Charger for my MBA is damaged. Of course the Apple price is very expensive, but so is any alternatives that I can find.
Replacement MacBook charger. Way to get best price?

Its the cable at the macbook side of the charger thats broken. Its not failed yet, its just fraying. Did you solder the new magsafe bit and everything?
With a replacement cable you just crack open the charger body. Unsolder 2 wires and remove the cable. Solder the new cable in and reassemble (add a few dabs of superglue to hold together. There are YouTube vids that show you how to do it. Very simple.
The other solution (which I haven't tried) is to get some heat shrink tubing on the end.
If your MBA is still under warranty you can go to apple and they will replace it.
There are no-name chargers on ebay under $30.
Just be slightly cautious, as some of these no-namers, both version 1 and version 2 magsafe chargers, both use the T shape version 2 connector, and if you use one with a V1 computer or vice versa you might fry it.
Just look for one that matches your macbook model and year.I was able to purchase a new MBA charger (60w version) for $80 or $90 a month of 2 ago via eBay. Still not cheap, but cheaper than the $129 or so they want at Apple.
These are notoriously bad. I'm on my third one. They fall apart where it connects to the MacBook.
Looked on Gumtree for you, but it's full of people wanting them cheap, not selling them. If it's under warranty I would try that option first. Apply should become accountable for these totally rubbish chargers.
Yeah its out of warranty unfortunately. Just. I tried taking it in with the "please replace it, just out of warranty" plea and no luck.
I agree, its very poor quality control, this is my second charger, the first was replaced under warranty for the same issue.
The newer USB-C chargers fix the issue as they allow you to replace the cable.
I wouldn't buy a no-name brand for a $2000 laptop. I'll just buy from Apple.
Agreed. I wasn't going to buy a generic cooler. I was just wondering if there is a good place to get Apple OEM stuff from.
The only way I can think of getting a genuine one cheaper is to a) buy secondhand or b) wait for discounted JB Hi-Fi gift cards. Just make sure you get one with the right wattage for your MacBook and the right connector (either L shaped or T shaped).
Is it the cable or the actual charger? Swapping over a damaged cable is relatively easy if you have a soldering iron. The replacement cables can be about on eBay for ~$10. If it's the charger then have a look on aliexpress (if you can wait). I bough a macbook pro charger nearly a year ago from there and no problem with it.