This was posted 8 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

5x USB LED Mini Flashlights US $0.07 (AU $0.09) Delivered @ Gearbest


This was very popular last time at US $0.99 and even got some favourable comments from buyers. Apply coupon GB-OzB at checkout. Stictly only 500 1000 packs at this price, so get in quick. Restricted to one purchase per Gearbest account. Ensure you select Unregistered Air Mail. PayPal is your friend for buyer protection. Enjoy :)

OK, convinced Gearbest to fork out another 500 as the first batch sold out in 60 minutes. Please also check out their Home Lighting Price Crash Sale. Have fun!

Power: 0.2W
Numbers of LED: 3 x SMD 2835
Luminance: 22Lm
Optional Light Color: White
Power Supply: USB
Dimension and Weight
Product weight: 0.002 kg
Package weight: 0.020 kg
Product size (LxWxH): 2.40 x 1.10 x 0.20 cm
Package size (LxWxH): 9.00 x 6.00 x 1.20 cm
Package Contents: 5 x Mini USB LED Light

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closed Comments

  • I keep getting logged out when I apply the code.

    • I just purchased successfully. Maybe servers getting hammered.

      • +1

        25 sold already

        26 😃

    • Whoops… though I activated my account when I didn't. My bad 😭

    • I had to login twice to get to checkout.

  • +14

    Don't forget 4% cashback if using Cashrewards.

    • +37

      You get $0.0036, and round up to $0.00.

    • You rock, bro…

  • +1

    Thanks.. hope they arrive or I want my 9c refunded.

  • -2

    Thanks OP, bought it, cheers

  • Wonder why "Registered Air Mail - Netherlands registered" @$2.16 is the default shipping method..

  • More of a bargain than the NES posts..

  • +3

    Don't forget to use 28 Degrees card to save 1 cent

  • Awesome. Invested us$0.07. Cheers

    • +1


      Quite a fitting price I reckon, makes you feel like James Bond when you use this small, sophisticated device. Just what Q-branch would prescribe.

  • +3

    Just be mindful that these things run HOT. I wouldn't be leaving them plugged in unattended for too long.

    • +2

      ❄️ coming … ordered

    • +2

      All joking aside, that would have been useful to know. Now I might bin them when they arrive in August.

      • +3

        I had 3 of these running in Summer 8x7 as part of a desk lamp and although they got really hot to the touch (talking SanDisk Ultra Fit hot), none of them died or showed any signs.

        Hot to the touch but not really hot enough to do any damage to the components or start a fire.

        • Thanks, that is a bit reassuring.

    • +1

      I got mine from the last offer running about 4 hours each evening and can touch them at the end without any problem, they are not even warm.

  • Ordered. Why? Why? Damn I forgot Cashrewards. I should have paid attention to Member jv. I'd better email GearBest.

    • Cashrewards refund will come through based on the pre-coupon price so should be a 9c refund.

      • Not according to OP. So now I can prepare a forum post like

        • Try it

        • @jv: Apparently it would permit me excessive rudeness to anyone endeavouring to assist me.

  • PayPal is your friend for buyer protection.

    For 9c, I think my time to chase it up would be the bigger loss.

    • +5

      It was tongue in cheek :)

      • +6

        I am sure there are some who would.

    • +11

      Wrong. It tracks at full price, but GB will pay out at $0 for this. I've already confirmed with GB :)

      EDIT: Why am I being neg'd for helping lol

        • +1

          All good. I've just disabled Gearbest from CR for this sale only to avoid confusion and unnecessary complaints/tickets down the track.

  • +2

    Yay, more LED lights I don't need.

  • Thanks TA, got one.

  • Limited reached…

  • This coupon has reached its usage number limit

    • +4

      500 more added.

    • Noyce!

  • +1

    Thanks TA appreciate your posts

  • Worked for me vip69 - 8:58pm - mustn't like the cut of your jib?

    Many thanks TA

  • +1

    Didn't work for me grabbed 2 for $2.54 ah well still fine with that :)

    • +2

      One per acct as per OP. Add more than 1, and the 2nd reverts to full price.

      • Just grabbed another at 9c don't no what I'm gonna do with them I'm sure i will put them to use somewhere :/

    • +1

      Have a plus-vote for enthusiasm.

  • orderd, still working. Thank you!

  • +11

    Just been chatting with Gearbest. Interesting stat.

    The reason the first 500 sold out so fast is because the code was picked up in Spain, Russia, Ukraine, NZ & UK.

    First 500 sales:

    • Australia 298
    • Spain 141
    • Russia 30
    • Ukraine 23
    • NZ 7
    • UK 1

    They've now put a block on other countries so they're avaliable only in Australia & NZ (OzBargain & Choice Cheapies of course).

    Good luck with the remaining 500 :)

    • +1

      Thanks tightarse, this stuff is the stuff made of dreams, just picked up a set meself. Along with that toilet seat light :D

      • +1

        Looking into that toilet light also tap light :)

        • +1

          is there a tap light too? loses his absolute shit in joy :D

    • Thanks TA for all the work on this one.

    • +3

      It won't let me buy even though I'm in australia using an australian ISP with no VPN.

      "This coupon code cannot be used for Orders to United States"

      My ISP MyRepublic. I blame them! Although I thought they fixed this after users were complaining Foxtel Go rejected MyRepublic customers from using their service.

      • +1

        Every post teaches us all something new. Thanks for sharing!

        • +2

          I used a backup connection and got it working.
          Even though MyRepublic is an AU ISP.
          Changing the Gearbest Ship To country to Australia and Currency to AUD won't fix this issue either. The setting at the top of the page.
          Hopefully this information can help improve GearBest.
          But not all that necessary, MyRepublic probably only accounts for 1-2% of Australians on the NBN.
          But here, the value conscious OzBargainer is likely higher.

    • -1

      Thanks for keeping the boats out.

  • +2

    Thx got one. What are they used for?

    • +1

      quick & easy light. plug then into a cigarette usb car charger, laptop, portable power bank etc. literally anything that has USB type A.

      • +1

        Cigarettes need to be charged in cars via USB?..

        • +1

          usb car charger

        • +2

          @onesimpleclik: USB's charge cars?

        • +1

          @onesimpleclik: Sorry, I should stop…

        • +1

          @ozy: Cool ,thanks.

        • Only with USB-C

  • I have an order since 2015 still not delivered :((

    • I've got 2 orders still outstanding from gearbest. Managed to get a refund eventually for first item through PayPal as gearbest refused to do anything to assist. Second item was only 9c so couldn't be bothered chasing it up.

      • -1

        And this sir/mam is the reason why you'd have to pay 7c instead of 2c after a paypal refund.
        It's money.
        If you don't respect it, you'll be poor all your life.

        I don't mean to troll your arse, but you can mark my words on your broke arse death bed while your family count shrapnel to pay for your funeral! Respect 1c, it's not worthless.
        Travel the world and you'll see!

        • +2

          My time dealing with gearbest and then PayPal is worth more than 9c.

          Great presumptions by the way. Way off the mark by a long shot. I could provide details etc but you shouldn't feed the trolls.

        • @d1s34s3d: If you see it as work, then think of the free work you did to buy in the first place.

          Also I didn't presume, you didn't get the refund because you didn't want to, if you don't get the money you work for then you receive none.
          If you receive none and die, your family will fork the bill, or government should you have no family.
          All facts from under my bridge ;)

        • @ozy: The presumptions being that I'm poor and will die poor and that I haven't travelled the world to understand the value of money.
          Those were the ones that were way off the mark and rather offensive.

        • @d1s34s3d: big troll hug 🤗

    • +1

      Give it another week then maybe lodge a Paypal dispute.

    • +2

      I have an order since 2015 still not delivered :((

      You should have got off your arse about 2 years ago and done something about it, rather than moaning now.

      • Haha. Thanks I did. I sent few emails about it. It was around 10 dollars not 9 cents.

        • Thanks I did. I sent few emails about it.

          And then you let them get away with it?


        • @llama: No replies. was tired of mailing back and forth.

        • @ozzyoi:

          Go straight to a Paypal claim or Credit Card chargeback.

          Pointless trying get assistance from a Chinese wholesaler who is probably processing 10,000 orders per day.

        • @llama: can I do it now after 2 years? Will check it out. Thanks

        • +1

          @ozzyoi: nope only after two months. PM the rep, they are normally better if they know you're an OzBargainer….

        • @TheClipIt: so TA is the rep?

        • @TheClipIt: Done. Thanks :)

  • Ordered, thanks OP.

  • Thanks. Got one. Definitely have a good use for these.

    • got one.. but not sure how i will use them… what are you using it for?

      • In the garage under one of the shelves where we have frequent use and the garage light doesn't quite reach. We were thinking of ways to get light there and this seems like a good solution - just waiting for the tronsmart hub to arrive now and then use a couple of the slots for these.

  • ordered, thanks

  • -2

    I honestly see no use for this at all since you wouldn't be able to find one of these tiny things and plug them in while in the dark.

  • Wow, almost free.. hahaha I just ordered

  • +1

    plan to carry two with my Xiaomi powerbank. i could run them forever lol, assuming they don't fry.

    • They do get extremely hot after a while, especially in summer times.. lol

      • +2

        wonder what the reverse side is like, maybe big enough to stick on a passive heat-sink

        • I was thinking the same, let us know if you find a solution!

        • +1

          People worry too much about semiconductor temperatures. E.g. silicon is rated to 125C for normal operation. That's enough to burn your finger. A good measurement of the actual device is needed, finger feel is unreliable. You can bet that the inside of your wall wart SMPS is hotter than the surface of the case.

          Sure, if it's a CPU, you should take care, and it performs better cooler. But this is a cheap LED.

  • +1

    Wow, I so don't need these in my life.
    orders two packs

  • +1

    Having issues creating a GB account - the email verification code isn't working.

    Bit annoyed - I wanted to waste 9 cents on this thing I'll never use…

  • cannot find gearbest on cashrewards. weired

    • Read above

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