warranty or no warranty is about spec for spec apart from screen and camera.
The screen doesn't compare but that's what happened last year wasn't it. Huawei motorola LG one plus they moved down from quad HD to 1080p. Stupid but it happened and even though it might not happen this year the xiaomi was released last year.
Wow you have never owned a Xiaomi phone. Yes no Australia in the region but I have two of their phones with global ROM. Guess what no Chinese languaged apps at all and a lot of their bloat apps u can actually uninstall. I just choose Singapore as region at setup doesn't make a difference at all
@lostn: nope with band 28 and all of that u are missing the point. Sure 821 isn't leaps and bounds in front of 820 but the market price dictates it so. Check prices of other 821 phones in shops here and on Chinese resellers u will see.
Sure apple mantra does apply. But like I said in my other reply here it's what the market did in 2016. That's just what happened.
Your opinion.
All of the specs you listed only benefit a very select amount of users.
Dumbest comment I've read all day. You are getting a ceramic build which is only limited manufactured to like 20000 a month. Along with the fact that you won't get 6GB 256GB internal storage on any phone that's less than $1000.
Simple fact is it undercuts Samsung by craploads and same with apple. Specs for specs it matches flagships and exceeds them.
Personally, internal of 256GB isn't worth a bragging feature when other phones expand to exceed this with a card.
Well it isn't of course but it is UFS storage which is lot faster than eMMC most phones are bundled with. Just making a point really of the stupidity that manufacturers like to do with it all
This device is one of very few that would be able to properly utilise that much RAM, and how many people actually need that much storage space on a smartphone?
Bigger isn't always better.
The top of the line SoC that was only superseded a week ago (by a SoC which isn't yet in any production phone). More RAM than any other phone. A bigger screen than any other flagship, with a higher resolution than most televisions. A bigger battery than any other flagship phone. A completely bezel-less screen on three sides. Less money than any other flagship phone on the market. Made by one of the largest phone manufacturers in the world. Yeah, they really dropped the ball on this one.
Too much money on the line for an over seas China sale, something goes wrong you'd be sending things back and forth. Anything above 400 is a ripp off for an Android phone.
I'd much rather buy something local to get local warranty.
True, since it's Aliexpress. It's hard to trust after sales support from some dude in China. At least if he had a store and supported Paypal, you'd have some protection. This guy could just vanish.
Anything above 400 is a ripp off for an Android phone.
This part I can't agree with.
I'd much rather buy something local to get local warranty.
You won't be getting it for under $400 that's for sure.
Based on the ebay price here you're basically paying about +$250 for the local warranty / piece of mind.
Arguably you can pull a credit card / paypal dispute if you use aliexpress… but I wouldn't want to deal with disputing one this expensive.
Although I have a Redmi Note 3 and would definitely buy something similar again, I have to agree that this one is just far too overpriced. The whole appeal with the lower end ones is that they're actually a competitive price. This is basically iphone price with a most likely crappy camera, language/rom issues and no warranty. I'd risk $500 for that at best.
Aliexpress does not support Paypal.
Well, credit card still applies. Arguably much better protection than paypal anyway as they don't just flip a coin.
Dont forget the New App User Coupons for I got it down to $715 AUD
Standard reasons as I've always mentioned in deals of this phone for not buying…No B28, no warranty, for $700+ that's no deal.
I am +ing the deal for the price though.
if you think of it, samsubg have a lot to do to redeem themselves and the fact that it's april almost… ave they haven't even released it, that just shows allot… they better have something better than the 821 by half a mile
The enox processor has always been a faster processor. The issue is how heavy the software side of Samsung is.
Good savings on the phone.
Personally if I'm spending anything close to $700 on an "alternate" brand phone, I'd look at the ZUK Edge, OnePlus 3T, or Nubia Z11, all of which have something to offer over this phone at a cheaper price.
But small for a laptop isn't it?
Don't mind the 1080p resolution but I personally wouldn't spend this much money on a phone without an OLED display.
Trust me, when it comes to xiaomi screens, you can hardly tell the difference unless it's side by side. My concern is more about the screens' sturdiness. I'm uninformed about it, though their track record has been fantastic so far.
I dropped mine several times with the leather case it came with and no problems so far. They were relatively big drops too
Oh I'm not worried about the build. I have a rn3p, and I've dropped it countless times.
I'm worried about scratches. The rn3p have decent screen protection, even though it isn't gorilla glass.
Any security issues to speak off? Would love to get my hand on a new phone but I still can't bring myself to trust a Chinese android phone for some reason.
I saw the battery life on the Huawei Mate 9 and that was bloody amazing but still can't bring myself to get one.
Probably too paranoid there mate. Huawei sell here. Companies like BLU have been caught out with their malware but not xiaomi or anyone else so far.
I have two xiaomi phones with no issue. Honestly someone could hack a big website and leak all those details and really no company or device is safe. Just go for it mate.
Yeah probably lol, but I just remember reading that even Lenovo was caught doing something dodgey which just made it a lot worst for me especially when I recently got my spotify and crunchyroll hacked after i start using a mibox… most likely coincidence but still paranoid now lol.
haha, not assuming anything here but i got paranoid myself and changed my passwords to very long ones with some characters in it haha.
but since then i haven't had any issues, its just like dying - if u get hit by a bus one day it happens, can't live in fear of it.
Thanks but no thanks. It only fully supports one network here in Australia: Vodafone. Sure, I'm currently on Vodafone at the moment but I sure as hell don't want to limit myself to that network for as long as I have the phone. I can't stand 3G in Victoria as it'll just sit there for ages pondering what to do, 4G blasts right through. This has the same spotty 4G band coverage as the One plus One at it is nothing but nightmares on every network.
The Xiaomi fanboi presence on this 'deal' is overwhelming.
Na u just run out of logical comebacks brah ;)
I see they removed the age requirement to join OzB.
Lol do your research and you won't look like an old fool shrugs
Isn't the battery capacity 4400mAh?