Significant Quota increases on all plans
Naked Home 1 - 20GB/20GB to 50GB/50GB - $59.95
ADSL2+ bundled - 50GB/50GB to 100GB/100GB - $49.95
Significant Quota increases on all plans
Naked Home 1 - 20GB/20GB to 50GB/50GB - $59.95
ADSL2+ bundled - 50GB/50GB to 100GB/100GB - $49.95
Glad i signed up for the 500gb + home phone yesterday from TPG , hopefully i dont regret it !
I think these plans are to go with the new aapt customers base
Can't wait until we finally get Unlimited plans! :P
1TB for $99.95 not unlimited enough?
well AAPT has a adsl2 unlimited for $99
Not for much longer. AAPT's consumer business was bought by iiNet.…
iiNet's GM has said on Whirlpool that when the sale goes through, he will end the unlimited plan.
tpg ADSL2+ Unlimited 24x7~ for $75.00..better price
Great to see prices on more reasonable packages reducing but who seriously can use more than 100Gb/month?
I struggle to use up 20Gb each month!
At some stage don't you have to watch the content you're "acquiring"?
I had similar thoughts until I start watching live streams from starcraft 2 tournaments. And to my surprise a few days ago I hit the limit.
"aquire" your content in 1080p and you will know about it
The Lord of the rings blue ray is about 14GB for the 3 episodes.
@vid_ghost: 14GB over 3 long movies? Peanuts in the HD world now. They must be 720p, and compressed more than usual.
I've got a few uncompressed Bluray rips, and like vid_ghost said, they really are that big.
Bring on LotR extended on Bluray.
And with my 2560x1440 res, I have to, otherwise it looks horrible!
Whenever possible I get 1080, if not then 720 will have to do.
My huge quota is almost gone and I've been playing it conservatively. ;S
20g only gives you 4 or so HD rips. with HD material out, quotas will start to get chewed up real quick.
I'm currently doing around 12-13gb a day..
It's great if you are living with housemates. It avoids the arguments that can arise from someone using up a month's quota in one week because of yummy prawns.
what I love is that they even offer this to ADSL1 customers!
To get the "1TB" (500GB peak/500GB off - off peak between 1am-9am) you have to bundle phone with them. And they count uploads. Decent price, but those caveats are annoying.
Two aspects that stop me considering iiNet.
Can someone tell me, if shaping 256 kbps means the speed of the broadband we get.
If it is so, it is a shame to say its a broadband. speed less than 1mbps is like sittings hours to download movies or watch online.
that is the speed once you download over your limit
Not so great as this change is due to counting upload traffic now!…
This is to follow the other two big ISP's Telstra/Optus.
Not sure why you got downvoted for stating a fact that people might've missed…
As the negative might be viewed as borderline. So what if uploads are counted, especially with 1tb of data.
Nope, counting uploads blows chunks dude; no matter which way you slice it! I personally know at least a dozen people who've generated significant overuse bills by falling into that trap! Not necessarily with such a large quota; but you get complacent, forget to turn off the right app for a while, it's done!
I'd rather have a reduced download quota & keep tighter control over it! Less risk IMHO!!! ;)
@StewBalls: Well it sounds like they are stupid if they actually left an app on to burn through their quota. And would be even more stupid to burn through 1tb with majority of their usage as uploads.
So yeah, for people like that, by all means stick to a low gb download only plan. or, for big boys, get 1tb plan and learn to download properly. Usenet perhaps.
@zhenjie: So you've never forgotten to turn something on or off, ever??? You'll forgive me if I find that scenario highly unlikely! ;)
What a wonderfully myopic view of the world, more power to ya mate! :p
FWIW, as an alternative to some kind of Freudian "size compensation" you could always just use your head and select an ISP/plan that suits your own individual needs! $35 with Exetel gets me 30gb peak/UNLIMITED offpeak (12am-12pm) per month, uploads NOT counted! I did the research on my own usage and this more than suits my purposes, at a rather good price!
But then, at a saving of $768 per annum over something like this; yeah I'll be more than happy to keep playing in the little leagues thanks mister! :p
@StewBalls: Yep, never forgotten to turn off an internet app. I play it smart. Usenet and Rapidshare for downloads, not some amateur P2P torrent app.
The main point is, concerns about uploads is irrelevant when you factor in the 1TERABYTE, 1000 GIGS, of DATA. This is an ADSL plans right, the A standing for asymmetrical. 24000/1000k. 1000k being the theoretical max upload speed. Do the maths, and see if you can actually burn a sizable 'chunk' of data through uploads along. It just won't happen.
So back to your original comment. it wont blow 'chunks' as you say. Even if they upload 100gb, which is unlikely, thats only 10% of a massive quota. You need to think relatively rather then with no comparison. If this was a 100gb plan, then maybe your comment might have some ground (still debatable). But its not. its 1000gb. Just do the maths.
So lets discuss this 1tb plan. no little league plans.
@zhenjie: Yep, never forgotten to turn off an internet app.
Please, if you're gonna urinate on my back, at least don't try to tell me it's raining! That's just laughable! Oh, and Rapidshare, wtf? I wouldn't use that name in the same sentence as the phrase play it smart, ROFLMAO! :)
So lets discuss this 1tb plan. no little league plans.
Personally, I'd rather pay $35 for something I can use say 80-90% of; than $99 for something for which, by your own reasoning, you can use only 10%! Sounds like false economy to me!!!
Ok, I have a philosophical objection to counted uploads, I make no bones about that!
However, as someone mentioned on the 1111gb thread; what happens in a few months when all the ISPs who were offering these ridiculous amounts suddenly find out that everyone paying for it has decided to pull as much of their quota as they can? Of course they'll cut them well back, and by then counted uploads is the norm again thanks to greedy fools who just wanna go big without using commonsense! They are just not sustainable under our current infrastructure, unless I didn't get the memo about the cost of bandwidth supply suddenly dropping by 90% overnight! ;)
@StewBalls: Way to go off topic and actually not discuss the maths behind uploads + high usage plans. Once again, I ask you to substantiate your comment "Nope, counting uploads blows chunks dude; " rather then veering off into pointless discussion. Its very easy to argue when you decide to make your own points with no substance. Screw the 'what if' situations that has no backing to it (both historically and logically). Trust me when I say the guys at iInet/TPG,etc probably know a lot more about data costing then you.
And if you think Rapidshare is LMAO, it kind of shows how new (or ignorant) you are to this whole internet thing. One just needs to goto Whirlpool to educate themselves and see how serious leechers play.
edit: also, going back to your first post. "I personally know at least a dozen people who’ve generated significant overuse bills by falling into that trap", What type of idiot in this day and age goes on a pay as you go Internet plan lol? Seems like the dozen people you know are mom and pops on Teltra plans. Now that's ROFLMAO!
@zhenjie: What you call "what if" is called forethought, looking at this deal objectively, and asking yourself if it is sustainable; I can tell you now with a lot of users all trying to do the same thing it is not. I don't know what you think service provision costs, but unless iinet gets a much better deal than the small ISPs, then you're looking at around 40c/gb to the customer…you do the math! :p
Yeah, Rapidshare…you're hardcore 1337 alright! Yeah, I don't know a great deal about the scene…please, enlighten us poor n00bs? But, if someone on WP said it, it must be gospel, right! What a joke! ;)
I'll tell you what though, if in six months this marketing bubble hasn't burst, put it in your diary to quiz me on it and I'll gladly eat some crow! ;)
Oh, BTW, you'd be surprised how may people are on M&P plans with major ISPs, they're funding the leeches like you, show some respect!
@StewBalls: you should educate your mates to get off those plans. and turn off their apps.
Suddenly you have stopped all references to your original comment about uploads being a big chunk. I wonder why is that. Oh thats right, the maths proved you wrong from the start.
So funny when amateurs think they know the industry better then those actually in it. lol
@zhenjie: You should learn to think a little more laterally, and a lot less egocentrically. People choose their own plans, like you, they cannot always be made to see reason!
If you weren't so busy telling us all how great your math skills are…not that you've offered any conclusive proof, …you'd be using them; the average ADSL2+ connection is easily capable of blowing a tb in a month downstream, now as I said early on, if you get close to that & you're not watching your uploads as well, AND THEY'RE COUNTED; it can push you over the edge…jeez, what planet are you living on to not grasp that? you've provided no calculations, just thrown a few figures in the air and declared they landed in your favour; completely disregarding commonsense!
So, how much do you think provision of an ADSL2+ service costs the ISP per gb? I'm apparently an amateur and even I know what it costs my ISP, how's about you, o great god of the internet, tell us what you believe it costs??? THAT'S HOW YOU FIGURE OUT IF IT'S VIABLE LONG TERM OR NOT!
I love the way you're accusing me of skating around the issues, but you've just pointed your finger at some arbitrary figures & given some fairly specious calculations & declared that gospel!
@StewBalls: I have to agree that counting uploads is a big turn-off for me. I am a member of many private p2p sites and I seed 24/7 to be a good member (keeping old torrents alive) and maintain a good ratio. I always try to seed back more than I leech and counting uploads would such big time. On this 1TB plan I'd prob only be able to download 200G-250G under my current usage regime
@donny1916: Let's say that you upload at a maximum speed of 1mbit, I'm going to just assume 100kb/s for the sake of simplicity. Now let's say you upload at maximum speed for 24 hours a day for 30 days. That comes to around 250 gigabytes in upload over 30 days, leaving 750 gigabytes for downloads, far more than what you mentioned.
I'd say then that you can't even maintain a 1:1 ratio on p2p using an ADSL2 connection alone.
@CynC: u bring up a good point mate.. but then u gotta worry about when to download and when to upload.. etc etc.. unlimited piece of mind is worthless
@StewBalls: yawns. Come back to the table when you stick to the topic and actually have some substance behind this 'chunk' theory of yours. funny amateurs who think they know it all. Come back when you are actually have experience in the industry and can actually have some solid costings about cost per gb. Big ISP don't just create these plans with no thought into them. thanks for the laughs stewy :) arguing with someone who has 'dozens' of friends on mom and pop plants. haha pah-lease.
For Naked DSL, it has been counting upload since day 1. So not really a change for these customers.
I'm just curious what are the typical legal services which consume upload a lot?
Well considering a lot of commercial places are starting to adopt P2P-style delivery systems, I'd say that upload ratios will only continue to increase.
And, if we do really get 100MB internet connections with the broadband rollout, but still have massive international bottlenecks, the problem will only get bigger.
Also: I <3 the person who is just randomly trolling this deal -ve any post they don't like..
well ISP can always have a local travel allowance and then a international? I know there is one ISP that still does that Amnet.
"a lot of commercial places"
Can you please give a few well-known examples?
So far, YouTube, iTunes, XBox Live, Microsoft (MSDN & Technet Plus subscription), Linux distros, Steam are all available without P2P. I can't see why counting upload would be an issue when quota for most plans is going to be doubled.
Yep, thus why Netlimiter is a beautiful program for such delivery methods.
Quality ISP, TPG prices! Just hope they can keep the network running as it does now.
!!! Win. So… is westnet getting updated too? We are with them currently…
Sick (: though looking at the pricing… I /think/ it means our plan is going from 20/20 to 25/25… LAME.
what about the shaping speed before?
"iiNet launches the age of the Leecher" :)
hope their networks dont take a hit when the 1TB folks decide to host the bitorrent network.
I think that is why they count uploads as well to stop some p2p users. I think some will still got to TPG for that.
I'm currently on the Naked DSL 3 plan, supposedly 35GB + 35GB @ $70 or thereabouts.
What does this mean?
Naked Home‐3
$ 119.95
1am ‐ 9am
256k / 256k
I really don't intend to pay more for quota I don't need?
contact iinet that is your best way.
No. You won't pay more but your so-called 'Naked Home 3' plan would be 'grandfathered'.
You will be able to downgrade to the 'new Naked Home 1' which is 50GB + 50GB @ $59.95.
I ?think? you are about to receive 300gb for free:
"Existing Naked DSL customers will automatically receive the higher quota at no extra cost."
If this is correct, my house is going to get 10 times the quota for the same price!!
If it's only until the end of our contract.. then I have 23.5 months left.. sweet!
No. According to…
What happens to existing customers? Will they be moved automatically to a new plan?
For Naked customers, where there’s a similar or better plan at a matching price, we’ll automatically move you to a higher-quota plan at no extra cost.
Apparently, $119.95 is way higher than $69.95 (which amelyn is currently paying).
Cheers.. your link helped me and my iinet support person.. lol.
so.. I'm moving from 20gb to 50gb peak/offpeak for free and automatically.
sweet! (this is because I'm naked home 2)
if anyone is interested…
they sent me an email informing me that my plan had been grandfathered… pay the same amount, i.e. $69.95, but get 75GB/75GB instead of 50GB/50GB.
I called them and asked if I could downgrade my plan to the Naked Home DSL 1 plan @ $59.95 instead and they said yes… no downgrade fee charged.
I'm on Naked Home 6, and it should cost more than Home 1, 2 and 3, right?
How come it's not listed? =S
Don't tell me I'm stuck on 85/85 despite having to pay more…!
Don't look at the plan number (i.e. 6 in your case), look at the price. Current Naked Home 6 ($119.95) will be 'upgraded' to new Naked Home 3 (also $119.95) automatically.
I'm on Naked Home 3($69), what will happen?
According to some dude below,…
You can change to whichever one you want.
This really makes Internode look poor value. Good plans considering the service/speeds.
IMO I think they are realising that TPG is a bigger competitor then they used to be.
I love TPG but I still recommend iinet to mums and dads.
They seem to change it monthly! I am on Naked 5 and it was upped to 140gb from 120gb last month.
What experience do people have with iinet support? I have always recommended them but last time I was on the phone for 54 minutes with some women who didnt sound like she had used a computer before!
I only ever had to rang up twice from memory in the last 6 years I have been with them. First time to sign up and 2nd time to get some help on ADSL2 and Voip Setup (I was switching from Teltra cable)
Both times they were very helpful, even received a followed up call.
Other than that their service has been rock stable (or that I have been extremely lucky) and hence never needed to called them
This is unreal!
I'm going to jump up from 40GB to 200GB without paying any money!
iiNet FTW :D
1TB for $99.95 bundled with phone? Nice! I'm on TPG $75 unlimited with no bundling requirement though :P
Still, I do understand that iiNet may be easier to sign up with and use for 'mum and dad' users.
and no $350 cancellation fee!
Remember, "A small downgrade fee of $29 will apply when a customer switches to a broadband
plan of equal or lesser value." So for those of you claiming you'll increase without paying anything, think again (unless you're naked).
But for $10 more I get 320GB more, I'm quite content. Pity there's nothing for reach yet.
But according to…, it says that if you're on a grandfathered plan (i.e. no longer sold), you can change to a new plan for free.
So my guess is that if you wait until after the plans are introduced, you won't have to pay.
thanks for the link! Will do that this weekend when the bill cycle rolls over again.
The deals are good, they offer good service and realibility.
I just wish they would get rid of the PR spins/bullshit.
"Why are we now including ‘uploads’ in customer quota?
Counting uploads means that we’re able to offer customers much more quota
Clearly, they are reducing your quota in order to give you much more quota.
Thats a lot of pr0n!
Shit. Don't want to upgrade and can't downgrade
Yeah! I've been waiting for this upgrade since I've been hitting my limits months after months!
Yeah, it's definitely an awesome upgrade … Can't believe I'm getting 1 TB of data :D
"Naked Home 1 - 20GB/20GB to 50GB/50GB - $59.95"
Shouldn't this say Naked Home 2 and not 1? Naked Home 1 is currently 5GB/5GB
I'm calling it by its new name.
It doesn't appear the 'cheaper grandfathered' Naked Home 1 will be offered anymore?
change the price in the title as its 99.95 + phone 1 or 2 so add the phone 1 price in so that its the honest plan price Was all excited until I saw that
If you are on a plan that currently doesnt include uploads. You will remain on your plan until you change manually.
No one is forcing you to get double quota in return for uploads being counted.
If you are not happy with 1Tb of data in todays time you will never be happy. People on Optus and Tel$tra have almost always paid for both streams of data. There are many other people who do not even have the luxury of Broadband. Plus if you just download and do nothing else you will need a new HDD pracically every month.
Please explain how uploads will in any way affect a 1tb plan. Do you even know how much you can download at 1024kpps upload?
Duh, if you download your 1tb, and upload 1gb, you will be over your quota by, drumroll please, exactly 1gb! Simple enough explanation for you? :p
Now how many apples do you have left little Johnny? ;)
Yeah, you're right…maths is fun! :D
lol. why are some people complaining about uploads. just be thankful that you ISP is updating your service, im with netspace, you can have my 40GB's uploads not included, and ill have ur 1TB uploads included. far out.
many valid reasons for it
1) p2p sharing
2) video uploading
3) large file transfers for work/business purposes
i for one cannot consider any plan with uploads counted for all of the above 3 reasons
all three are very valid reasons.
if anything i'd much rather less download and more UPLOAD! if this is going to be the way for most large isps. I know uplaod impact the networks but I'd like a little more freedom!
Iprimus come out with one around the same
LMAO at the people whinging about the uploads. Seriously stfu and take your pirating to another ISP.
Two words, online gaming! Any other pearls of wisdom mate? ;)
How on earth would you exceed the quota with online gaming? That's crazy talk!
Do you only use your net connection for one thing? Of course not!
Think about it this way, it's rarely a single thing that tips any balance; it's more often than not an accumulation of discrete entities! ;)
Or switch to newsgroups. Damn fools
There are numerous methods of downloading whatever your poison is, without incurring significant upstream traffic; to infer that every person voicing this concern is using a p2p client is extremely short sighted! ;)
is iinet good for gaming? i'm with tpg adsl2+ and it's shithouse atm!
they're great. way better than TPG for gaming
TPG etc etc