Built a New PC and Am in Need of Windows 10 - Question on the cheapest way

I am in the need of Windows 10 and am wanting to know if I am able to get Windows 10 for free in any way or if sites such as the one below are legit, I feel like it wouldn't be although if it doesn't work I assume I can just get a refund if paid via paypal?


What would you do in my situation?



  • +1

    those keys should be all good.
    they are usually from OEM Windows 7 or 8 keys which can be upgraded.

    • In my situation, once my PC is asking for a key for windows 10 after booting it from a USB,

      I should be able to purchase the key from the above site and enter the key and I wont have any problems in the future?

      Sorry if this is basic knowledge, tried to google this although wasn't getting any luck.

      • +1

        Yes. You buy a key and upon initial clean install, punch it in, and it'll finalise installation of whatever version (Home, Pro, etc.)

        • In this case could you explain why someone would go to places like JB-HI-FI or MSY to buy the key for $100+ when they could buy it online for so much cheaper?

  • hi i just installed windows 10 onto my parents computer.
    If you don't enter a key, windows 10 will still worl!!! just difficult to change the wallpaper.
    and a small enter key section on the bottom right of the desktop.

    But otherwise all good so far

    So FREE!

    • Pretty sure it's time limited though. It will continue to work for the time limit with just the warnings, but one time is up, it will require a key to keep using it.

  • +1

    Just a note, but if you're a student, some unis (RMIT, at least) provide a lot of software, including MS operating systems, free of charge.

    • Cheers I will definitely have to check it out.

  • +1

    If you're after a real bargain you could always give Linux a go … free is a pretty good price.

    • +3

      That's like saying walking's cheaper than driving.

      • That's a crappy analogy as they are fundamentally the same and I'd give you credit if it was valid irrespective of my preference. It's more like saying an electric vehicle costs less to run than a petrol vehicle.

        Whatever floats your boat though.

        • +3

          Windows and Linux are not directly interchangeable, just as walking and driving are not substitutes for one another.

          I'll hazard a guess that OP intends to run specific programs on their PC and Windows-based software on Linux is not foolproof. You'll probably be running Wine or something, and compatibility is still imperfect in 2017. Pretending that Linux is a good choice for most people, is like saying why bother with Office when freeware exists.

        • @Strand0410: Fundamentally the same doesn't imply directly interchangeable. Much like the clutch for a Toyota Landcruiser won't fit in a Mitsubishi Pajero. They are still fundamentally the same.

        • +2

          @kywst: So any desktop OS is 'fundamentally the same?' Do you think Windows Phones are 'fundamentally the same' as iPhones or Android handsets, and suggest those to users who specifically ask for a specifically different product?

        • -2

          @Strand0410: Most desktop operating systems are fundamentally the same, yes. Mobile Operating Systems are indeed fundamentally the same. Android and iOS, for example, share a remarkably similar kernel to the point that one could say they are directly interchangeable.

          As for my suggestion, this is a website dedicated to the pursuit of bargains and the best bargain of all is one where you get something for nothing.

          Do you often feel the need to defend a global corporation that have sucked money from your pockets from day dot? All the while introducing great "you don't get a choice" features such as Digital Rights Management and a plethora of malware as a result of a piss poor code base?

          Just chill mate. Linux is what it is. Windows is what it is. Your analogy sucked cause it was wrong … that is all.

        • @kywst:

          Cheers for the info although I do plan to use windows applications and software which I know is not available on Linux, I am sure it might help someone out although in my situation its not for me :)

  • -1

    There are 4 ways to get Windows 10 for free that I know of. 1. Volume licence from your work. 2. Volume licence from an educational institution. 3. Upgrade from Windows 7/8 via the assistive technology loophole. 4.Steal it.

    Are you trying to ask this question: "I am building a new PC. I want Windows 10 but I don't know how to steal it. Can you tell me how?"

    • No? I even included a link of where I was thinking about purchasing it from.

      • wanting to know if I am able to get Windows 10 for free in any way


        What do you think those two unpublished comments were about?

        • I know one was about a key gen although I didn't reply to it for a reason.

          Also getting it free does not mean stealing as above,

          Chossenger wrote

          Just a note, but if you're a student, some unis (RMIT, at least) provide a lot of software, including MS operating systems, free of charge.

          Is that stealing?

        • @0burntrice0: And I have also replied with two more legitimate methods of obtaining Windows 10 for free. But you asked, first and foremost, "get for free in any way", which implied cracking/stealing is quite acceptable to you. Your solicitation has worked as the two unpublished comments demonstrated very clearly, so it wasn't just me who interpreted your question this way.

          Should you have asked "is there a legitimate way to get a key for free", then I wouldn't have written my reply and you wouldn't have seen the abovementioned crack.

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