3.5" Form Factor
SATA III 6 Gb/s Interface
256MB Cache
7200 rpm
Up to 210 MB/s Data Transfer Rate
3.5" Form Factor
SATA III 6 Gb/s Interface
256MB Cache
7200 rpm
Up to 210 MB/s Data Transfer Rate
3.5" Form Factor
SATA III 6 Gb/s Interface
256MB Cache
7200 rpm
Up to 210 MB/s Data Transfer Rate
3.5" Form Factor
SATA III 6 Gb/s Interface
256MB Cache
7200 rpm
Up to 210 MB/s Data Transfer Rate
Geez 10TB! I could backup the whole internet with one of those.
What's the difference between IronWolf and Skyhawk?
NAS - IronWolf
Surveillance - Skyhawk
Super tempted to get an IronWolf…
Thanks chaps. :) So Ironwolf for NAS then. On a related note, what is the largest capacity USB powered external drive these days?
One? These are NAS drives - 3 to 5 minimum!
It was a joke about the need to hoard.
Doesn't German Amazon owe vast sums of money to US Amazon?
Dodging EU taxes by paying interest to US?
Now I know why Trump keeps saying, Germany owes vast amount of $$$ to the US… all these bloody deals on Amazon DE
I'm curious if older NAS support these drives?
My Buffalo LS-QVL spec says it only support up to 4TB drive.
AFAIK once they go over 2TB, the drive limit should be very high
Id very much doubt it - factory produced NAS's tend to be very limited to their future upg potentials….but reach out and check with them.
I upgraded from my Buffalo qvl because of performance issues with Plex and ultimately was having heaps of issues rebuilding my RAID after my second hdd failure..
If you are looking at dropping a couple of grand on hdd's I HIGHLY recommend upgrading to a newer NAS. I picked up a 4 bay QNAP for $500-600 and was blown away by the speed and features over the Buffalo.
The buffalo was great, but it is really showing its age.
Couldn't agree more with that.
I had drive failure few years ago and have to rebuild my RAID… it's a total nightmare.
I have to hook those drives to a PC and run recovery software to extract data.
Are these the Helium filled series?
If they are from Germany they will be filled with Hydrogen… unless they have learnt their lesson from the Hindenburg.
I guess that would technically be better than Helium….
We might actually see it one day, there are only small amounts in a HDD…
Hydrogen tends to be very difficult to store, it will be absorbed into the steel case, for example.
Are these hard drives or luft balloons?
Bought neun und neunzig
getting my high voice ready…
IN 10 years time I hope to look back on this thread with my 2PB drive I bought for $185 from the Officeworks closing down sale and be like hahah, can't believe we paid this much for 10TB..
In 10 years time we would have unlimited cloud storage with 10Gbps uplinks.
In 10 years time I'll still be lucky to crack 50Mbit on my crappy FTTN connection. Thanks Turnbull.
in 10 years time, Australia will have at least guaranteed 12/1 mbps to 20% of the population….
I mean…sure. Just not in Australia.
Out of curiosity I did the maths on how long it would take to upload all my data (~12TB or so, I can't remember exactly) to the cloud on my current connection (UL @ 50KB/s) and it turns out I would need to continuously upload 24/7/365 for >3 years. Thanks Australia!
I assume you've got a much faster upload speed?
PS: my TPG UL speed is not much faster.
Not in Australia mate.
tarken 6 hours 33 min ago
In 10 years time we would have unlimited cloud storage with 10Gbps uplinks.
Are you serious!?
Look at NBN history and say that again, e.g. https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/nbn
In any country other than Australia - yes.
EWW cloud storage.. I rather have a 2PB SSD.. because Australia's internet is shit.. and will always be shit under the Liberals
IN 10 years time I expect to be passing around Ironwolf HDDs at a party to talk in high voice because the earth's helium resources have been depleted and the last of it is in all the drives I bought from a vintage website name OzBargain.
Of all post-apocalyptic worlds I think a helium-deprived one would be the funniest
'iron wolf' - sounds awesome
hrmm very tempting to get this,….
whats reliability like?
or should just go with 2x8TB reds in the WD thingie?
Just got a Seagate 8TB skyhawk delivered from ShoppingExpress.
Plugged it in and the thing is starts up and sounds like its scraping internally…needless to say its knackered… so Excellent reliability go for gold!
prob had aussie post chuck it around some……
Reliability =/= survivability.
It's a seagate… What did you expect?
WD Red > Seagate Iron Wolf
red or red pro?
Is the Barracuda discounted (at a good price) too?
Edit: I get €383 on the IronWolf….
When you add to cart and checkout VAT is removed.
You can only by 1 at a time to avoid the $1,000 tax, right? Or 2 depending on shipping.
2 still come under a $1000 including shipping. Try adding 2 go all the way to the end before submitting order. You'll see the total price in EURO and AUD.
And there's no reason I can't make 4 separate purchases? Just don't want to drop $4k and get stung somehow.
To be safe, I'd deliver to different addresses.
Stop simple data matching from picking them up and categorising as a single order.
@lysp: My only other option is to send an order to work, which I can't because we'll be moving pretty much on the estimated delivery date…
Next step wait for a dispatch notification before making another order, and hoping the deal is still going. Doubt it will last 4 days though.
Or maybe send to your wife/partner/flatmate's name at the same address.
Or change your name slightly:
John Smith
J Smyth
Mr Smithe
1) What is a warranty period?
2) Can the drive be claimed for warranty on Asia Pacific? (Sydney/Singapore)
10 years ago, 160GB and 250GB drives were only just becoming common. The PS3 also launched in 2007 (in AU) with a massive 60GB HDD.
10 years later we now have 10TB drives.
What will 2027 be like? Unlimited cloud? Too bad construction on Next-Gen NBN has only just started and only guarantees 50/10… Not nearly enough to stream 16K or as they are now calling it: HOSUHD "Hyper Omega Super Ultra High Definition".
Aus tv networks will just be fully embracing full hd broadcasts and sd will be about to be switched off. Cyborg Julia Gillard will be in charge to rebuild the NBN, and assimilate it into her CPU to give her ultimate electoral power. Either that or Kevin 2027's head in a jar like Futurama.
Bought one in last deal and it started clunking after a couple of weeks…not so keen on these drives, but am going to try the RMA and give them another chance.
Better buy 3 my memes folder is getting a bit full.
how many of those meme folders are actually folders with pictures of naked people?
shi&… just bought one for $568 which was already a good price in AUS with the 20% off in eBay. and this is even cheaper…
Well spotted…
can we get warranty in singapore/australia?
I want to get the 10TB Iron Wolf but I do not know if my Synology Diskstation 413 will run with it. Technically, the 10TB Iron Wolf is not "officially" supported… arghhhhh
I have the DS413 as well, believe it has to do with hardware revisions and technology. Not just software.
I read in this forum that it may only be a tray mounting hole issue. Have you had any experience in trying to get "incompatible" hard drives to work with your DS413 ?
I'm seeing 383 Euro. Is it still available?
Ah…. VAT
There are a lot of bad reviews on there about postage and the drives themselves. Not feeling very confident.
I've added a deal on the same Hard Drive but with NewEgg Au, cheaper shipping and warranty
Ordered 4. Hope they're packed well!
anyone have their order cancelled? no email just logged into account and nothing there in regards to my order… very weird!!
Have you been charged for it yet?
My order went through fine, still sitting under Open Orders and expected to ship today
Doesn't ship to Oz….
Dieser Artikel kann nicht nach Australien geliefert werden. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob andere Verkäufer diesen Artikel nach Australien liefern.
I've added a deal on the same Hard Drive but with NewEgg Au, cheaper shipping and warranty
Can confirm for this deal:
Regional Warranty Restriction
This product is being returned from a country outside of the region where it was originally sold by Seagate. Warranty claims may not be accepted for products returned outside the region where the Product was first shipped by Seagate to an Authorized Seagate Distributor.
thanks for 10.
need to back up the important files