Travel dates look like they are between October 6 and 31.
I think you need to book a return ticket to get the price however I found $494 to get to the USA and $430 back to Australia.
Travel dates look like they are between October 6 and 31.
I think you need to book a return ticket to get the price however I found $494 to get to the USA and $430 back to Australia.
Much better flight than with United.
Better food, entertainment, crew and aircraft imo.
My experience is that V Australia and Qantas have the edge over Delta and United in exactly the areas dirtbird says, esp. the entertainment systems and newer aircraft. I'd always pick V or Qantas if the prices were roughly the same.
I've never flown between Aus->USA. Would it be fair to say the following, in terms of how good the airlines are in general?
Qantas > V Australia > Delta > United
My experience is that Qantas and V Australia are much the same, though Qantas is better if you want their QFF points. I've heard the V.A. seats are wider, and I certainly found them comfortable.
I'd put United above Delta, though they're both in the same category, older planes, no personal entertainment system, etc.
@Wampus: I flew Delta to the US in May. All passengers had their own personal entertainment system and the plane was quite recent. Service and food was great. I would highly recommend Delta. The plane was a Boeing 777-200LR, see:…
@laura85: My apologies, sounds like Delta got their act together since the last time I flew with them!
@Wampus: I've only flown United to the US and my experiences are usually the same, old planes, no entertainment system and the food is definitely going downhill (if that was even possible). On the other end, their flights between LA/SF and NY on their refurbished planes with Internet/power are fantastic. I'm an Ozbargainer so I always pick the cheapest!
Haven't seen return flights to US under $1000 for a while now and now it seems a few airlines are doing it… Great deal!!
this thread inspired me to look up flights sydney to fiji in dec. Found fares to fiji for $291 (eg sat 11th) and return to sydney for $310 on christmas day.
Lots of other days with prices to close to these.
FYI, if you want to travel to USA, you'd better apply for ESTA before 8/9/2010 because US will introduce a fee of $14USD from 8th Sep 2010
US will introduce a fee of $14USD from 8th Sep 2010
If anyone is wondering what the fee is for, the fee is to cover the costs of advertising the USA to the rest of the world.
ESTA's are good for 2 years (including multiple entries) so may as well apply now and amend the details later if needed. I'm wondering if it will be tacked onto the ticket price or whether you will have to pay via the website.
They will integrate a credit card payment into the online application process.
we should introduce reciprocal charge for Yanks to come to OZ as well.
Not really just a US thing. Lots of countries/cities/etc add these fees. I'm currently in Canada and you get charged a levy in the Niagara Falls area to pay for fireworks, advertising etc, in addition to the tax you would pay on your meal/activity etc.
Yanks already have to pay a $20 service fee for a ETA Visa as they're not eligible for the free eVisitor so we still have it better even with their $14 charge.
Just bought tickets a few weeks ago for these dates facepalm
Great deal nonetheless!
This is a great offer. V Australia flights are as comfortable as a 15 hour flight can be. The entertainment options are superior to some other airlines too. United for example only has ceiling mounted LCDs.
any deals for people in sydney?
Yes the 5.15 from Central to Parramatta!!! - any more would you like?
As I mod i think you could be more helpful. There are heaps of deals on this site for people in sydney, like facials, massages, pizza, harbour cruises etc.
Thomas, if you go to then search for sydney you will see a whole heap of deals for you. Happy bargain hunting
And if you want to save a little bit more…
The standard passport application fee will increase from $208 to $226 from 1 January 2011.
The Gillard Labor Government announced today, that if re-elected, passport fees will automatically increase each year in line with the Consumer Price Index.
They last 10yrs still I think so get in before January.
Total price: $924