Free sample of Nutrients Direct protein - 1 only
Free sample of Nutrients Direct protein - 1 only
And windy… :)
I'm so skeptical of protein brands after the incident a few years ago that some brands used shitty protein and consisted of mostly carbs. Let's hope these guys are good.
I'm guessing 'no bull'?
Stuck step on one. No way to proceed to step two without ordering sale wpc?
Looks like once you've submitted your details then you've requested your sample.
"Step 2" is just trying to get you to buy (not a prerequisite to receive sample) .
I got a thank you page after submitting my details, then about 2 seconds later it redirects you to the "step 2" page to buy .
If anyone is gonna get this, get WPI, Isolate is way more expensive than concentrate because its more refined and is absorbed more quickly by the body so you'll be getting better value for nothing ahuehue :D
This guy knows, gotta get these guys in quick and fix up the torn muscles before the anabolic window shuts and they are stuck in there and can't get out.
If you don't get it in within 0.03 seconds of finishing your workout you may as well not even lift.
Whatever it takes god damn it! Right babe?
Yep, if you're not injecting your WPC you may as well be drinking water.
Anyone know how big the sample is?
probably 1 serve
I believe it is 30grams (could be wrong but wouldn't imagine it would be more)
It's free I guess but unless they can compete with BN on price I'm not gonna bother, it would have to taste pretty bloody good for me to change, I just scoll the stuff anyway.
The choc honeycomb tasted better than any of the flavours I have got from BN (and thats most of them), but I still value a few dollars over the extra bit of taste to buy from here
Thanks OP
Are we supposed to get an email confirmation?
Happy to recommend these guys, can vouch for them. Use them and bulk nutrients as opposed to buying mainstream brand name supps in supp stores.
Thanks OP, I'm going to be huge.