Looking for bottles to store extract


My first year making extract and I've already started with 3 around 500ml each and will make 4 more around 300ml each

having problems locating bottles to store my extract and for gifts..

Liked this one


but Australia doesn't import & overseas don't post to Australia, and for gifts

Like this one http://www.kilnerjar.co.uk/index.php/kilner-range/clip-top-b… but need it at half size 125ml

Bottles aren't cheap and neither is the extract to make. As I'm getting what ever i can organic… Vodka is standard as was vanilla. Organic Vanilla is $5 per pod. I pay almost $6 for 2 and think it's expensive ..

Suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.


  • The title should say 'extract'.

    • No I'm looking for bottles.. why should I call it extract?

      • Your title originally said …

        Looking for bottles to store extact

        … but a few minutes after my comment, Moderator hamza23 kindly amended that for you.

  • +1

    I hear brown glass containers/jars keep "vanilla extract" fresh from UV damage. Then store in a cool place also to increase shelf life. $6 for 2 "pods" sounds reasonable.

    • I know, but getting a bottle with a good stopper is a problem…

      So settling for a plain glass bottle with good seal.. paper bag like you use for mushies and in the cabinet …

      Considering that there is a shortage of Vanilla it's reasonable but still expensive .. looked at one of the bloggers and she said it cost 95c per pod .. ran to the store and it's $5 per pod

  • wth is extract?

    • distillation

    • Vanilla extract = vanilla pods + vodka in a jar… leave it for 3 -6 months and your have your vanilla extract.

      When it starts running low you add extra vodka and extra vanilla pods… easy and cheaper then purchasing one.. the one at coles has 'goodies' like inverted syrup added and they call it 'REAL"

  • +1


  • +1

    I don't recommend cork bottles, I made home made spirits and put them in wild turkey bottles, the corks snapped off inside the bottle and made quite the mess … better with rubber seals, screw top or get a bottle capper from a home brew store and some old beer bottles …

    where to find bottles:
    rubber seal - imported grolsch often has the lever action bottles
    screw top - wouldn't have a clue
    old bottles - recycling centres will sell you long necks for 10c per bottle (750ml or 375ml) if you're in SA

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