Can anyone recommend an inexpensive set of desktop computer speakers for sound
Only looking to do low volume streaming music or Youtube
3.5mm or usb connect ok
Will need post as I live remote/regional
$10-$20 cheap and cheerful or a little more if they are very good
Hit me with it
Inexpensive Speakers for Desktop

Good point and I do use spmetimes but also need speakers for the bits and bobs of the desktop or the odd youtube video etc
I bought these for my parents PC who were on a budget…
and I feel that are outstanding good bang for the buck.
between 20 and 30 .. ive seen them as cheap as $19 during ebay 20% off sales
I actually tested them by putting on Spectre and turning up the volume and was blown away at what they offer for the price and that is coming from someone who has a logitech z623 ($150)
Good review and good price - will check them out - Thanks
I was browsing this website and saw these deals. Hope it helps :)…
Inbox me if you need referral code to get $10 bonus to your Catch of the day account after the 1st purchase made. [in case you do not have an account with COTD] :)
Cheap speakers are crap, even $200 computer speakers are. A good option is to go on Gumtree and find a stereo/cd player with Aux input and use that. I got a $500 mini hi fi for $40 that are on par with my KRK's.
Understand your point - but for my use case it is over the top
I have a decent stereo at home for music of course
If you want to listen to music cheaply you need to go for headphones. Cheap speakers are fine for listening to podcasts or whatever, but will sound like complete ass for music. Need to dig deeper in your pocket if you want half-decent speakers for music.