There have been a number of interesting threads about budgets, leasing, pocket money and so on recently.
These got me thinking. I've always run a detailed budget, but it has been built bottom-up. Very granular, how much do I spend on each possible line item.
Rather than discuss the details ("you could save $5/month if you switch to Vaya"), of which every person will have their own views, I'm wondering what people pay or think is reasonable as a percentage of their household income. I think this will probably vary less between people in different circumstances, and I'm interested to know whether my budget could be improved through rebalancing the macro level expenditure.
If I aggregate it all, I get the following:
37% Mortgage
28% Living
—————(13% discretionary incl. entertainment, drinks etc
—————7% household including groceries, haircuts, dry cleaning etc
—————7% utilities including phone and internet)
18% Savings (cash, additional mortgage payments, investments)
7% Transport (Fuel, insurance, rego, loan payments)
5% Education (school fees, music lessons etc)
4% Insurances (income, home/contents, life, etc)
2% Health (doctors/medicine, gym fees, sporting fees)
I'm thinking of buying a new car which would significantly increase the Transport section, at the detriment of the Savings section. I also wonder what people allocate to the other categories.
What are your percentages?
never worked out percentages no do i think it matters as it is up to the individual and their lifestyle.
as long as you pay off that mortgage and spend less than you make its a good thing. Buy a new car if you think you can afford it and if it is of value to you vs. your older one.