Clip the coupon on the listing to save US$50 off list price
Represents ~$100 off local prices
Thanks to Slick Deals
Clip the coupon on the listing to save US$50 off list price
Represents ~$100 off local prices
Thanks to Slick Deals
B&H Photo Video are fantastic.
I bought my GTX 1070 from them, it didn't work in my mini-PC (exceeded power limit) and I contacted them and they responded overnight. They offered a full refund upon arrival of the return (postage at my expense). Sent me an RMA printable label within their response.
All smooth.
So I ordered the correct GTX 1070 (Founders Edition) from them and all is good in the world :)
ebay 20% cyber sale would be cheaper i think,delivered
I had a look at some with the eBay deal. Doesn't come in under that price. Most have them at $799 before discount.
didnt see coupon sorry
Almost went the the 1800X but ended up getting the 1700X for $479 (200Mhz less)
Not a bad price. If someone is looking for a more budget Ryzen build, the 1700 is the sweet spot. It includes a decent stock fan and offers similar performance. Most reach 3.8 ghz. 1700x and 1800x only get you 100mhz or 200mhz higher.
Or just wait for Ryzen 5 next month if you don't need all those cores
Budget yes, but honestly spend an extra $100 and get a 1700X, best bang for buck in 8 Core. 1700 if your planning on swapping out for Zen2 in a year of two
I only buy 1700 because of the overclocking potential, 3.8 GHZ stable at 68 degrees underload with stock cooler
not sure how 1700x is best bang for buck.
1700 is basically the same thing but with an included cooler and mostly the same performance as the x give or take.
note- didnt mean to neg but dunno how to remove.
All good, enjoy your 65W 1700's. I will enjoy my 95w 1700X
The 1800X is an enthusiast chip, you really need to be using at least a non-dodge TEC cooler to get the extra overclocking benefit. Water cooling alone won't be enough. The 1700X is more the top CPU for mainstream overclockers. It's true that currently the 1700 can come close to the 1700X, however with microcode updates and bios updates, 1700X will likely clock higher. Memory compatibility and speed capability is supposedly going to be greatly improved with a supposed major microcode update which will be released in May (lots of tweaking and testing for AMD before then), the 1700X will likely be able to support faster memory than the 1700 at this time.
So the $607 deal is not really that good without a TEC cooler, although if you were paying full price for a 1700X it would be an attracting preposition. The 20 percent off deal with Ebay takes the 1700X back to around $480, so I would strongly recommend that deal.
How are B&H like when it comes to warranty and after sales support?