This was posted 14 years 7 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Machinarium Digital Copy for PC $5 US "Pirate Amnesty" Special


The developers of Machinarium are offering Machinarium for $5 US on their website up until August the 12th. Discounted from $20, you pay $5 US and get a digital download copy of the game! It's a fantastic game so I'd recommend everyone to pick it up if you can.

Their goal is to get some of the pirates who've pirated the game (Apparantly 85% of people with the game have pirated it) to feel guilty and pay up. If you're one of those, now's your chance!

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closed Comments

  • -2

    numbers seem very fake, 85% is something that I don't believe

    • I imagine there is quite a few who pirated it to try it out but didn't like adventure games.

      • That's a statistic I'd like to see added to their analysis: how many people registered less than a dozen scores on the server. People who pay for a game are going to feel obliged to play it, even if it's not really their cup of tea (though if a demo's available, why wouldn't it be?), whereas people who pirate the full game to try it won't hesitate to ditch it.

    • Yes, no doubt it was pirated by some but to be believed statistics need to be backed with facts not guesses, like the RIAA basing figures on how many they "think" they could (or rather would like to) sell. If this game doesn't have an online component they won't have accurate statistics. Personally I hadn't heard of this game till now so wouldn't have been able to buy it…

      • +3

        World of Goo makers famously posted a while ago that over 90% of the people playing the game were pirates as the game had no drm, protection etc though it did have a uniqe serial key that identified who was playing it.

        Details here…

        be surprised, but also respectful that this piracy figure is likely to be accurate…

        • +1

          Informative post Thiefsie. Thanks. I feel I am respectful but also won't automatically believe statistics if reasonable evidence isn't provided or generalise to say that the stats are the same for all games (World of Goo is very well known). I was simply implying that figures should be backed up.

          You provided info that supports what I was saying though. 2dBoy (makers of World Of Goo) did provide facts and explained how they got them (their figures were based on an online component). I think they are more likely to get support by doing that.

          • @daydream: In some ways, the percentage of people who have pirated it already probably shouldn't even affect your own personal stance on whether or not to pay for the game.

            • @Adamiam: It doesn't. I'm saying it's more likely people will believe/understand a statistic if its derivation is explained.

              Based on what your point, maybe they should just reduce the price and not make any reference to pirates/stats ;-)

        • +1

          If you read the linked article, they came up with a final figure of 82%.
          I dont think WoG was worth the money, I just didn't like it.

          Machinarium is well worth $5 (I paid more than that for it).

  • +1

    I don't play adventure games and probably won't play this one but I bought a copy for the soundtrack, the audio quality is superb.

  • -2

    This game is absolutely superb. Though quite short. I bought it on Steam and loved every minute.

    chans: I develop for the App Store and if anything 85% is low. My apps see 95% piracy rates and that's from pirates who use my apps every day; not just "try before buy" pirates. I use a back-to-base mechanism to keep track of active installations. I've heard all the excuses too - "they wouldn't have bought anyway", "must be you charge too much", "their friends will see your app and buy it" - so don't even bother. Pirates are just freeloading scum. No different than dole cheats.

  • +2

    I don't know about this game, but it's good to see it supports linux.

  • Is this a (Adobe) Flash game (like Samorost1/2)? Whilst not beeing real-time, OS-specific games look so much better.

  • Amazing game well worth $5. Great soundtrack too. It can be a bit puzzling and so you rely on the hints alot but one of the greatest games of the last few years.

  • This is actually a really good game. It's just well crafted in that unique kind of way. Something different to try.

  • Absolutely love the art style. $5 is well worth it.

  • replied above - plz delete

  • -1

    Be afraid be very afraid read the comments posted on the site

    Great way for RIAA to have all your personal details matched to your ip so in the future if you download something that is copyright even by accident - We know who you are and where you live.

    Here are some comments straight from the site
    Thomas says:
    August 8, 2010 at 06:55

    I would buy it even if it costs $20. But as long as it’s not possible to pay without entering this large amounts of personal data, including name and address, unfortunately there seems to be no way to buy it online.
    Dixbalz says:
    August 8, 2010 at 07:31

    Nice statistics, lol.

    Did you know 9 out of 10 people enjoy Gang rape.

    • +1

      can't you use fake info? :q

  • If you enjoy adventure gaming, this one is a must buy. I rate it up there with Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Space Quest, etc. For $5, it's well worth it - I paid $20.

  • Amazing value for $5!

    All games are hugely pirated and if a game can be had without DRM then it will be copied wholesale so I also believe the 80-90% piracy range.

  • +1


    My biggest hate when it comes to buying games is availability and pricing based on region. Some games aren't available in Australia, and often games cost twice as much in Oz compared to the US. Costs more to ship the electrons here, I guess… I don't feel like I'm wasting money paying for a game when I could easily pirate it, but I do feel like I'm wasting money when I'm asked to pay twice what others are paying, for no good reason. Which explains why no-one sees my money til a game is going for a song, such as in this case. :)

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