This was posted 7 years 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4/XB1 Ghost Recon Wildlands $52, Dishonored 2 $25, LEGO Dimensions Starter Packs from $34 @ Target 30/3


Some Decent gaming deals at Target from this Thursday:

PS4 Pro with 3 games (Ghost Recon, COD and Watch Dogs 2) - $559
PS4/XB1 Lego Star War The Force Awakens - $20 each (PS3/X360 - $15 each)
PS4/XB1 Ghost Recon Wildlands - $52 each
PS4/XB1 For Honor - $55 each
PS4/XB1 Dishonored 2 - $25 each (good for those who missed out at Harvey Norman recently)
PS3/X360/Wii U Lego DImensions Starter Packs - $34 each (PS4/XB1 - $49 each)

Upcoming releases:

Persona 5 Steelbook Edition -$79
Yooka Laylee - $45
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 - $55
Stardew Valley Collectors Edition - $45
Lego City Undercover - $69

Finally, Playstation VR and Neon Switch consoles back in stock (will need to get in quick though!)

PS - yup the XB1 bundle is rubbish compared to the deals out there at the moment

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Wow Kingdom hearts $55 on release day…. Why so dirt cheap lol

    • +8

      It's not a full priced game - $69.95 rrp.

    • +7

      It's a remake

      • +6

        remake of a remake ;)

        • +1

          @BNN: I agree with the idea in theory, but in execution, indie devs have a lot less money and can only produce so many discs. While I'd love more store shelves dedicated to stuff like Fast Racing Neo and Steamworld Dig, at the end of the day, those guys only have so much money, and like I found when I was after some business cards yeeears back, it's cheaper to make stuff in bulk. A million discs and covers may only cost X amount, while a limited run of a hundred thousand or so many cost almost as much, which then means they have to pass the cost onto consumers and then consumers just buy the digital versions anyways. SquareEnix and all the others can easily throw down a bunch of money on remaster discs and shit, and then sell the games at a lower cost than the average indie dev could, and then their re-releases sell. I love Fast Racing Neo, but I'd pay 20 odd bucks for it digital at any given time, than 50 bucks RRP for the disc, as much as I want the disc.

          I'm all for re-releases too though, just not with an inflated price tag the likes of Lego Harry Potter. Gravity Rush was a good example I think. They took a really good Vita game with a few years on it that a lot of people missed out on on account of not being one of the twelve people who bought a Vita, upped the graphics enough that you notice but not so much that it feels different, threw in all the DLC (which admittedly would not be worth anything on it's own), put it on a nice shiny disc, and charged 30 bucks for it. That shit I can get down with, and is why I have both versions of it. If they came out asking 70 odd like Harry Potter, I'd tell them to stuff it and stick with the Vita version.

        • -1

          @TheDukeOfNukem: A good point. Yeah, i see why indies do it in such small numbers, its a shame as some really deserve that wider audience sometimes… Occasionally they find that middle-ware publisher that publishes it, which is cool.

          I see retail re-releases of handheld on home system slightly different and i would agree with that a bit more. To me, its a slightly different scenario. Gravity Rush is alright, 2 seems to be better but i appreciate the type of gameplay. I dunno, even if the console one did cost a bit more, i would kind of understand as i dont know all the ins and outs of dev. cost. It can be complicated…

          Generally given that its going to an entirely different market, i would give Gravity Rush a pass. I would only be against visual bumps in that scenario if it took alot of time and investment. Spending a ton of time or money trying to make it 4k, or whatever the new res is, too me that would seem unnecessary, especially given the art style speaks for itself.

          Nintendo Wii U saw alot of stealth releases of handheld games (with touch controls optimized for Wii u) on the eshop you couldnt experience on home systems previously. Same visuals for the most part, which didn't really bug me in such cases.

          I probably wouldnt buy though if i had the handheld or home version already.

    • -1

      By the looks of the cover, it's Kingdom Heats II.8 not 1.5+2.5

      • Both II.8 and 1.5 + 2.5 are there

        • from memory there are 4 titles in the package.

  • Looking at that catalog, I wonder how well this new series of Skylanders is doing? Was talking to a target staff member and she was saying they really don't like stocking those toys to life games now due to so much left over stock they have to put at clearance prices. Seems like they stock as little as they can of the current series.

    • To be honest, Imaginators did way better than the last game in the series. Due to this, we haven't been able to keep up with the demand on figures as the supplier didn't produce as many as previous years.

      The discounted figures are from Last years SuperChargers game which did poorly

      • Good news for at least one of the TTL franchises then! Was worried it would get the axe as well.

        • It still may get the axe, Activision has said that there wont be a new Skylanders game this year.

      • Do you think the order quantities have been much less though? I noticed lower stocked amounts at EB and Big W too.

        • +1

          Well order quantities are dictated by how much the supplier is producing. If they are only making a portion of the quantities from previous years then there isn't much that the retailers can do to get extra stock

        • +1

          @boratsagdiyev: surely target would look at last years sales and think, crap we still have about 1000 units of that nitro series helicopter, theres no way we are ordering that much this year even if the supplier has plenty of stock

      • Ironic. Probably got a little boost being a Nintendo Switch launch game maybe + selling on the other three. I dunno.

  • Ignore my post, I answered my own question :)

    • +2

      It an aftermarket/third party accessories. The "Powerwave" logo can been seen on the package.


      • +1

        Hahah. Thanks for your reply mate.

  • -1

    Neon Switch

    Neon or Nintendo?

    • +6

      Neon colour?

  • +1

    Love some of these prices!

  • +3

    Yooka-Laylee is made by ex-Rare devs & the main villain is a bee based on Donald Trump. That's worth $45 alone.

    • +1

      Yooka Laylee is a must buy.

    • -8

      I know old school video game fans want this to be good, i think it could be. A game called Freeze Me with a similar scenario released last year for about 15-20.

      I suspect alot will turn up their nose, as for many years individuals claimed these games were not worthwhile for the modern era.

      To be honest the early 3d Rare, Banjo, Donkey Kong and Mario era hold up well.

      I wonder if it was an exclusive would we see the same level of chatter online or buzz….

      With that said, the controversy surronding Playtonic (Rare) and their former history with Microsoft, the kickstarter handling/cancellations and the Jon Tron edrama thing, have put them in some controversy with internet types. I know they threw in some jabs at Microsoft, even though MST stated they wanted to make those games, which i think were good….
      I doubt it will have a huge effect on retail, but given their history and burning their platformer fanbase, i wonder if that will dent things a little? Probably not, but without big advertising the reliance on internet coverage backfiring is a possibility.

    • PS4 & XBONE versions set to release on 11/4, what about the WiiU version?

      • +1

        The Wii U version was cancelled in December.

        • No kidding. Not even an eShop release?

        • @durd0008: Well that's sad, understandble - but unfortunate.

          Devs need to clothe and feed their families at the end of the day, so why would they release it on a discontinued console?

          Oh well. PS4 version it is.

        • @Orpheon: Thats just a PR fake news story. They cancelled the Wii U version because they thought they'd sell more on the Switch, very dishonest. Would have been better to sell on both. Alot of their fans/Rare fans werent happy about it as that was the platform most had chosen. Was supposed to be the lead development platform too, so to speak….

          On top of that they apparently might still have to wait before they actually release the switch one.

          They involved themselves in controversy by removing the youtuber JonTron from the game over politics. A long time promoter of the games apparently. They've put themselves in alot of controversy with the game, with jabs towards Microsoft within it, which apparently arent entirely truthful.

          Im leaning more towards Snake Pass, looks a bit more creative but i might get YL a bit later on.

        • @BNN: Playtonic weren't the only ones to drop JonTron. 'Politics' is putting it lightly - the dude had some honest revelations about his deep-seeded xenophobia and doubled-down when confronted with his own lineage.

        • +1


          I don't know the entire context of what was said, so i can't entirely comment on what he said…

          Apparently one of the villains is based on "Trump". Hmmm, seems both of them want to focus on different areas of the political spectrum.

          Sometimes its better to be light with politics and not taking things to serious, these things backfire. Video games with politics always seem to polarize, minus Saints Row4 which took things lightly.

  • +1

    Finally picking up Lego Force Awakens!

  • Will this be in-store only or also online?

  • Great, litteraly just came back from Target now having paid $79 for Ghost Recon and I see this post…Argh!!!

    • +1

      Return it

    • +5

      Return it and rebuy next week?
      Or pop the seal, play it now, buy another copy next week and return that using this week's reciept.
      Or you know, 28 Degrees..

      • I don't know. What's 28 degrees?

        • +3

          If you go to return your purchase when the temperature is at 28°, you'll receive a free slurpee.

        • If you purchase with certain credit cards (like 28 degrees mastercard) the card provider sometimes lets you claim a refund of the price difference if it goes on sales shortly after you buy it.

        • +1

          @ItsMeAgro: Oh, that's pretty sweet. Thanks for clarifying.

  • Missed out on the $489 PS4 Pro deal, any chance we're going to get a sale like that again anytime soon or am I better off just buying that package deal and selling off those games? Only interested in playing Persona 5 and maybe Horizon.

    • -1

      You could get $60 for Ghost Recon, $30 for Watch Dogs 2 and $40 for Infinite Warfare on Ebay, at least.

      That's what I'm thinking about doing.

      Edit: Though, if all you're interested in are those games, you probably don't need a Pro in the first place?

      • I'm pretty much only a PC gamer these days, I want all the framerate I can get :P

        • then you'll hit 60fps in 1080p on most games.. 4K resolution varies, but generally 30fps

  • Interesting that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has no price on it (guess it's a month away) but that it still advertises it.

    OP any info on the price of it? Thinking of getting it again on Switch, after the Wii U. Target had a great deal when it came out on the Wii U back in 2014 - $64 + free digital Wii U game.

    • I wouldnt to be honest, outside of the dlc, new battle modes/battle tracks, double items, there doesnt seem to be much difference from the Original.
      Not sure how much effect hd rumble has within the actual gameplay, but i heard (and i could be wrong) that its less involved then 1 2 Switch…

      I'd just stick with the Wii U one for now. Unless you really want a version on the go.

    • Given its RRP is $79.95, they'll probably sell it for $69.

      • +1

        Thanks yeah I agree it's not worth it to buy again but the mobility is quite good, finally having an HD Mario Kart 8 on the go (best Mario Kart yet once the Battle Mode gets properly implemented). Also my Switch is dying for some first party games outside of Zelda…

        Would be good if HD rumble gets utilised well, maybe explains why it's taking so long to release.

        $69 would be an okay price, hope it goes for $59 (unlikely).

  • +1

    is Neon Switch new stock (which fix the unlikely joycon issue)?

    • +1

      it's literally a piece of foam insert

      • That's what they used for returns. Apparently new Joycons don't have the issue, and can be identified by different product code inside.

    • -5

      Joy con "issue" is a rare occurrence that clickbait edrama and nerd bloggers overblew to get more clicks and paint the system badly. A bunch of them were placing it towards the back of cabinets, behind things, while holding remotes behind their backs and covering the sensors. Nintendo systems have had sensor bars last few systems, its known they operate that way with motion stuff.

      With that said, yeah some did have legit issues, they can apparently identify it earlier with newer units.

      • +3

        Fun fact, you have no idea what you're talking about. The issue had nothing to do with sensor bars. It's a wireless issue, not IR.

        No modern wireless technology should drop out because of the controller is behind your back. The Xbox controller can work from other rooms.

        Nintendo have made terrible hardware (yet again) with an excellent game (the only thing moving the systems).

        • -4

          Wrong, calm down and stop being so offended and defensive over video games kid. Sheesh. I didn't say it had a sensor bar directly bruh or that was entirely the crutch of it. It does have aspects of it. Settle down… Ill post what i previously posted, either read or quit crying:

          Pay attention: I said the systems had worked with that kind of tech in the past and this was similar, and there were "bloggers" and youtubers trying to play up the issue by covering all sensors areas, knocking over kickstands, throwing the machine into docks, and putting the controller god knows where to make it out to be a fail, fake news type of stuff…

          If you really think bloggers going out of there way to replicate things they're not finding, putting it in there body or blocking everything isn't a little calculated and shady, i dunno what to tell ya. I've used the joy cons from other rooms and i've had multiple other devices that deal with interference due to heavy wiring in the house. Nada. The nature of modern households and tech come into play here. Depends on where you live too sometimes. You know, just like Wifi/internet.

          Modern technologies, especially one with as much advanced tech within it (nfc reader, advanced motion and HD rumble as well as detachable parts) is going to have a few kinks to set up and begin using here and there. Just like the Wii U. People know Nintendo has worked with sensor, streaming images and motion stuff before, only its built into the system now, better that then a bar that falls behind your tv like the last two wii systems. I know what im talking about. LOL. People have moved the systems to the front of cabinets or onto, and suprise, the connection issues have vanished, go figure right? …. I talked with folks to confirm. Point was it was exaggerated in numerous cases relating to different issues and was found to be a small number.

          I've had way worse issues with my multiple Xboxs and my occasional Playstations thanks.

          Never mind Xb1 controllers with dead zones and 4 hour dualshocks without screens and lights for vr that nobody has purchased compared to the install base right?… Lol.

          I previously stated that part of the systems build screen wasnt as solid as the wii u one. I just dont play up fake news and others have pointed out it was strange.

          Their hardware is solid and they historically have had systems work for longer with far less failure rates/issues compared to other systems. Even Xbox gamers like myself know that! Not sure what your talking about outside of toxic core gamer internet talk.

          And i said some people are having legit issues, jc one is exaggerated a bit clearly, the right joycon losing battery life quick is a more legit issue. The build quality of the system is still impressive overall with some unfortunate launch kinks. The Wi fi issue is resolved if you connect close to the router the first time.

          Only an angry gamer toxic internet gamer fanboy obsessed with specs would make the claim their hardware is "terrible". Im not saying thats you, but thats definitely where that toxic stereotypical attitude comes from. Especially when they add new ways to play, cutting edge controllers that the other companies "borrow" elements from, along with other ideas relating to games. Most controllers are cobbled together from Nintendo's stuff lol. Power doesnt dictate how good a system is. My ps1 wasnt good because of power, it was good because of games.

          You had all those specs and the highlight of the ps4 first 3 years were indies. With all that hardware, Mass Effect sure had great facial expressions right now huh?

          There are people buying the system for 1 2 Switch, thanks to positive playthroughs, demos and other games there (Fast Racing RMX, Blaster Master, Snipperclips, Bomberman which is selling out), with other games coming down the line. Fast RMX, Snipperclips also helped with interest. Retailers have stated it has a high attach rate, even if Zelda is a nice kickstart.

  • +1

    Already platinum's Star Wars Lego on Vita but for 20 I might grab the better PS4 version as well. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Looking forward to Persona 5! Wait and see if Big W does a cheaper launch price, don't care too much for steel books

    • +1

      I'm gutted I couldn't get the take you heart edition, but I'm glad target is getting the steel book, saves 20 bucks compared to eb/jb. might drop it on the dlc as they include the music from other games. there are usually only 2 different songs for general battles (not boss/dungeons) in persona, so the addition of others can stop it getting stale.

  • $25 for dishonoured 2 is an absolute steal!

    • +1

      If you're lucky and find an early release copy, you'll also be getting a download code for Dishonored 1's re-release. That's a bargain and a half right there.

      • Get the Goty edition once all the DLC comes out…

  • -1

    This post was helpful, thanks for the bargain listings.

  • +2

    not even going to bother with a price match on persona 5. Target opens at 7am, JB at 9am. The wait for this game has been excruciating, the earlier I can have it the better

    • +1

      Would do the same but I'm still waiting on Amazon regarding my collector's edition, it was like 80USD too.

      • Preordered collector's edition on amazon too. ^_^ Eb games pricing was so ridiculous. $180 aud vs. 80USD.

        • Dude!


          Yessss free of charge + express shipping!

          Dude~ tracking says it's been shipped for 4 days too and is at custom clearance, we'll get it by tomorrow or day after, 1 week early release, I'm so psyched!

        • @Zeral: Lucky! My tracking says it hasn't been shipped yet and that it'll arrive like a week after release but damn free of charge (cry) what lucky dudes.

  • +2

    Upvote for good Kingdom Hearts release price.

  • For that price I think I might nab Ghost Recon. I was on the fence during beta but it's reasonable at that cost - though I'll see how I'm feeling with ME:A by then. Still can't put that down.

  • If anyone is after Playstation VR there was like 8 of them at Target Caroline Springs.

  • Holy crap was about to drop $70 on the PS3 lego dimensions, my daughter will be stoked with this thanks!

  • +1

    Sorry to be a noob, but is the PS4 Lego Dimensions starter pack the one that usually costs around $150?

    • +2

      yup - well it launched at that price and has steadily come down in price since

  • woo. persona. thanks borat!

  • -6

    "PS - yup the XB1 bundle is rubbish compared to the deals out there at the moment"

    XB1 isnt rubbish! Most of ppls jumps on the band wagon thinkn thats the way to go but i can tell u now.. most if not ALL ppl i know who owns a ps4 are just collecting dust.. coz xb is the underdog in sales their support and fan feedback are takn seriously unlike ps where they just take ur cash n say toobad eg psVR a great piece of expensive demo…lol

    • +3

      OP wasn't referring to the Xbox One as a brand.

      OP was referring to the other Xbox One bundle out there, where the console + mass effect + Forza could be had for about $300 at Big W and JB…

      …compared to Target's console + mass effect + Forza + movie for $369

      • +1

        this :-)

  • Pleasantly surprised that Target is selling Persona 5, was worried all the local copies would be at ridiculous prices. I noticed that JB has quietly dropped their pre-order/launch price from $99 to $79.

    Wonder if Big W will join the fight…

    • $99 for a game on release date is way expensive….

      After reading on the FFXV discount (eventhough it was a price error) a lot of people grabbed before it was taken down. Dropped to $19 from like $79.

      • Yeah, $99 is absurd. I even refuse to pay $89, I think that's too much.

    • Not in their catalogue this week so not too sure…

      • Yeah, Big W and Target are usually pretty tight-lipped until very close to release dates (whereas JB and EB throw up a pre-order page on their website as soon as a logo exists for an upcoming game).

  • Stardew Valley is a fantastic game, highly recommend for hours and hours of pleasant fun.

    • -1

      Just a clone game of Harvest Moon series that they slightly reskinned for the pc audience, now they're throwing it to consoles. Think the original and rune factory are better games to be honest.

  • Was wondering if you can order Persona 5 online Steelbook $79 and get it picked up in Sydney

    • You won't be able to pre-order from Target, but you should be able to do click & collect online on the day of release (next Tuesday) and choose whichever store is most convenient. I don't know how long that process takes though, not sure if it can be collected same day.

      • Let see if you can't click and collect that would be crappy

        • If you're worried, you could always pre-order at a local JB. It's the same price there ($79).

  • Is the ps4 pro bundle able to be put on layby?

  • dishonored 2 is yummy like a banana pancake.

    • +2

      I think you should try a Nintendo Switch cartridge next.


      • haha yeh i read that, random, but it must be a thing. i certainly didnt try and eat my games as a kid? must be this new wacked out generation

        • It's because the Switch cartridges are only ~3.5cm X 3.5cm. I doubt many toddlers could've swallowed Super Nintendo cartridges back in the 90s.

        • @asubtleviolence:

          The old cartridges tastes a lot better

  • -1

    wanted to get PS4 but not sure if i have time to play

  • +1

    With the Lego Dimensions Starter Pack, does the supergirl character come in the PS4 box or as an extra item they give you when you buy it ?

    • I think i remember seeing previously boxes with the Supergirl figure packed in, so I think that's the case.

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