MLN - Iomega 500gb 2.5" USB powered portable external Hard Drive $69
MLN - Iomega 500gb Portable Hard Drive $69

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I thought this was posted a week or two ago…or did that one expire?
When I went into mln looking for the 500gb seagate a month or two ago, they didn't have any and offered me this instead. Turned them down though; had no idea what was inside lol
I think it's a Samsung. Got offered the 500gb Iomega instead too - took it up and when you go to safely remove drive, it mentions "Samsung". Not too sure if that specifies a Samsung drive inside though.
ah cheers
guess I should have bought it then? haha
Already mentioned in last week/ your posts should have been combined: can't blame him, not everyone troll through ALL the posted deal on ozbargain.
That's not what tomsco meant.
User posted a series of deals, which we all know should be simply combined into one posting if it is essentially the same deal.The duplicate deal has since been deleted by a MOD.
ie. his comment made sense 4 hours ago, but not at the time when you read it as it has been corrected.Hope that explains his negative vote.
That's a seagate for $76 and different - can't see the point tomsco!
The fact that the deal I linked to also includes the 500GB drive mentioned here. That's my point skinny.
Pretty funny neg'ing a $69 usb 500 Gig drive for whatever reason. At that price you can list one every week.
hmmm, wont let me buy through their web site, any idea of postage to SA?
edit also, do you have to go into the store to buy it, or will phone orders work too?
put this into your previous bargain… its the same thing essentially