• expired

[PC] Origin Sale. Battlefield 1 $44.99 (Was 89.99), Titanfall 2 $35.99 (Was 89.99), The Sims 4 $26.66 and FIFA 17 $29.99


Hi Bargainers,

I'm not sure whether this is the all time pest price but Origin is having a sale on most of their best selling products; Other good prices include:

Starwars Battlefront $13.33 (Was $39.99)
Battlefield 4 $4.99 (Was $19.99)
The Sims 4 City Living $24.99 (Was $49.99)
Dragon Age Inquisition $11.99 (Was $29.99)
Need for Speed $19.99 (Was 49.99)

Note that you will have to download these games from the Origin client.

Go easy on me, this is my first deal :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    BF1 is $30 AUD via Origin korean store for those with VPNs

  • Bought Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate edition last week for $25.. went to play a game last night and gave up after about 15 mins of waiting..

    What a joke!

    • +1

      Duncan, you should have spent those time taking more photos, probably more productive than waiting for this game.

      • hahaha.. shesh.. can't go anywhere these days without someone following me..

        I bought it a week ago and finally dl'd it, only to find that I can't play the freaking thing.. I mean come on.. who doesn't love star wars!

        • Shoulda done your research. The game had barely any depth to it and died a while ago

          its still active on consoles i believe

        • @GossipGoat: Waiting for it to drop the $5 like the other battlefields. I believe you can still play some of the Defend vs waves modes without multiplayer. Just want to blow up some stormtroopers on the cheap :)
          (I have played pretty much every starwars game before people suggest older ones ;) )

        • @GossipGoat:
          Still active on European PC servers if you can get a good connection.

    • ive never had a prob playing the star wars on xbox.
      was that the PC ver?

  • Patiently waiting for a sims4 complete edition

    • You are going to be waiting for a long time friend. They only released the sims two one a year or two ago.

  • If you want to check historical best prices, look up the game on isthereanydeal.com. You can choose between AUD and USD prices.

  • +2

    What are peoples experience with Titanfall 2 on PC? How is the population?

    • My exact sentiment before committing to buy Titanfall 2… I did enjoy playing the first one though.

    • I thought titanfall was good. The single player was well executed, although it is a pretty typical linear fps campaign with some interesting components. I played the multiplayer a little bit around launch, sadly the population was lacking but the gameplay itself felt vastly improved and more exciting than the first one. A real shame that it launched in such a saturated time frame. I wouldn't surprised if the multiplayer is almost dead at this point.

    • There's enough people playing on the Sydney servers that you're not going to wait for long. Expect a lot of friendly faces due to the low player count though and even with the new queuing system where you can queue for everything you may need to just queue for Attrition sometimes to get into a game.

      Loads of fun and scales well to lower end hardware as well. The campaign is pretty good as well.

    • If you can get to play it a freinds place first I would do that. As I said in the last thread on TF2, the multiplayer is woeful and nothing like TF1 (which I loved). I wont go into all the details of why I don't like it because some people do like it. But if you can try it first or at least watch some youtube clips you might save yourself some money. IMO they would have better off extending the single player campaign (which was fun) and leaving the MP out of it altogether, that's how much I don't like it.

  • If you are interested in both games the bundle is further discounted at $68.33(origin.com)

    • It's the Deluxe editions too.

  • +1

    For those wanting player numbers for some of those games at time of posting (PC):
    Battlefield 1 ~40k Worldwide(bf1stats.com)
    Battlefield 4 ~16k Worldwide(bf4stats.com)
    Star Wars Battlefront ~3.8k Worldwide(swbstats.com) (likely less than 100 Australian players at any given time, don't recommend buying for MP)
    Titanfall 2 - Can't find the live stats but this post(reddit.com) shows around 200-300 Australian players during arvo/evening from 4 months ago. Likely to be lower now.

    • Titanfall 2 still finds games relatively quickly despite the low player count here, quicker than usual earlier

    • BF4 is still packed. Some times the BF4 servers are busier then the BF1 servers.

  • Fifa 17 for $29.90! :)

    • Tempted to get it, but not sure about the online player base on PC

      • ~$22 with singapore VPN (using Opera's free built in VPN)

  • His username is ironic for a deal like this…

    • Yes, he is a big fat liar. Should be evicted from Ozbargain for (a) lying and (b) choosing a totally inappropriate username! ;-)

  • Any deals for bf1 premium?

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