Hey OZB, Drone 'noob' here.. Planning on getting my first (non-toy) drone and it seems like getting a Price Match (-5%) with OW for umart will bring it down to something around $600 (I put this here incase people know of better pricing).
Honestly, I don't have much to ask other than, before pulling the trigger on it.. am I making the wrong move in any way/shape/form? I know there's some controversy between flight hours and making the upgrade as you dont really want to crash your $6-700 into a wall.. and I have played with quite a few sub $100 ones to get a feel.. The reason I'm moving to the Phantom 3 in the end is due to it being something if taken care of, easy to re-sell.. Anything else that was an upgrade looks like It wouldn't hold value at all (Especially the "Zero-X" range from JB Hifi at the moment).
Other than that, is there any after-purchase products I should keep on hand?
Thanks for your time!
I was in exactly the same boat as you a few months back. I ended up getting the Phantom 3 Standard during on the eBay 20% off deals (I think I paid 570ish in the end).
It's a stellar drone. The footage will absolutely blow you away. I doubt you'll regret it.
Things to buy straight away
Not sure what else I can share. Shoot any other questions you have :)