Hi all, I recently (2 nights ago) was made effectively homeless, now this does not mean I fall into the general outlines of being someone homeless, especially being that I do have money.. but alot of the variables are still there. I have a lengthy (and boring) thread about it here -> https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/299119#comment-4558084 (essentially just a violent event that means I have to find temp accommodation until I can get my cards back in order.
To urge from my habit of walls of text, I will get down and to the point.
What is in general, the best place (a happy medium) to buy a tent/sleeping bag and maybe other small camping goods? Kathmandu seems to be expensive but very good quality and bcf seems to be very cheap but.. I'm guessing much less quality? (Only from a pricing point).
The ideal goods will be somewhat easy to pack and unpack when needed (I have had an 8 person tent before that required like 3 hours to just set up) and I'll be using the tent/sleeping bag in either a location I'm allowed to, next to my car.. or in an actual caravan park.
I have mainly posted here for just advice; as I know I cannot be waiting around for a bargain.
Please note that I am completely ignorant to the camping and outdoors world.
Why camp when you can sleep in the back seat of your car? It's more safe there.