Is there any 1 Cover insurance 10% coupons going around, I am about to purchase some insurance from them.
Is there any 1 Cover insurance 10% coupons going around, I am about to purchase some insurance from them.
I'll look into them. Comparing both which company do you think is better? I think I went with 1 cover last time(with also %10 coupon) because it seemed to have mostly good reviews compared to many other travel insurance companies who seemed to have much more bad reviews than good ones.
TID is cheaper because what is covers is less
if you do a like for like comparison on what is covered and how much (well from my brief comparisons on things relevant to me)
Review wise
if you have not claimed and not really used any of the service…your not very likely to put in a review
this would encompass a large percentile of people have bought insurance
so its comes down to the few unfortunate enough to actually have to claim something
you will note that the most irate customers are the most likely to complain and write poor reviews
compounded to this, its also the same people who probably didnt not read what they were covered for
this is why you generally read more bad reviews than good
Do you get free travel insurance with any of your credit cards?
Thanks for that. You are right it works completely fine.
I've unexpired that deal now - thanks.
FWIW I went with woolies travel insurance on a recent trip as it the cheapest. Fortunately there were no issues so can't comment on claim process.
I went with onlinetravelinsurance.com.au for travel insurance for my recent trip to India. They were the cheapest by far for me $45 for 9 days (approx). I compared TID and a few others and it was the least expensive but had excellent coverage. I didn't have to make a claim so I can't comment on that aspect.
Also I found if I got a quote using a VPN then it was $3 cheaper than not using a VPN.
Any 1Cover Coupons going around?
Try TID before you buy https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/297320