Do You Thank The Bus Driver?


I take the public transport quite often now and always thank the bus driver before leaving, but the question is, do YOU thank the bus driver? It will be nice to hear your insights and opinions on the matter.

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  • 600
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  • 43
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  • everytime

  • Because we're so friendly here in Aus, I used to greet bus drivers in London during a trip there and they gave me strange looks of surprise. I guess Poms are not used to our easy going nature.

  • One time when there were bus replacements for my train, we had this young bus driver and as he got off on the last stop i thanked him and commented on his smooth bus driving skills, he smiled and farewelled me, i just wanted to let the young fella to know he is a good driver even with a pack of maniacs on the bus

  • Every single time.

    Even if sitting at the back, I'll try and walk all the way to the front door just so I can say thanks.
    If its too busy and people blocking the way, definitely a hand wave in direction of mirror.

  • I never say thank you, I say "Thank's mate".

  • Dont really use public transport. But I most likely do when I exit the door adjacent the driver not so much at the other exit

  • I normally say hello when I get on. Where i get off it's too busy. But I've noticed some routes where the drivers are much friendlier and say hello and others where they don't even look at you as you get on

  • 9 out of 10 times I do.

  • I've always never had to really catch the bus as I have train station nearby or I could simply drive out (or be driven out). I was never taught to thank the driver so I didn't when I was a teenager at those odd times when I had to catch the bus. However, after I've caught the bus a bit more often, I was noticing that it was part of the culture so I do every time now.

  • I found that it depends on the area whether people do it or not. People are friendlier in the SE than in Footscray, where it's not that clean and seems like a different world.

  • I always say hello or Thankyou when I board the bus and Thanks when I get of. I ride buses every day and alot know me by sight.

  • Rarely because I never commute and whenever I do, I just concentrate on my destination and route.

  • If I leave by the front door, the last thing I do is say "Thankyou Driver", and the smile I receive for recognising a real life human drove me home always makes it worth it.

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