I've looked back over our gas usage for about 18months. Seems we are getting charged the privilege of around $50 per quarter for using about 40c worth of gas per summer bill (cook top only) and about $60 worth of gas in winter (first winter). We love our gas heater, don't care about gas for cooking, but it's cheaper to run than electricity by the look of things.
Would converting to LPG be worth it? considering the minor hassle of bottled gas. The gas source would not be too difficult to tap into. Does anyone still use LPG for heating? Or should we cut off the gas, get an electric cooktop and deal with electricity prices for heating. We have 4kW of solar to offset the elect prices.
LPG costs about double for energy used, and has a bottle rental (waived sometimes) of around $100 a year.
You didn't mention hot water, the other big energy user, but assuming it isn't gas, I would be considering electricity only in your circumstance.