Smash Repairer for Volkswagen Passat

Hi all, my Volkswagen Passat was run into and I have made a claim with my insurer Allianz. I am now considering smash repairer that I should go with.

Allianz authorised repairer in my area is Rolscar Smash Repairs which having done some googling I read mixed reviews about them. Most reviews are either 5 stars or 1 star.

Allianz allows me to choose my own repairer (subject to assessment) and Volkswagen approved repairer in Queensland is Shipstone. I have contacted Shipstone and they are booked out until late April.

Now I need to decide which I should go with. I am after some feedback from anyone who had experience with either of them.

Also, I am wondering if:

  • I can expect better workmanship from Shipstone as approved repairer
  • What's the chance that Allianz will say no after assessment and quote

Really appreciate any feedback and input. Thanks.


  • Go with the authorized repairer for Allianz?

    Don't take reviews too seriously, end of the day if there are any issues take it back and get it fixed

    • thanks for replying @shawncro. Are you saying that I have equal chance with either of the two repairers that I will get my car repaired right or something gone wrong?

      • +2

        Just take reviews with a grain of salt
        I am sure there are more to the internet stories online

        You are covered by an authorized repairer, if they do a crap job, take it back to Allianz and let them handle it
        All work is guranteed for Life btw

  • +1

    My Parents Jetta got repaired by Shipstone, repairs looked good. Can't comment on Rolscar.

    End of the day, does Allianz have lifetime guaranteed repairs? If so, don't worry too much.

    • Who was the insurer? I just don't want to waste time if Allianz might say no if I chose Shipstone.

      • They use RACQ.

  • Call the local car dealers and ask who they use for smash repairs.

    I know the mob we use are highly regarded.

    (and I don't mean minor resprays, I mean full panel shops for the bigger jobs)

    • And that didn't happen to be in Brisbane, did it @Spackbase?

  • Ask for another preferred repairer, there may be more than one in your area with better reviews. But again, Allianz will take any bad repairs seriously, so if they were that bad, they wouldn't be a preferred repairer.

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