Anyone bought one of the cheapies off eBay or AliExpress that they would recommend? I bought a cheap DSO ages ago and it was shite.
Requirements would be 5-20V input, 2Mhz BW and ideally <$100. Screen not required if it works on a phone/laptop.
Or if you bought something >$100 that was awesome please also post.
Cheap Oscilloscope or DSO

thepigs on 16/03/2017 - 17:58
Last edited 16/03/2017 - 17:58
Last edited 16/03/2017 - 17:58
got a 100 MHz Hitachi old school but solid as a rock they still sell around the $300 mark
<$100 will always let you down.
I've been happy with my Rigol was $325 and software upgrade to 100MHz bandwidth. I already had probes so dirt cheap. Still going strong 5 years later.