Hi everyone,
I'm just putting the question out there to see what people do with their own lawn to get ready for a cold winter?
About my lawn, its a 1 year old Sir Walter that I feel is pretty well established in Melbourne. There's a couple of areas I feel could be improved such as some turf put down on some pretty compacted clay soil, but it grows well on it.
What my plans are is to add some pre emergent herbicide, add some Iron, Potassium and some slow release Nitrogen. Going to try and aerate the compacted parts and add some gypsum. I'm just about to add some topsoil to start levelling kt as some parts have subsided a touch. Deciding between a general lawn mix or a sandy loam. My other concern is we will be away for 5 weeks over winter and I don't know what I will be coming back to.
Anyone have their own ritual?