This is a fun little game for anyone who likes stealth games. It is in early access but is already very much fun playing and fairly polished which is evidence by the high rating on Steam.
Normal price is $3.99 and the current sale price on the Humble Store is the lowest price thus far for this game. Probably one of the best $1US you have spent on a single game.
Will also feature various modes, including multiplayer soon.
From the Steam page:
Can you escape with the loot? Play as the Master Thief and steal as much as you can. Burgle houses in order to obtain some sweet, sweet loot. But be careful not to get caught!.
Your objective is simple, search the area for items which are exchangeable for money. Each level you pass will increase in difficulty. The more difficult the level is the more loot you will obtain.
Avoid the owner at all costs! If he catches you, well, you lose everything! including your money! "