Did you use my link? Haven't received bonus points.
Win a Nintendo Switch & Zelda: Breath of The Wild from Emazing Group
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My referral https://wn.nr/QSUNHf
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yeah i did, maybe it hasnt updated yet. try again later.
weird, same thing with my ref that you used, and i did not get credit for via another comp
Still no bonus points. So i'm guessing you didn't use my link. Thanks anyway.
Spotted this so I used yours Phalaxis :)
Cheers :)
Used angelkulit's link. Here's mine:
Used ckristian's, mine's: https://wn.nr/njPrC8
Used Huxleys link, heres mine: https://wn.nr/njPrbC
used pantsparty's
Mine: https://wn.nr/F6RMQUUsed theantic's.. Mine is: https://wn.nr/rgsrpn
used subboy's… Mine is: https://wn.nr/VD7CZY
used pfaftle's
Mine is: https://wn.nr/jGYPM4
used m911, mine https://wn.nr/P6NnBh
Used natman's link.
Mine is; https://wn.nr/SSq29g
Used coxymla's link
Mine is https://wn.nr/F6RXJ4used roberta's, here is mine: https://wn.nr/q3HpRt
Used Mishrael's
here's mine: https://wn.nr/423cxH
used tbite's, mine: https://wn.nr/XpGgxU
used threeDspider's
mine: https://wn.nr/KPt9RHused etheral point:
mine: https://wn.nr/XpGqjGUsed blehgg, here's mine
Used Chadiwrx's,
Here's mine: https://wn.nr/HUEYxgUsed crikey26's
https://wn.nr/2GxAhvUsed Lief1250
Here's mine: https://wn.nr/kkfXEmused JHa's link, here's mine: https://wn.nr/E6jbFT
Used ScaryZombie
Mine: https://wn.nr/fJ9KrcUsed HMK's
Mine is https://wn.nr/SSqNw3used Seneki's
Mine: https://wn.nr/NEgpFtUsed Coupleofdays
Mine: https://wn.nr/cKpPVcUsed solidred mine https://wn.nr/YK6zqb
Used thebiggestfudge's, mine: https://wn.nr/MpT39S
Used kevlam3
Mine is https://wn.nr/EsfpAQUsed durd0008's, mine is https://wn.nr/WU4RLd
used JoKing's, mine is https://wn.nr/vS22Ny
used stravingartist
Mine is https://wn.nr/X8Bsyr
Used Ghostdog's, heres mine: https://wn.nr/GZc4KT
Used MattBuzzy
Heres mine
https://wn.nr/WUZSASused SANNIE's
heres mine: https://wn.nr/gG82RwUsed Hoopzzy's
Here's mine: https://wn.nr/mYWy27used online bathroomware's, mine is: https://wn.nr/xSUJ4V
Used Steppen wolf
Mine is https://wn.nr/63q5zB
Used Ramrunner
Mine is https://wn.nr/MpXg7h
Used rebound87
mine is: https://wn.nr/5JnzN8Used shinsaber's. Mine's: https://wn.nr/CH57Fc
Used Robotsy's (again :) ) mine is https://wn.nr/X8YQRG
used 2inchdk's
mine: https://wn.nr/QbrsPf
here's my link, thanks