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New Wave Red Pizza Oven $89 @ Kitchen Warehouse (Sold out Online, Still Available in Stores WA and VIC)

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Awesome pizza oven, 5 stars from 119 reviews
I got one a few years ago and love it, was never able to get the crispy base before I got one

Thanks to stride for the coupon!
stride 5 hours 6 min agonew
Use Coupon #20OVER100 for $20 OFF

The Red Pizza Oven is specially designed for cooking pizza. The fixed ceramic stone base allows you to cook a perfectly crisp pizza in around 5 minutes. The key to cooking a crisp pizza is the stone base. The stone will actually absorb some of the moisture from the base of your pizza ensuring you have an evenly cooked pizza right from the middle to the end.

Don't be fooled by other imitation pizza ovens on the market that don't have a stone base. The Pizza Maker/Pizza Oven heats to around 300 degrees, which will cook your pizza quickly and evenly every time. Then use the included aluminium paddles to simply slide your pizza off the base.

You can use many different bases in the Pizza Maker; from pitta bread pizzas, fresh or frozen dough, Lebanese bread or wraps. Why not use a bread maker or mix by hand to make a batch of fresh pizza dough? You will be amazed at the results. A recipe for pizza dough can be found in the instruction manual.
Key Features:
Heats and is ready to cook in 5 minutes
pizza cooking time approx. 5 minutes
Great for kids parties
12 months full replacement warranty

Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Looks like chatter teeth

  • Are these the same ones used by Domino's ?

    • +2

      Theirs are rectangular and black with white dots on them.

      • +3

        You've got to be careful with those ones, once you knock one over it makes a huge mess.

    • +10

      lot better than Domino's!

      I got one of these around 5 years ago, and I really wasn't hoping for this to work…

      Here are some pizza's I made with this not long ago:……

      • Pizza's look good. Is the base cripsy? I had a similar unit (not newwave) for years and struggled to get the base to cook. I have since bought a uuni and never looked back.

      • Indeed it looks so good, but what about the base?

        • +4

          indeed it is crispy. i don't think i have any photos of base but this closest i could find on instagram:

          this little pizza oven has really got better with the age.

          the trick here is to use high hydration 75%. if you guys want me to share my pizza dough recipe let me know.

        • @lostinsydney:
          Great job with shaping the dough. With hydration that high it would have been tricky.

        • @Beast: it might be at first but if you following the tips in my recipe below it should be easy.
          give it a go, and let me know…

          the reason you need high hydration at home is these pizza oven can't reach same temp as commercial one's, and by using high hydration you can cook crispy charred pizza at home within 3-4 minutes.

          i tried with ~60% and results were not that good. but with 75% hydration i was able achieve great results.

        • @lostinsydney:
          I just received my pizza oven today. Looking foreword to experimenting. When you say 75% hydration what do you mean?

        • +1

          Flour = 100%
          Water = 75%

          don't forget to share your pizza photos!

      • Here are some pizza's I made with this not long ago:

        yum, please post your dough recipe…

        • +1 pizza recipe please.

        • +21

          500g unbleached flour with a protein content ~11% (note: more is better here)
          9-10g kosher salt or sea salt (1.8 to 2%) - try with 1.8%
          1g active dried yeast (0.2%) (note: don't use instant yeast)
          5g barley malt syrup (1%) (note: optional but recommended)
          375g water at 35c (75%)
          ~10g organic extra virgin oil

          how to:
          1. mix flour and salt
          2. heat the filtered tap water to 35c, and add yeast. let this rest for 5mins, and add barley malt syrup
          3. pour this on top of flour mix, and using a hand/fork to combine it or knead in your mixer until it's all combined together.
          4. leave this in room temp for 24hrs. cover this with a cling film. the dough will go up 2-3times, and make sure you've enough clearance.
          5. after 24hrs, add extra virgin oil to dough, and make a ball. let this rest at room temp for 2hrs.
          6. on heavily dusted floured board divide the dough in 5 equal portions (~175g each) or 4 equal portions (~220g each). leave this to proof for another 2hrs. this will help you with hand stretch pizza (8-9inches). at this stage, you can freeze it for up to 3 months or in fridge for 2-3days. once you take it out from fridge leave it outside for around 2hours.

          i personally prefer taste of 24hrs + 12hrs in fridge proofing method. i have few other pizza dough recipes but this the easiest of them all as this recipe doesn't require mixer.

          oh, you can also make naan bread in this pizza oven as well!

        • @lostinsydney:

          your pizza and naan look good!!!
          please post naan recipe :)

        • @lostinsydney: What are the percentages you give here? Pizza noob here.

        • +2

          They are baker's percentages, where everything is a percentage of the flour. So if you have 100g of flour and 75g of water, the flour is 100% and the water is 75%. If you were to use say 75g white flour, 25g wholemeal and 75g water, it would be listed as 75% white, 25% wholemeal & 75% water

        • +1

          @sourdawg: thats correct.
          i'm not a baker though but i read lot of baking books over the years.

        • +6


          version 1:

          550g unbleached flour
          11g kosher salt or sea salt

          2.5g active dried yeast (note: don't use instant yeast)
          50g water at 35c
          15g sugar

          100g buttermilk or full-fat yoghurt (I prefer 50-50 each)
          100g full-fat milk
          100g water
          20g melted ghee or 20g unsalted butter
          1 large egg (~50g)

          ~5g canola oil

          egg wash (1egg and 50g milk)

          how to:
          1. mix flour and salt
          2. add yeast to 50g of water. let this rest for 5mins, and stir in the sugar.
          3. mix water, full-fat milk, buttermilk/yoghurt, melted ghee or butter, and whisked egg
          4. pour this on top of flour mix, and knead in your mixer until it's all combined together. knead for 5min on medium speed. rest this for 30mins, and knead for 10mins on medium speed.
          5. cover this with a cling film, and leave this in room temp for 2hrs.
          6. in clean bowl add canola oil, and add dough. make a big dough ball, and leave it in fridge for 24hrs.
          7. portion ~125g dough balls, and leave it at room temp for 2hrs.
          note: you don’t want to go any bigger than 125 because dough will rise, and touch the heating element.
          8. Use rolling pin to roll to 6-7 (just inside size of the heating element). add egg wash, and add toppings (nigella/sesame seeds, fresh coriander, thyme etc).
          9. to cook, preheat the pizza oven. when it’s read turn to setting 2. wait till heating element is bright red. put your naan bread, and cook for ~1min and half. note: this to avoid naan bread getting a crisp base. the other trick you can use, put a baking paper in between dough and stone, and open the lid and remove the paper cooking for 30seconds or so. you'll have to experiment with time here.
          once cooked add butter on top!

          version 2 (easy)

          500g unbleached flour
          10g kosher salt or sea salt
          1g instant yeast
          15g sugar

          100g full-fat milk (if you using buttemilk or yoghurt add 2.5g of baking soda to flour)
          250g water

          unsalted butter

          1. knead all ingredients, and leave it at room temp for 4hrs, and follow steps 7 onwards from above
        • @lostinsydney:

          Pics look really good, but 24hr resting time?! OMG! I was going to make pizza with it tonight, but I guess it'll gave to wait until tomorrow!

          edit: my comment was meant for pizza recipe.

        • @lostinsydney:

          thank you very much for sharing the recipes.

          Just wondering where do you get your active dried yeast? The one I have got from supermarket are all instant dried yeast which I have used successfully for all my breads.

          Also, where can I get barley malt syrup?

        • @ST:
          no worries!

          barley malt syrup is available at most health food shops. also, i have seen them at coles and woolworths near jam section.

          re yeast, the one's i have used:
          dried yeast (i've used both but i do like the organic one better.)

          instant yeast
… (i like this better than lowan brand. you can buy at harris farms)
… (i didn't like this)

          with instant yeast as name suggest results are instant.
          if you make bread, and everything is constant except yeast, instant yeast will result in very soft and airy bread, and dried yeast will result little dense bread (think, supermarket vs artisan bakery bread). based on this, you can switch yeast for results you want.

          that reminds me, i should make bread this weekend!

        • @lostinsydney:
          any reason why you don't like the Lowan one?

        • @Beast: taste wise I thought saf brand tasted best for an instant yeast.

        • @eciuj: for a quick pizza you can make dough (about 1 hour in a bread maker or longer by hand or dough machine) rest for 1-2 hours then roll.

          The longer you let it rest the better, don't forget to punch it down when it gets to full rise because it will rise again

      • +1

        Great looking pizzas, if you use a dough docker or put some indentations (using a fork or similar) you can stop the bubbles from coming up and burning on the element

  • +1

    How do i order a black one? Im assuming it has its own listing and therefore sold out.

  • +1

    we have been using ours every week for the past 2 years - good little machine

    • Looks the same as my Lumina machine from Aldi. Going strong for 3+ years now and I think we paid $80 on sale. Same features as the $150-200 machines at the time.

  • +11

    Use Coupon #20OVER100 for $20 OFF

    • Added to the post, cheers

  • Can confirm these are a great pizza maker. The Mrs bought me one a few years ago and much like her, it rarely gets a rest.

  • I have this

    my feedback

    it cooks pizzaz 10 out 10 - perfect


    You cannot put alot of topping on because the grill hits the topping

    • I wouldn't agree, I put a lot of topping on mine and it's fine. Maybe I'm making a thinner base?

  • What am I doing wrong? I select click and collect and it still show delivery charges of $9.95. Clicking on the delivery box won't remove it from my cart. Is it a iPhone issue?

    • I had problem too when I was testing to check the price, I had to put in credit card details, go back to cart and then go to checkout. I didn't actually complete the order though so might be worth doing it on a desktop to be safe or using chrome app on iOS in desktop mode

      • +1

        Thanks that worked for me. Got myself a decent present with the money given to me for my birthday. Happy days.

  • can't you just have a terracotta stone on the oven and do the same thing? (or even two stones and cook two at once)

    • I've never been able to get the base crispy that way, I've tried alot

  • what is the diameter of the cooking surface?

  • +1

    I hope it's good. Was holding back all day but finally could not resist anymore and bought it.

    • Good call, it sold out online

  • Was anyone able to free shipping with paypal? I can't seem to work it out!

    • Ended up buying it off ebay with today's $20 off ebay code.

      • From which seller? Cheapest I can see is $149?

        • Kitchenwarehouse on ebay

  • +1

    I have two of these puppies that I use often when entertaining and have had many people tell me that it was the best pizza they've ever had. Well worth it!

  • +2

    This is the dough recipe I use that was given to my wife by her uncle in Melbourne who ran a pizza shop for many years.

    This will be enough to make approx 8 pizzas.

    500 mls warm water
    1 tablespoon virgin olive oil
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon sugar
    1 sachet Tandaco yeast

    Place yeast in warm water and stir to dissolve
    Place all ingredients in large bowl and add plain flour (as much as is needed to make dough soft)
    Leave in bowl covered with a tea towel to rise at room temperature (approx. 1 -2 hours)

    Secret to using this oven when hot is to leave on heat setting 1 and place round flat dough on pizza stone then roll out to edges, next add toppings as dough is already cooking.
    Close lid and turn to level 3. Should be ready in approx. 5-7 mins. Usually not long after steam starts coming out the sides.

    Be careful when lifting the front of lid when checking by covering hands to avoid burns.


  • I have a weber with a pizza stone. Im happy enough with my weber pizza but curious if this is better or not. Anyone know?

    • Traditional Italian pizzas are based on high heat and short cooking time, 350-400C for 3 minutes. So your Weber and stone would be "better" as it should reach those temperature but more hassle to set up where as this oven supposedly reaches 300C and will cook pizzas in 5 minutes with a 5 minute preheat. More importantly, it's more convenient and portable than the Weber.

  • OzBargained!

  • Looks awesome thanks OP, missed out on buying one online tho :/ excited to grab one in store tomorrow!
    Silly question maybe, but would there be any chance to use the coupon if buying in store do you reckon?
    Appreciate the dough recipes guys! Those pics sold it for me ;)

    • +1

      I doubt it but even at full price this machine is worth it. Worth an ask though

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