Cheap flights to zurich from brisbane

hi i'm looking for cheap flights to zurich Switzerland if someone could help that would be awesome i'm looking to travel around next year at june-july



  • Hey johnnyt1780,

    If you're looking for a full service carrier then the cheapest I could find was $2140 from Brisbane to Zurich via Bangkok (with Thai Airways and Swiss International). Connection times aren't great but its the most direct route with only one stopover.

    Alternatively if you are quick you can grab an Air Asia flight from Gold Coast to KL for about $380 return including taxes, baggage and meals. From KL there are flights to Zurich starting for $1160 with Qatar Airways flying via Doha. Total cost would be around $1540 which is pretty damn cheap. But you'll have to hurry as the Air Asia sale ends tomorrow…

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