Just thought I heard somewhere on the news either on the Radio or TV that the Price of Greenslips is due to fall due to the "Emergency Services Levy". Is this true? So does that mean because we'll pay for this levy, the greenslip will be lower. But doesn't that mean I'm just paying for one and getting a discount on the other??
Price of Greenslip to Drop?

LYRICALRAVER on 08/03/2017 - 20:07
The ESL was going to be moved to somewhere else, so green slips should drop, but i think it was council rates that we're going to rise.
They also want to cut out fraud to reduce the green slip cost, but find it hard to believe it will make a real difference.
I suspect we'll still being paying the same overall anyway.
Quick google would've found you the answer easily.
By 1 July 2017, the ESL rate across our products will be reduced down to 0%.
In the future the NSW Emergency Services will be funded by all NSW property owners. This will make it a fairer system as responsibility of funding our important fire and emergency services will no longer fall only on those with insurance. Until this happens you will pay ESL as part of insurance premiums.
Will the cost of my insurance premium fall?
There are many factors that influence insurance premiums but most NRMA Insurance home, contents and business customers in NSW should see a fall in the cost of their total insurance premium when the ESL is removed.