Hi, it's that time again to shop around for best gas and electricity rate as my current discount with Origin is coming to end.
I am in South East Victoria, electricity by United Energy, Gas by Multinet
Single electricity rate and solar panel (transitional rate)
After compiling the pricing from several different providers as well as comparison website, the best rate for me is through Simply Energy RACV offer.
To keep things simple, the rates after %disc and GST are:
Supply: 93.16c / day
Peak rate: 21.34c / kWh
Feed in tariff: 6c / kWh
Bonus $25 welcome credit
Supply: 77.31c /day
Peak 1: 1.716c / MJ
Rate 2: 1.551c / MJ
Rate 3: 1.345c / MJ
Bonus $25 welcome credit
Has anybody has better rate, and if so where are you located and which provider?
I've got the same distributors as you and last year I changed to Diamond Energy (8 cents FIT), lower base rates and up to 10% discounts for pay on time/direct debit. Easy to apply online, the transfer was hassle free.
I went with Momentum Energy for gas only (which was the cheapest for Multinet by far) as their FIT for electricity was only 6.2 cents (not sure if it has changed). Despite the Momentum Energy stating on their website that you can only get gas if you have electricity as well, if you call them they can set you up with a gas only account over the phone.