Better deal than the previous more to say $2
Kraft Vegemite 455g $2 @ Kmart Broadway NSW

Last edited 03/03/2017 - 22:40 by 1 other user
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What bacteria is going to eat Vegemite? The salt in it will preserve it almost indefinitely. I never pay attention to the Best Before date on Vegemite
This is from their Christmas stock where you could personalised the labels. I wonder if it is nationwide
Seems to be nationwide, looking at comments in previous deals. 3 price drops in as little as 5 days.
Might wait another few days then…
how long until they are giving it away?
@hollykryten: that's fake news, I'm presenting alternative facts. it was the greatest comment in the history of this thread. I'm going to make this thread great again.
It puts a rose in every cheek…
Why doesn't the government buy the entire stock to feed the homeless ?
I think the government is not allowed to punish people for being homeless.
Well a yanky mate has suggested it could be used in criminal sentencing. The worse the crime the large the jar…you aint coming out until its all gone…quite confident in the US at least there'd be zero repeat offenders….except the Ozzies of course…but Donald wouldn't let them in in the first place
I could live on Vegemite… by the spoonful…
And yet you won't drink Guinness?
Thanks picked up two jars.
I saw them at my local Kmart last week for $5 in Vic. Might have to see if they've gone down to $2 now. Can always stock up on a few jars!
Thanks op
Pro tip- buy in bulk and rub off the expiry date with tea tree oil so your partner and the kids gets trickedI used to hate this stuff, lately I've started loving it & now it's my breakfast every day ! Thanks OP
Who eats this rubbish?
Judging by the downvotes, at least 5 people.
Who posts this rubbish?
Nice, will grab a few jars this arvo.
I can't believe people would actually eat a high sodium yeast paste that tastes like vagina.
Mmmmmmmmm vagina
I don't know what vaginas you have been tasting, but you might want to tell their owners to seek medical help
Didn't see any at New Town, Tas today. Pity, I would have bought 5
Bought a jar for $3 from Kmart hurstville.
Kmart merrylands NSW are $3.
Still $3 at Kmart Innaloo (WA)
Not made by Kraft anymore. Owned by Mondelez/Bega these days.
I think you just mean Bega. Mondelez owns the Kraft brand and various Kraft products, but Bega has bought Vegemite and some other products from Mondelez. There will apparently be some brand transitioning over the course of the year.
$3 in darwin
$3 at ttp SA. Grabbed one. Thanks OP
$3 at Belconnen (ACT). Best before dates available seem to be mid September 2017 or end November 2017. Worth checking for the later date if you're only a light user.
bb sept this year (stock from werribee plaza), probably still ok to eat after (imo)