This was posted 8 years 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tanto Blades 30% off (Includes Free Shipping) @ KnifeCo


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closed Comments

  • This one is worth the price just as a fashion accessory…

    • Make an impact at your next job interview.

  • How many years will I get if I'm caught with one of these?

  • -5

    how is this garbage even allowed on this website?

    Knife Carry Laws

    Coming soon

    get this crap off here. KnifeCo even lists all items in USD, yet wants to charge GST and then wants to sell tomahawks to kids.

    • +3

      The site is pretty basic, but it does have a very good summary of knife laws for each state -… so I'd expect a decent bit of information to appear in the section you're complaining about soon enough.

      I think the inclusion of USD pricing is because most online sellers for these knives will be US based (or at least providing USD pricing) so it makes price comparison easier. That said, the Spyderco Assist that I'd love to buy is still too expensive (and out of stock).

      As for the "won't somebody think of the children" type remark - grow up. Kids have had access to just as many lethal devices for centuries, it's only in recent decades that parents seem to wet themselves over things like that.

      • -1

        I don't have kids and don't give a toss about them. I do however object to this site marketing "self defence" weapons within Australia

        The ARK—or “Always Ready Knife™—is a purpose-designed personal-defense knife…

        can hardly say that's for cutting your vegetables with can you.

        members of the military community looking for a dedicated combative tool, the double edged OSS was primarily designed for the thrust, however, because its twin edges are honed to razor sharpness, it’s also capable of delivering a lightning quick slash in virtually any direction. An ideal choice for use in countries or localities that prohibit or restrict double edged knives.

        Unlawfully marketing a knife in a way that indicates or suggests that the knife is suitable for combat or is otherwise likely to stimulate or encourage violent behaviour will carry a maximum penalty of $20,000 or 2 years imprisonment.

        our Warcraft series comfortable and secure in hand, and equally at home as a reliable workhorse or life-saving combat knife.…

        Unlawfully marketing a knife in a way that indicates or suggests that the knife is suitable for combat or is otherwise likely to stimulate or encourage violent behaviour will carry a maximum penalty of $20,000 or 2 years imprisonment.

        Ontario Knife Company – 498 Combat Knife w/ Sheath

        military community looking for a dedicated combative tool

        I won't even bother going on, there are 50 more listings on this site advertising combat weapons and clearly selling items that are used to maiming people. I highly doubt this sort of stuff is welcome here, not even because they are breaking the law.

        • +1

          And 95% of those knives will be used for nothing more agressive than some angsty teenager carving chunks out of their IKEA desk in their bedroom. Just because something has some pseudo-military marketing wankery around it, it doesn't mean that it's going to be used for such activities. It's like selling a car - you sell the image, not the reality.

          I used to live in a city that had the highest rate of knife crime in Europe (was a victim of one attack myself) and by far the most common type of knives used were ones that you'd buy here in either Bunnings or Kitchen Warehouse, not the pseudo-military nonsense that you're highlighting. That kind of stuff just draws attention to people; someone likely to use a knife on someone else generally wants to be less obvious.

          I can see where you're coming from, but I think your concerns are greater than warranted.

        • +3

          I welcome it. Weapons don't maim people. People maim people. And if they really wanted to, they could just grab a kitchen knife and use that. I'd say people paying this price for knives aren't doing so with the intent of hurting or injuring someone with it.

        • -3

          @banana365: good for you Euroman, except its illegal to market weapons as combat ready or to be used for combat. as highlighted in my comment the store owner is liable for 2 years in prison and a 20,000 dollar fine.

        • -1

          @sumoyoshi: that would be the documented maximum penalty, which in reality is: a slap on the wrists and a $500 fine. maybe some community service working with emos that cut themselves.

        • @d1s34s3d: exactly… You go to the opshop and buy them for 10 cents… Its how I learned to sharpen and fix knives.

    • +4

      get this crap off here. KnifeCo even lists all items in USD, yet wants to charge GST and then wants to sell tomahawks to kids.

      Yeah…and don't let the kids sharpen up their pencils and turn them in to weapons!! Saw a kid at the park recently shooting his mates with pretend bullets from a stick…had to get the tactical response group in. If we don't ban sticks and pencils immediately there will be another primary school massacre!!! Won't somebody please think of the children.

      Or there's another theory that involves removing kids from screens, taking them out of the city and teaching them how to safely use tomahawks (a tool for cutting wood, not a weapon of mass destruction), knives, fishing gear, fire etc. Not a theory that goes down well with those trying to tighten down the nanny state laws but I kind of like it.

      Admittedly I didn't look very hard but I couldn't see where on the site these guys are wanting "to sell tomahawks to kids". Could you please give a link so they can be reported to the feds.

      I don't have kids and don't give a toss about them.

      That's fairly obvious but thanks for sharing.

      • -4

        That's fairly obvious but thanks for sharing.

        me not being as dumb as most and popping out children has nothing to do with this being a website that is against the law in Australia by advertising assault and combat weapons

        although most parents think they need to be congratulated for spitting out a few disgusting children. give yourself a pat on the back, then go buy a tomahawk to show them 'the right way to use one' for all them times they are going to be in desperate need of a tomahawk they can think back to when their father taught them tomahawk etiquette

        • +4

          me not being as dumb as most and popping out children has nothing to do with this…

          Very true but since you were the one who volunteered the information I thought it would only be polite to acknowledge it.

          Before we go any further let me thank you for not breeding. I wonder if you throw this diatribe at your parents too, that would be funny to watch. Or perhaps you were born an adult?

          Since you keep going on about kids and tomahawks perhaps we could get back to the point you raised about this company wanting to sell tomahawks to kids (or disgusting children as you like to call them). Have you got a link or just making stuff up?

        • It's technique. Not etiquette. And you've really got an issue with tomahawks. Just wished to highlight that in case you were somehow unaware of it.
          The correct technique for using tomahawks and throwing axes I'm general is a hard one to perfect. Much like archery and target shooting. Both of which are activities that could maim or hurt someone if used incorrectly yet are also Olympic events. While axe throwing isn't as big of an event it's still a pretty unique skill to acquire and one that I shall be teaching my son.

      • Evens the advantage against the school bully…..

    • +2

      It's allowed, because it qualifies as a bargain.
      Just because you don't like the product, doesn't mean it's garbage or shouldn't be advertised.

      Just to apply further logic to your hysterical ranting, a true combat knife is a dagger or bayonet, which is designed solely to pierce the human body.
      All of the knives in the bargain could arguably be used in a utility role, even the tomahawk.

      As for the 'selling to kids' drivel, most kids aren't really interested in placing a hunk of metal into someone else.
      The ones that do, can quite easily purchase something similar in Bunnings for a fraction of the price.
      They'll have to forgo the tomahawk, but there's some hatchets there that have a good heft to them, and are a steal at $8. Now there's a bargain !

      I appreciate that you feel disturbed that there are implements out there in society that can be used against another delicate human, but this is not a new phenomenon, and has been a burgeoning industry since the Bronze Age.

      So as to assist you, the following places may trigger you: camping stores, hardware stores, fishing stores, King of Knives stores, barber shops, tobacco shops, key cutting kiosks, eBay, hairdressers, restaurants, any kitchen in the country, cutlery drawers and my house.

      Though in my defence, if you're near my house, I'm more likely to invite you in for a coffee and polite conversation than turn into a lethal flurry of stabbiness.

  • Vendor in title please.

  • Have you got sheaths/pouches for sale that would match up with these blades?

  • its not clear where they ship from.

    • +1

      I bought from there last sale and my item was express posted from Australia.

      I was really impressed by their top quality service.

  • CRKT M-16 on the way!

    • why this one? how good is it?

  • +1

    Finding cheaper prices on ebay even with your 30% off.
    Eg cold steel bokken

    EBay seller $22.71

    You site with discount $26.73…

    Comes from America but I'd wait the extra time for just over 15% saving.

    First item I searched a cheaper price for.

    • problem with coming from USA is customs. package can get pulled up and you won't get your knife. and you won't get your money back either. you'll also get a nasty letter.

      • If the knife is legal it comes through with no problems. I've had two confiscated through customs and they were right in doing so. Got my money back from seller on ebay as they had it posted on Australian ebay. Sent copy of notice to them and they sent me my money back without hassle.

      • package can get pulled up and you won't get your knife. and you won't get your money back either.

        Please back this up with some recent experience

        • -2

          can do (not that recent though, definitely pre paypal days), but i won't. it depends on the knife, and if it's not legal and it gets examined this will happen. but yes, i have had a small blade come through no problems.

          problem is some blades can be opened with one hand, which is illegal.

          there's a limit to blade length as well. and swords i think are a no-no.

          waste of time and money arguing with customs. which is why i'd rather pay a few dollars more and order from here. but again, depends on the blade.

        • @insular:

          National import laws changed in 2015, no problem with most unassisted single handed openers these days.

          Carry laws vary around the county.

          Please familiarise yourself with the current legislation before making false statements.

          problem is some blades can be opened with one hand, which is illegal.

          Unless there is some mechanical assistance you're spreading alternative facts (years ago we used to call this talking out of your ar$e).

        • @OzBragain: rightio smart arse.

          good luck with the cops when they don't believe your "it's to cut my sandwiches" excuse on a single handed opening blade.

          butterfly knives, not mechanical, definitely illegal.

          sorry for not being a knife nut, evidently as you are, by keeping up to date with all the current laws and regulations. now go back to stroking yours, along with your ego.

        • @insular:

          rightio smart arse…sorry for not being a knife nut…

          Someone who questions your BS 'facts' is a smart arse knife nut.

          It's really not difficult to find out what's okay and what's not these days but you want to tell members here they can't import legal knives from The States because of something you tried to import illegally 'pre PayPal days'.

          Here's a link that took me all of 10 seconds to find. Please make a little effort.

          good luck with the cops when they don't believe your "it's to cut my sandwiches" excuse on a single handed opening blade.

          Import and carry laws are not the same. Please do yourself a favour and learn the difference before your next rant.

          butterfly knives, not mechanical, definitely illegal.

          Can't be imported and can't legally be bought locally. What an idiotic example!

          now go back to stroking yours, along with your ego.

          While we're telling each other what to do, how about you hop up out of the sand pit and ask mummy how search this interweb thing before spewing out more rubbish.

          Not sure why trying to share real facts (as opposed to your made up ones) makes you think I'm stroking my ego. Were you stroking something while you were typing?

        • -2

          @OzBragain: i never said they were 'facts'. they were my experience, and something anyone should be wary of.

          telling me to 'google it', would imply that i actually care enough to bother. which i don't. but it seems to bother you though. i can't even be bothered clicking the link you provided.

          i pointed out the butterfly knife example because you said

          Unless there is some mechanical assistance you're spreading alternative facts

          there's no mechanical assistance there, so your 'fact' is wrong if i were to analyse your post. you're not so perfect either.

          lol, considering i work in web search for a living i know very well about searching and the interweb. in this case, i just can't be bothered because i don't care, and it seems to get you nice and worked up.

          you're welcome.

        • -1


          there's no mechanical assistance there, so your 'fact' is wrong if i were to analyse your post. you're not so perfect either.

          no problem with most unassisted single handed openers these days.. My apologies for not repeating myself for simple folk like you.

          you're welcome.

          Thanks tiger

        • -2

          @OzBragain: well you kind of did repeat yourself, but skewed your statement the second time to omit the illegal example of butterfly knives by saying "unless they're mechanical".

          like i said, you're not perfect either and the level you've gone to berate me over some minor details seems to indicate maybe you're someone that just shouldn't have knives.

          looking at my original post, that started your rage, i actually can't see anything really wrong with it and most of it is still valid given that fighting with customs is more trouble that its worth if something gets pulled up and is illegal in their eyes. if you actually believe customs are saints and don't make mistakes, you obviously don't know customs.

          can do (not that recent though, definitely pre paypal days), but i won't. it depends on the knife, and if it's not legal and it gets examined this will happen. but yes, i have had a small blade come through no problems.

          here i clearly state it depends on the knife. can you read?

          problem is some blades can be opened with one hand, which is illegal.

          this is an accurate statement, as accurate as your use of the word "most"

          there's a limit to blade length as well. and swords i think are a no-no.

          edit: i should have said some swords are a no-no. but i did say "i think", because i wasn't sure.
          not sure about blade length limit these days but there definitely was one before at some point, but i might have confused this with carry laws (which might vary from state to state).

          waste of time and money arguing with customs. which is why i'd rather pay a few dollars more and order from here. but again, depends on the blade.

          again, another statement i've made which is my opinion and again, i say that it depends on the blade.



        • @insular: ignorance of the law is not an excuse. if you are unsure about something you're thinking of importing, you can just email Customs with a link to the item and they will tell you yes or no.

          you won't get your knife.
          you won't get your money back either.
          you'll also get a nasty letter.

          you sounded pretty damn sure of what would happen to d1s34s3d, had they bought aforementioned blade, despite your blatantly incorrect assumptions of the law:

          problem is some blades can be opened with one hand, which is illegal.

          your opinions of knife importation laws have no merit; they are simply incorrect and outdated.

          but instead of admitting you were off the mark, you went straight to calling someone who is actually aware of knife importation laws as a "smart arse", as well as other inflammatory nonsense that contributed nothing to the discussion

          gee, what does that make you?

        • -1

          @tdw: the blade he posted was "an example". i was speaking generally. i did not say THAT blade would get pulled up.

          my opinion is not that outdated, there have only been minor changes. most of what i said is still valid and correct.

          as per post above, i wasn't off the mark by that much, definitely on swords (but this varies depending on sword). everything else was valid and correct.

          he was clearly being a smart arse with comments like:

          Please familiarise yourself with the current legislation before making false statements.
          you're spreading alternative facts (years ago we used to call this talking out of your ar$e).

          defending a smart arse, what's that make you as well?

        • @insular:

          Seriously champ, give it a rest. You were wrong and someone on the internet corrected the facts. Stop making yourself look silly by clutching at straws trying to justify the semantics of your many incorrect statements.

          Suck it up and move on.

          well you kind of did repeat yourself, but skewed your statement the second time to omit the illegal example of butterfly knives by saying "unless they're mechanical".

          The point had already been made already, not everyone's so slow on the uptake. Again I apologise for not spoon feeding you the same information one more time to give you a better opportunity to understand.

          like i said, you're not perfect either and the level you've gone to berate me over some minor details seems to indicate maybe you're someone that just shouldn't have knives.

          I don't believe I've claimed anywhere here to be perfect but that might just be your insecurities coming through. You weren't berated over some minor details, you were offering incorrect advice to someone on a public forum on national legislation that you have no understanding of. Please do everyone a favour, if you no knowledge on a subject and can't be bothered taking the time to get to understand it, don't go offering advice. As tdw said, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

          looking at my original post, that started your rage, i actually can't see anything really wrong with it and most of it is still valid…

          There's no rage, just frustration at keyboard warriors with no idea what they're talking about spreading incorrect information. Your initial post didn't sound like you understood the laws you were giving advice on and was responded to politely. You then proceeded to contradict yourself by sharing recent experience from pre PayPal days (is that around 2010?) and continue by spewing out more incorrect information about current laws.

          No one expects you to keep your knowledge of prohibited imports up to date UNTIL you start offering advice on public forums.

          Before we move too far from your original post, have you even realised yet that the sword mentioned by d1s34s3d is a plastic training sword? Baaaaaahahahaha, Border Security will let samurai swords through but confiscate a plastic sword. Please enlighten us with more of your wisdom oh great oracle.

          lol, considering i work in web search for a living i know very well about searching and the interweb. in this case, i just can't be bothered because i don't care…

          You've done such a good job of proving my point I'll leave that one alone.


          Given the rubbish you've come out with so far I'm not sure if that's a continuation of childish name calling or you signing off. Either way it gave me a chuckle :)

        • @OzBragain:

          Seriously champ, give it a rest.

          if only you could do the same.

          You were wrong

          not entirely, as i pointed out.

          I don't believe I've claimed anywhere here to be perfect

          your arrogance would suggest otherwise.

          You weren't berated over some minor details

          minor details. the majority of what i said was correct and valid. so minor details.

          on national legislation that you have no understanding of
          no idea what they're talking about spreading incorrect information

          again, i have a lot of understanding and prior experience, with the majority of what i said was valid and correct. to say i have -no- understanding is not accurate. i'd hardly call posting on one thread on one internet forum 'spreading' misinformation. especially when arrogant tards are quick to jump in and correct me. but of course, you didn't do that, you asked for more information first so you can inflate your ego further with a scathing reply to win internet points. kudos.

          UNTIL you start offering advice on public forums.

          i think anyone that takes the advice one person offers on a public forum for importation of something that might be questionable will probably land themselves into trouble.

          Before we move too far from your original post, have you even realised yet that the sword mentioned by d1s34s3d is a plastic training sword? Baaaaaahahahaha, Border Security will let samurai swords through( but confiscate a plastic sword. Please enlighten us with more of your wisdom oh great oracle.

          again, i didn't specifically refer to that item in particular in my comments (as i have already addressed above). it was a GENERAL COMMENT.

          given the rubbish you've come out with so far I'm not sure if that's a continuation of childish name calling or you signing off. Either way it gave me a chuckle :)

          you could have easily replied without the arrogance and attitude, but you chose not to. hence why you're an idiot.

          i'd love to see you stand up in front of a lecture with students when a student gives you a mostly correct answer and you do as you have done here.

        • +2


          if only you could do the same

          Sure. This is just going around in circles and now that you've dragged our friendly chat down to name calling I doubt there's much chance you'll understand.

          Before I do I'd like point out your attempted insult of

          arrogant tards

          When you grow up, if you choose to procreate and spend time with other parents (some of whom will have kids with mental disabilities), as a parent, you'll see that insults like tard only come from bottom dwelling scum. Well scum or the disconnected internet warriors who wouldn't have the balls to use the kind of language they use online if they're ever forced to have a real discussion looking someone in the face.

        • -1


          This is just going around in circles

          no shit sherlock

          now that you've dragged our friendly chat down to name calling

          started that ages ago. now who's slow?

          When you grow up, if you choose to procreate and spend time with other parents, as a parent, you'll see that insults like tard only come from bottom dwelling scum.

          and earlier in the thread i noticed as i was scrolling up:

          Before we go any further let me thank you for not breeding. I wonder if you throw this diatribe at your parents too, that would be funny to watch. Or perhaps you were born an adult?

          i suppose you're trying to bait me so you can insult me with your wisdom you have gained from parenthood. i can picture you right now, closet psychopath father type just waiting to explode on other parents for insignificant matters (like you have done here). get back to the meth, your junkie wife is waiting in the bedroom to drop some before the kids get dinner ready.

          or the disconnected internet warriors who wouldn't have the balls to use the kind of language they use online if they're ever forced to have a real discussion looking someone in the face

          this is where you're wrong. but to be fair if you displayed that arrogance in your response in person i'd probably just end the discussion pretty quick.

        • @OzBragain: in your ninja edit i see you added this:

          some of whom will have kids with mental disabilities

          i would never insult a child with a mental disability. but a psychotic, arrogant know-it-all parent. without question.

        • +1


          Okay, I'll bite one last time.

          i would never insult a child with a mental disability

          Then perhaps wise little keyboard warrior you could give us your definition of a tard…as in arrogant tards? I've always known it to be an abbreviation of retard or mentally retarded person.

          Most adult members of society would see that as a fairly blatant and gutless insult to anyone with a mental disability. You'll probably come to understand when you grow up.

          i suppose you're trying to bait me

          No, just pointing out how infantile you're acting.

        • -2

          @OzBragain: well i gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you weren't a child.

          looks like i was wrong.

          so, sorry for insulting you by calling you a tard.

          i would never insult a child with a mental disability

        • +1

          @insular: amazing. the more you run your mouth, the more you live up to your username. are you so thin-skinned and petulant that you must absolutely take offence at being politely corrected? then hypocritically accuse someone else of the same juvenile tactics you leapt to first?

          you ought to see a doctor for all that salt in your system; you wouldn't want to get a stroke.

        • @tdw: my username is an old gaming handle. but thanks for noticing.

          i didn't see anything polite about it.

          it's 2v1, and i only have one hole. i see you like to take turns.

          i'd say you're wrong on the salt intake related to stroke, but of course, you're a health expert too now.

        • +1


          Don't give up champ. Nothing left to loose for you at this point.

        • @rob74: this is one of the oldest memes i can remember. hahaha.


        • @rob74:

          Hahaha…sh!t stirrer :)

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