• expired

Xiaomi Multi-Functional Power Strip 3 1A / 2A USB Port+3 AC 100-240V Sockets - US $8.99 (~AU $11.69) Delivered @ DD4


UPDATE - edited to another listing that is really cheaper than the previous deal. Huge thanks to Ace26

use this link for the cheaper price(dd4.com)

Previous post at higher cost save US$0.09 or AU$0.36 <—thanks falling US dollar


3 power sockets and 3 USB ports with 2A quick charging function
Phosphor bronze terminal, copper bar connectivity system
Independent safety doors to keep children away from the risk of electric shock
Subtle and elegant white power indicator light shows working status
High power conversion rate up to 82 percent
20uA leakage protection threshold
High flame retardant standard up to 750 centigrade
100 - 220V full voltage range
Pass through plug test(5000 times)
Non-slip pads on four feet
Grind frosting top surface and mirror polishing treatment on side surface
Nice appearance and simple for home use and decoration

each USB port delivers 2.1A according to manufacturer website(xiaomi-mi.com)

from the previous posts for these powerstrips they have been tested at 2A. but it can't charge 3 devices at 2A. certainly 1 device at 2A but then subsequent devices in the other slots are only 1A.

Some notes about DD4 - sometimes the site becomes incredibly slow -1800 baud slow. but eventually the site will work. shipping- on average 4-6 weeks. I've made 8 or so orders with DD4 and they have all arrived.

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DD4 57706
DD4 57706

closed Comments

  • +1

    100 - 220V full voltage range

    Ohhhh yeah….

    • Wait, does that mean I can plug in something that is rated 120V that I bought from USA into this without a voltage converter?

      • +12

        No. Do not do this.

        This means you can plug this device into a US outlet using a travel adaptor and continue using it with 120v compatible devices. Also note some laptop chargers support 120-240v and 50-60hz, so will work on either grids. Check your chargers before attempting this though.

        It's more implying the USB ports work fine with 120v input too.

        • +3

          OH! It means "Input: 100-220V"… Now I get it.

          Thanks so much for clarifying! I was thinking what type of magic does it use to be able to detect the correct voltage to output to each port… LOL

        • @iPwnJ00: yeah, Xiaomi isn't always the clearest with their info, lol

        • if u plugged in something that is 120v into this, what happens? what does the xiaomi output into the 120v?

        • You can, but it will likely blow up and probably result in your house burning down and or death.

        • @furythree: the output is equal to the input. Do not plug 120v devices in when using this on our 240v grid.

          When using on a 120v grid (in the US/etc) the output will be 120v, then you may plug in 120v devices (if you own any). Overall it's more handy for devices which support either voltages (120-240v) as you may use these on either grid voltages with this powerboard and a single travel adaptor.

        • +1

          @Buzzl1ght: Glad you restrict the damage in the house, not the whole suburb.

        • +1

          @maxdba: I guess I just wasn't thinking big enough eh?

    • +1
      1. Buy travel adaptor
      2. Plug this into travel adaptor
      3. Plug in laptop chargers/etc which state "120-240v / 50-60hz"

      You've just saved yourself the need for 3 travel adaptors, instead only requiring one! :D

      Note: do not try this unless it states "120-240v" and "50-60hz"… Do your research on comparability if this isn't stated.

  • thanks got 1

  • $14.74 via PayPal payment using Australian CC. Thanks OP, got a black one.

  • +1

    $14.17 using 28 deg Mastercard. Thanks OP :)

  • +4

    The page to register an account on DD4 is not secured?


    No thanks…

  • https://www.zapals.com/xiaomi-power-strip-3-usb-portable-soc…

    Even cheaper here

    Nvm, forgot zapals has shipping cost

  • +11

    Just remember guys - these are not compliant with Australian Standards, and are technically are illegal to even offer for sale in this country.

    • +9

      Illegal to sell here, though it's legal to purchase from overseas.

      Also, I wouldn't say these aren't compliant, rather they simply haven't paid to have a compliance test done. All except the upside down plug is a lot better than travel adaptors I've seen here even.

      • +8

        You've just said it yourself, they haven't paid to have the test done and hence are not compliant, it's as simple as that, how does the way you put it make it any better or more compliant than non compliant

        Yes it might be better quality however there's no buts with compliance.

        I get what you are saying with the underlying tones but in forums it doesn't always translate well so it should be explicitly stated rather than going around the bush in a subtle yet not so subtle way (see what was done there heh). You don't have to register to read these posts so ransoms that don't understand these subtleties can get caught out

        Even in the case of non compliance, the insurance company for your home and contents would have to show that due to the lack of a particular safety feature that caused your house to burn down to deny the claim. So in that regard it's not so bad. Also as it's something you can visually inspect even if its non compliant if you start seeing signs of wear you can simply dispose of it

        However it's still non compliant to Australian standards so buyer beware. Not saying it happens here but there are instances where parts are swapped out or inferior quality devices supplied from China after the initial sample is sent out. Before Alibaba this was common place

        • +6

          Not certified.
          Might be compliant.

          No beating around the bush. Just simple terminology.


          I'm happy to be corrected but note that my industry uses that terminology and I've used that terminology for decades.

          Also, your insurance company is unlikely to pay up if that's determined to be the cause of a fire. It's an out clause.

        • +4


          Thanks, saved me explaining.

          As for compliance standards, they could actually be denied, though only because of the plug. The internals look fine and is all quite basic.

          Although the configuration (of AU plug) is similar to mains plugs used in mainland China, dimensional differences to the plug body may be incompatible with recessed cord socket and prevent Chinese-compliant CPCS/CCC (CCEE) plugs from being legally sold/used in Australia

          This is seen with the Xiaomi powerboard plug - you can't plug it into an extension cord without cutting the lip of the plug (the part which usually hugs around whatever you plug in) so the cord of the powerboard can be off to the side.

        • +3


          It clearly isn't compliant. It fails on very basic requirements such as insulation on the live pins on the plug.

        • @microsnot: Build quality- excellent
          Gauge of cable: standard HPM thickness
          Plug is the issue: 1mm longer, lacks black finger protection

        • @microsnot: Care to elaborate more on this as you said 'requirements' so there must be something else?

        • @FOX:

          It's not just the mains plug that is non compliant.

          The sockets are DEFINITELY not compliant

          The internal wiring may or may not be compliant.

          As the others have said above, there are no "degrees of compliance". It either IS compliant and certified, or it isn't.

          That's all there is to it.

      • Would using an unapproved device like this void your home insurance if you suffered something like a fire?

        • Yes.

          Although I am tempted, if the unthinkable does happen, then you are well and truly (profanity).

        • Usually insurance is more concerned about permanent violations (faulty/non-compliant outlets/etc).

          You'll have to confirm with your insurrance provider, but the only violation is actually the plug its self - it's no different to using any other Chinese charger or anything of the kind.

  • From my experience, the Australian plug needs to be earthed for it to be able to be inserted into the powerboard.

    When I was in China, I brought my Tronsmart charger with an Australian non earth plug, and was unable to plug into the wall. Luckily I had my Macbook Air adapter which was fig 8 with earthed plug (ie. 3 pins), which I was able to use.

    • +1

      not this one. i was able to plug 2 pins on the board.
      however, with xiaomi wifi plug I wasn't able to do that. that did require earthed plug (ie. 3 pins).

  • +13

    I've run rigorous compliance tests on this for the last 4 months including overseas trip where electrical surges and variances are quite common, and it has fared well. I hence rate these ME-compliant with MI tick of approval, and I authorise myself to buy more of these when required.

  • For those who already have one - does this work out of the box in AU/NZ? or do you need an adapter - ive heard that parts of mainland china use the same plug as we do?


    • +1

      yes it does work out of the box.
      they or we have an upside down plug.

      • great, thanks. have ordered one to give it a go. cheers!

        • CN plugs upside down (the cord will face up in our sockets), and pins are 1mm longer. They also lack the black finger guard- which became an Australian requirement after a viral trend (kids were shorting cutlery/paperclips over a half-plugged in connector, because it looked cool). However, from a useability perspective- and the design of a powerpoint- you wont have any issues. As for extension leads, the 90 degree upwards facing lead mightn't fit behind the sock (female end of the lead).

  • -5

    Both my phone and my laptop have USB C ports. It's worth remembering that USB is being phased out.

    • +3

      It's worth remembering that USB is being phased out.

      How can you post something so blantently absurd? Why would you post something like that when you clearly have no idea at all about anything you are saying?

      • I think he is trying to say that USB Type-A is being phased out in favour of USB Type-C.

        • I think he is trying to say that USB Type-A is being phased out in favour of USB Type-C.

          But it's not and won't be for a very very very long time.

          We still have VGA DB15 ports in use, HDMI when Displayport is better and free and the list goes on. Mini USB connectors are still in use despite Micro USB having been around forever….

        • +1

          @Maverick-au: Indeed. I regularly use USB to serial.

        • +3

          @Clear: i love my USB to parallel adapter

        • @altomic: Still rocking it on my HP 1010

  • Compliance issues aside.
    I own 2 of these and can't speak highly enough about them.
    Quality made, long cable & has its own on/off switch.
    With the USB sockets I can charge my Android tablet, iPad & iPhone all at the same time.

  • Wow! Save 9 cents. Hardly anything worth writing home about.
    Technically just a dupe post and reported as such.
    All you've done is repost it because of the exchange rate changed - which will benefit the previous post too anyway.

    • it's at a cheaper price from a different seller
      so technically, as a dupe, you're wrong.

      • Both deals show @ DD4 and link to DD4.com

        • DD4 is a seller market place- like ebay.

          same product, different seller

  • +1

    I have one. Not sure the USB slot output is really 2A. I do not have professional tool to tell. But compared to original Apple adapter, iPhone charging speed is slower.

    • yes, you are right. I put that line in by mistake.

      from the previous posts for these powerstrips they have been tested at 2A. but it can't charge 3 devices at 2A. certainly 1 device at 2A but then subsequent devices in the other slots are only 1A.

      have edited the description

    • The amperage that it can output is irrelevant with Apple devices.

      Unless it signals the Apple device with the correct voltages on the 2 x USB Data Pins, the Apple device will see it as a USB Port on a computer. When that happens, the apple device will only draw 500mA (0.5 Amps).

      Most chinese stuff has the data lines shorted together, which is the "android way". So an iPhone or iPad will only charge at a fraction of it's capability. This is not an error, it is by design.

  • These guys are very slow. Didn't even ship for weeks. Finally got mine after over 6 weeks.

    • 4 - 6 weeks is about average for delivery from China.

  • I recently purchased 2 of these from DD4. They are absolutely fantaastic, come in black, and are well made! Will be buying more in the future as the need arises!

  • +2

    I'll upvote this, nice unit and better quality than just about anything at Bunnings.
    Compliant or not, i don't give a rats arse, when compliant power boards fail, fall apart or break internally compliance is nothing but a bullshit term.
    Only downside is my last 2 powerboards from this mob took 2+ months to arrive.

    • I think the difference is that your insurance company won't pay up if your house burns down because of this thing malfunctioning. If it was compliant, they would. But it's not compliant, so they won't.

      • +1

        It's hard to tell if a product has a compliance mark after it's been in the centre of a house fire…

  • Does this have Australia Ctick certification? Most product I have seen only got CE but not ctick. Worry about home issurance will be affected.

    • Does this have Australia Ctick certification? Most product I have seen only got CE but not ctick. Worry about home issurance will be affected.

      Why don't you read the comments above instead of posting and expecting others to do your own research?

    • Does this have Australia Ctick certification?

      Ctick is a DECLARATION not a certification.

      Worry about home issurance will be affected

      C-Tick is about RADIO INTERFERENCE. A non-compliant product might cause your TV or Mobile Phone to not work properly.

      What is more important to consider is the SAFETY CERTIFICATION.

      NO this product doesn't have it, and YES it is a mandatory requirement in all states of Australia.

  • +2

    slightly cheaper on AliExpress plus 10% cashback


  • I've got a couple of these and I find it's a really tight fit trying to insert Australian plugs in. I have to push ridiculously hard. I mainly use it for the USBs and plugging US/Euro in, so it's not that big a deal. Shame you can't plug UK in as well.

    • +1

      Better too tight that too loose (that's what she said…)

    • Rock it gently ;-)

  • -8

    Compliance/potential safety/insurance issues make this one a definite no no.
    And someone's been sockpuppeting by the looks of it.
    No shortage of alternatives at Bunnings.

    I think i might neg this one…

  • Can someone tell me if I can use this for my Japan trip to charge my iPhones and GoPro. I know I would need to buy a adaptor to plug to Japan two pin. Thanks in advance

    • ditto.

    • If you find the right adapter it will work.
      Took mine to Japan & got it working. Took a while to find right adapter though as Japan only has 2 pins (no earth).

      • 80% of the time, you wont find an earth in Japan… but devices like fridges & other whitegoods will have an earth. Probably good to ensure you're using double-insulated devices before pulling the earth pin with such an adapter. I travel with a generic universal (unearthed) one, and a SKOSS World Adapter (universal/earthed- except UK) and use it wherever possible. However, even chargers like a Macbook Pro are double insulated - the earth pin can be pulled (small plug attachment versus cable) and it's still considered safe. For the bulk majority, there's a reason you have an earth pin.

    • Can someone tell me if I can use this for my Japan trip to charge my iPhones and GoPro. I know I would need to buy a adaptor to plug to Japan two pin. Thanks in advance

      This is a Powerboard, what more do you need to know? This isn't a magical box that changes voltages and plug types.

      Finding out voltage and plug type for Japan will take you 30 seconds on Google, checking your chargers will operate will take another 30 seconds.

      • Woah woah woah calm down. I already know Japan is two pin and 100. I already know iPhones can support 100-240 and thus can be used. My question would it be suitable/good idea. If this was plugged into a 100 voltage plug then would it mean the charging take extremely long. If you have no better input then don't insult me.

        • Woah woah woah calm down. I already know Japan is two pin and 100. I already know iPhones can support 100-240 and thus can be used. My question would it be suitable/good idea. If this was plugged into a 100 voltage plug then would it mean the charging take extremely long. If you have no better input then don't insult me.

          What does the Powerboard have to do with how fast your iPhone charges? Your iPhone cannot handle 100V let alone 240V but it has a charger that can. This charger will charge at the same speed in Japan as it does in Australia and so will the charger built into this Powerboard.

  • Some observations from the last deal:
    Overall, a great product! Although they took about 7 weeks from DD4. Surprised that the child safety locks work well with AU plugs (CN plugs are 1mm longer and don't have the thick [black] finger protection) - in comparison to my Broadlink wifi powerboard (similar design) which only opens with earthed appliances.

    The USB ports are not really as promised, on both boards I get max 700mA, regardless of port, with 1 device plugged in. All on hardware capable of charging at 1800mA (A-B test) [used an app called Ampere for Android]

    Overall, great quality product! I wish they had screw holes in the back - so I could mount it… but these are perfect for travel. Perfect for when you might have a few small devices e.g. laptop, shaver, etc.

    NOTE: None of these convert voltage- and although the USB sockets will switch 100-250V the GPO sockets do not change. Seems to be a misconception on this thread.

    • +1

      The USB ports are not really as promised, on both boards I get max 700mA, regardless of port, with 1 device plugged in. All on hardware capable of charging at 1800mA (A-B test) [used an app called Ampere for Android]

      Using a hardware tester and a variety of products like phones and battery banks I can get around 2A from one port. It all depends on what you're charging and the cable being used.

      • +1

        I think it's a lot to do with the control chip. I can A-B it straight to another USB charger and get 1800mA, but on this board only gets 700mA. Same cable (actually tried 4 different breeds), same device, same power circuit, same relative battery percentage (your phone will trickle charge above a certain %)

  • I ordered two from the last deal and they arrived last week. The packaging was very good and the power boards work well. I did find minor scratches in one of them.

  • Sorry does the on off switch turn off usb charging as well?

    • Yes

  • still waiting for my mine from the previous post :(

  • OzBargain perspective: nice but not great price; if you've been waiting for a deal say getting your first of these then it's ok. But if you don't need one urgently it's been cheaper before, I'd personally hold out. Sadly I bought my first set when it was easy more expensive lol.

    Great product ofcourse. I have a few around for when I ever go traveling. Like others said, just one travel adapter needed, and it's well very built unlike some generic multi adapter travel board I bought previously (not really secure fitting)

  • For the people who own this, are the 3 sockets far enough apart to allow 3 adapters to be plugged in at the same time?

    • Yes for three regular round power plugs.

  • I have one of these and have ordered more

    A nice product but a few issues:
    No surge protection - easily solved with a $5 adaptor from Bunnings though
    Uninsulated pins on plug - only really an issue of you have small children but something to be aware of

    This would be good for a home theatre setup where you have USB powered devices like Chromecast or Fire TV stick

  • -3

    Yes, yes, by all means buy this.
    Natural selection in action.

    • +2

      yes, believing that you're making a valid point and then being downvoted but coming back for another try.

      • You work that out all on your own?

        Don't take it personally man.
        I think it's super that you post things.
        However if i ran this show i'd ban posts like this.
        And the points i've made are perfectly valid and you should say so in your post so folk can make an informed decision, instead of seemingly celebrating the masking of my comment.

        • -1

          if you're an electrical engineer (or specialist within this field) then I'd listen to you.

          rather than being angrychicken you come across as chickhen little.

          the point about australian compliance has been (and always is) mentioned by multiple users within every post regarding non-australian stock of anything mains power related. example

          besides - your comment "And someone's been sockpuppeting by the looks of it." - what was even the point of that? so what?

        • @altomic:

          The highly conductive properties of your thin skin amplify the risk profile for you personally.
          There, that discloses a level of expertise for you.
          Off to the s-plane with you.

  • +3

    Cheaper here(dd4.com)

    • Are these both the same product? Seems strange to have 2 different listings.

      • it's a different seller. DD4 is a market place - like aliexpress or ebay

    • how the hell did i miss that? new listing? thanks , have updated post. cheers

      • How can I cancel my existing order so I can buy the cheaper one?

        • +1

          on the product page there is a "contact seller" button. hit that and ask the seller (include order number)

        • Done this, has anyone got a reply or refund yet?

        • @y: any response from the seller?

        • No reply from seller, but I emailed csmy@dd4.com as well and got a response from them saying "we will escalate to the relevant department for cancellation"

          Order status is still pending for shipping

  • can I buy without creating an account.
    the signup process is annoyingly frustrating.

    • it's really not that hard

    • The www.dd4.com site seems pretty dodgy. As pointed out earlier by plebbbb, the account creation page is insecure (http, not https), including where you enter your new password. Also it took me at least 10 attempts to find a password that it would accept. There was no useful feedback on why it didn't like the passwords.

  • Bought another 2, thanks OP !

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