Worse Ping on NBN, Can't Go Back to ADSL2+

Ever since I got connected to NBN(HFC) 3 weeks ago with TPG(25/5), my latency has been terrible. My ping while gaming on ADSL2+ was 19ms and now I'm constantly getting 80 - 150 - 250ms during peak time. Download speed is still good however it's almost impossible to play any game from 6pm - 12am.

Rang TPG to ask if I could switch back to ADSL2+ but was told I can't and I should upgrade to 100/40 plan. I'm skeptical as to if this will make a difference.

What should I do ?


  • +4

    I have yet to hear of an ISP that actually says "We didn't buy the bandwidth to allow all the customers we take money from to have an internet connection that works as advertised".

    So I'd just go straight to TIO with the aim of changing ISP's at no cost to you. Why waste your money and time because they're happy that you do provided you keep paying them.

    • +5

      ^ This. Most ISPs are not buying enough bandwidth so everyone is pushing through a bottleneck. This is why I'm using Telstra, I don't like them but the service is much better than most. While others in my street can't even get decent pings or bandwidth because they went with a cheap 'unlimited' provider who didn't buy enough wholesale, mine runs smooth at all times. Better the devil you know!

      • i agree too.
        telstra where i am is getting a sync at 109MBPS, and download rate is 90mbps
        while my neighbour on iinet is getting the same sync and 19mbps download

    • I agree.

      I paid $100 "connection fee" so i can stay on month by month. Wonder if i get my $100 bucks back if i do change :-/

      • +1

        if they are pricks send a complaint to the TIO

        iinet wouldn't let me out of a contract due to congestion (less than 1Mbps during peak, 96Mbps in the mornings), 3 days after the complaint out of contract no fee

  • I'm not able to explain why but from what I've read the only fix for this issue is to switch to Telstra or an ISP in the area that is known not to have the latency issue.

  • +1

    Your pings should not be that high on a 25/5 plan, upgrading will make no difference.

    TPG are the problem here, the huge tell is that it only happens during peak.

    I'm with Internode which is a TPG owned company but my peak speeds and latency are excellent.

    • HFC could be the problem, which TPG has no control over.

      ADSL, FTTP and VDSL all give you a direct line to the exchange or node. With HFC, you're sharing coax with your neighbours. If poorly implemented, this can lead to local congestion before it ever hits TPG equipment.

      • Good point, mine is FTTB which is VDSL2

      • NBN spent a lot of money doing node splits and equipment upgrades to increase HFC capacity.

        At this stage, its very unlikely that NBN itself is short of capacity.. particularly considering only a small fraction of users in the HFC area have migrated over to NBN.

      • Exactly. HFC NBN can suffer from congestion during peak times quite badly. HFC was actually the old cable network that's been in placed for 15-20 years now that good old cable internet and cable TV ran off. FTTN or FTTP FTW!

        • I thought with FTTN you still suffer from the same problem because you use the existing copper cable that run from your house to node ?

          FTTP on the other hand <3

        • @tomleonhart:

          You can't congest FTTN copper as its dedicated to each individual house. If performance is only bad at peak hours, its not a copper problem.

        • :( WISH I HAVE FTTP !!!!!!

  • change isp right now I experience the same thing when I was on iprimus high ping (400+) and they wouldn't do a single thing they didn't offer any thing in the way of help.
    mostly all isp's seems to thing that matters is download speed.

    take your wallet elseware, I called back the next day to cancel.

    Though I was with tpg afterwards for over a year and they offered the best of everything I actuly was getting pings of 1 in speed tests.

    though I'm not with myrepublic still great pings with epic download and uploads.

    • Funny lol because i'm with TPG atm.

      • congestion seems to be based on how many customers are in your area as that will means they either pay for more bandwidth or treat customers like shit and be stingy.
        though there are some good isp's like Skymesh who actually work to provide and fix any problems.
        have a read of them on whirlpool forums

    • -1

      what language is this? it hurts my head

  • Rang TPG

    Didn't need to read any further after that.

    Though I was with tpg afterwards for over a year and they offered the best of everything I actuly was getting pings of 1 in speed tests

    They prioritise traffic like that to make themselves look good. Try a speed test from fast.com and see if it's still that consistent.

    • I was getting pings of 4 in rocket league same as my current provider.
      i don't think rocket league goes any lower cause call of duty black ops 3 never went below 16 ping for anyone.

      from personal experience i never experienced any prioritisation on tpg though i do some on myrepublic but not much im still definetly getting my moneys worth on myrepublic.

      • wow pings of 4…..I am so jelly….me over here with my 80 and 90s…..sometimes higher…. You either must be the local host or whatever connection you have, I want it too! :P

        • Nbn FTTP eathernet cable

        • @Axelstrife: Damn, I can't get that where I live….apparently next year sometime in July I will be getting NBN FTTC…….which is a slightly better version of FTTN….but still worse than FTTB or FTTP….which is what you have…

        • @Zachary: Yeah not to brag but 100/40 FTTP is the best thing ever lol

          40gb games download in an hour
          1 gb downloads in under 2 minutes
          and this is nothing to what other countrys has gigabit internet which FTTP is cable of just expensive which in time would go down eventually,not anytime soon since they fked the NBN
          people who don't use internet much or ever don't understand how they seriously fked up the NBN
          FTTP was perfect.

          Do something right instead of wasting money on crap like FTTN.

          I'm currently staying at my granma's house for a few day's and her town she lives in is currently getting NBN FTTN two houses down is on of those Nodes and it just stupid to place these all over cause they dont want to run fibre to the home.

          Sorry got carried away i hate our government So much.

          atleast you arnt getting the FTTN crap though hopes it's decent ping should be unless isp has congestion.

  • Out of interest, at what point does TPG take over the connection from NBN?

    In the ADSL world, I figured it was at the DSLAM in the copper exchange. In the NBN world is it at the fibre node? It's interesting that TPG had better ping times on ADSL, than on NBN. I'd be interested in hearing about anyone that's managed to definitely diagnose their latency issues on NBN.

    • Thinking about this a little more …

      TPG/AAPT/iiNet seems to have almost unlimited capacity for business customers on their fibre network.

      How do they have no little capacity on their NBN network? Even the most heavy home users would struggle to max out a 25MBps connection for an extended period.

  • What game out of interest? People have been complaining on WoW that there has been a problem with ping over the last week or so (I have been fine).

    • Battlefield 1.

      You can imagine playing a fast pace FPS with 150 ping lol

      • Is that on the same servers as before? I know in BF4 if I chose a high tickrate server over east I would lag out (this is with 100/40 NBN).

        • Yeah same Dice official served as before.

          On adsl2+ it's a constant 19ms for all servers.

  • When I had speed issues with the NBN, my ISP suggested bypassing the modem router and plug the NBN directly into the computer. It did make a difference. Eventualy I worked out which settings on the Modem router were the cause of the slowdown. Worth a try.

    • +1

      Can you identify those settings for everyone else?

      • Every modem/router is different so I won't give the settings.

        • ???

          Most modem/routers have the same settings available they just might be located under a different menu. If you've got any information that might help the OP then you should post it, although if it's network congestion nothing you do on the modem side is going to help.

  • Answer is quite simple - ask them to provide what you paid for or provide a complete refund and allow you to switch to another provider without any exit fees. They have a LEGAL obligation to do this.
    Tell them if they don't provide you with what was specified or let you change ISPs without a penalty you will take the matter to the Telecommunications Ombudsman.

    They might argue specs ate the best possible under optimum conditions but there is also the argument of what can "reasonably be expected" as part of a normal service.

  • Have you tried running trace routes to discover which hop on the network is lagging?

    In windows open a command prompt and type

    tracert (ip address or url)

    where the (ip address or url) is the server you are trying to connect to. This should help you to isolate where your connection is lagging and give you some proof to take to your ISP.

    Microsoft support - Tracert command

  • Answer is quite simple - ask them to provide what you paid for or provide a complete refund and allow you to switch to another provider without any exit fees. They have a LEGAL obligation to do this.

    The trouble is that the only thing they talk about in the fine print is the "best" speeds, up & down. They don't have to even do it, it's just one of those speeds "up to this" BS things.

    Our trouble w/Internode/TPG is our continuous ping spikes that completely disconnect even Skype!

    We're doing one final try— last chance for Internode or they lose an eight year customer.

    Would you suggest Skymesh or AussieBroadband?

    Cheers all

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