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Tested twice, best was only 8/10 and even then I'm not sure which 8 were correct. Only one attempt per account - have copied down all options so you have that at least.
Sign into/up for a Kinguin account and complete a 10-question quiz relating to events, characters, names, actors and add-ons from the original Mass Effect trilogy.
Q1: What was the name of a Krogan friend of Commander Shepard?
A: Urdnot Wrex / Udon Rekt / Urdont Wrex / Udont Rex
Q2: What is the name of the composer of the soundtrack for Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2?
A: Jack White / John Wall / Jack Wall / James White
Q3: How many DLCs are available for Mass Effect 2?
A: 5 / 11 / 8 / 10
Q4: What is the controversy concerning Shepard becoming a Spectre?
A: He has no combat experience / He's a former criminal and leader of a deadly gang / He's been diagnosed with a crippling disease / He is the first Human to become a Spectre
Q5: What is Garrus Vakarian known as in the Terminus System in Mass Effect 2?
A: Savior / Vigilante / Archangel / Guardian Angel
Q6: EDI is an acronym for:
A: Enhanced Defense Intelligence / Emulated Driving Independence / Encrypting Data Incognito / Enhanced Defensive Immunity
Q7: What is the name of the actress who voiced the female Commander Shepard in the original trilogy?
A: Kimberly Brooks / Jennifer Hale / Ali Hillis / Ash Sroka
Q8: How is Richard L. Jenkins killed?
A: By a geth commando sniper / By a landmine / By geth recon drones / By a pressure leak in his suit
Q9: How many different ending scenarios are there in Mass Effect 3?
A: 4 / 6 / 8 / 2
Q10: Commander Shepard’s male body was based on a model named:
A: Mark Vanderloo / Mark Waterloo / Mark Vindaloo / Mark Wenderloo
ASUS ROG Radeon™ RX 480 Strix Gaming OC 8GB graphics card valued at $429.
NOTE: Preordering not mentioned in T&Cs and I got to the end fine without.
Q9. 8(