Looking for a new / refurbished with warranty Wii U
Yes, I realize the Switch is just about out. Mainly want it for Gamecube games etc.
I'll have to take my chances with Ebay unless you guys can help :p
Looking for a new / refurbished with warranty Wii U
Yes, I realize the Switch is just about out. Mainly want it for Gamecube games etc.
I'll have to take my chances with Ebay unless you guys can help :p
If you hack it it can play pirate games
even if you hack it, it won't play physical discs right?
No idea. Didn't hack mine. Can play gc discs on my old wii. New wii versions cant
Yeah, the disk drive won't accept the tiny GC disks.
Nintendon't is very easy to install to run them off USB
Yeah whatever, if you want to play them properly, get an original wii
Still have my wiiu hack is simple just runs of android device but hardly use it was about to trade it in for the switch but have around 10 games so I just bought switch out right
so uh the OP was wanting to konw what it Costs to buy a Wii u , new and Used all versions
btwean target and all the other stores and ebay whats cheap and whats not ?
You can't play gamecube on wii u…