MSY has reduced the price of the Western Digital GreenPower 1TB SATA HDD from $329 to $289. Bare drive only in an anti-static bag; no cables included.
Best staticICE price for a 1TB HDD (of any brand) appears to be $319.
WD GreenPower reviews:
MSY has reduced the price of the Western Digital GreenPower 1TB SATA HDD from $329 to $289. Bare drive only in an anti-static bag; no cables included.
Best staticICE price for a 1TB HDD (of any brand) appears to be $319.
WD GreenPower reviews:
Damn might have to upgrade the old 320gb's…
anyone bought one yet?
Yep :)
personally i'd say that buying anything over 500gb is a bad idea! The reason is the more stuff u have stored on a single drive the bigger the loss when the drive fails.
Smart way is to buy multiple smaller drives and keep copies of important info on multiple hard drives.
Or buy 4 of those and make them into RAID1+0 :)
Seriously, for my personal storage at home I am always going for at least RAID1. By the time drive starts clicking it is often too late.
Given that you can't buy from MSY online, or have to order thru QLD and this is a real hassle. then this deal while cheaper is not available for those who cant get to a MSY outlet. I think in fairness the IT estate deal is a better option
What! You mean you can't shop online via their state of the art neon highlighted PDFs?
After scanning that 3 pages of PDF from top to bottom, I can't seem to be able to find anything that resembles Checkout button…
haha, MSY but readable.
Wow, thats cheap. Good spot.