This was posted 7 years 11 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Double Rich Chocolate, 8 Lb (3.63 Kg) $81.87 AUD Delivered @ iHerb


if you see the price $105, ignore it and price will adjust in cart

This is an insane price for ON protein (considering everyone went crazy on this deal Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey 10lbs $127.16 Delivered @ Amino Z), especially that it includes shipping to Australia and expires Jan 2019

Use code FEBEND - $5 Off any order over $60

You will also earn AU$4.13 of Loyalty Credit for your next order


Referral Links

Referral: random (345)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • +1
    This is the deal I was referring to in my last post here

    • Just ordered a few bags of this for a few gym friends in separate orders.

      Its too good of a deal to miss out on

  • must take forever to get here if its free shipping on something that big and heavy

    • -1

      Estimated Delivery March 8, 2017 - March 20, 2017

      Good enough for me if im getting it for that cheap.

      • i guess they must be selling this stuff at a loss then

        • USA protein powder is cheap. Its the taxes and import/shipping fees that make it so expensive in australia

          I can tell you now that this price on iHerb is way below the cost price in the Australian market

        • +3

          @easternculture: Is there ANY problem we don't have here that isn't caused by 'government'?

        • +1

          Well, I think I have dyslexia.
          I read the title as "Rich Gold, Double Standards" :\

    • I usually receive orders from iherb within a week (Melbourne)

    • Estimated Delivery March 13, 2017 - March 23, 2017 if you order now.

  • Sorry a total noob here, do you take this to gain mass and drink before and after workout ?

    • +8

      on its own it would not suffice since it contains minimal carbs. it will help provide your required protein intake for the day though when aiming to build muscle.

      • good ones

      • +1

        Thank you gorge.

        • If you want to gain mass, Optimum Nutrition have two mass gainers .…

          In my opinion the Pro Complex Gainer is realllllly good, tastes great with a lot of good calories. I hated the taste of Serious Mass. It was disgusting and I had to throw it out. But if you are a hard gainer and happen to like the taste, it would be perfect.

          PS. I would drink it post-workout only. They are both big serves and you don't want that much milk sitting in your stomach during an intense workout.

      • is it safe to use after its best before date?

        i have 3kgs 1yr to slightly over 1 yr past best before (had a baby so couldnt find time to train)

    • +1

      It's a supplement. Take it if you are not meeting your protein intake (about 2g of protein per 1kg bodyweight a day if you train often). I usually take it after a workout.

      • Thanks eathb.

  • Thank you thank you thank you I was going to buy retail tomorrow so this is perfect timing hahah :D

    • stock up with multiple orders as it expires in Jan 2019, i dont think you will get this any cheaper

      • with the multiple orders, is it possible to place one order through and then straight away place another order using the FEBEND code again?

        • yes, that is what i did

        • +7

          @easternculture: Great. I didn't expect to buy 7kgs worth of protein at 1am in the morning. The ozbargainer in me…. haha

        • +1

          I think you mean 7.26kg

      • Not too sure how well it will be in 2019, I have had samples of protein from all different brands (includes ON) left in my room and when it approaches over a year you can tell that it isnt quite the same consistency, same goes from big protein bags like that in the OP

      • is it safe to use after its best before date?

        i have 3kgs 1yr to slightly over 1 yr past best before (had a baby so couldnt find time to train)

        • +3

          Incorporate your baby into your training routine. As he/she gets bigger you will become stronger.
          I did the same. Now she is 21 years old and single arm curls with her hanging off are a challenge, but you should see the size of my biceps.

  • Thanks EC. Bought one too.

  • well….
    AFTER i placed an order with Myprotein for 10kg whey this afternoon:
    1. received a 20% off coupon code from amino Z
    2. saw this deal

    • +2

      In the same boat, however I still think Myprotein is much better value.

      • Yes that's true. Just hope myproteain's quality and taste are good as expected

  • Out of Stock

    • +1

      Just clicked the link and says in stock for me. Made two separate orders within the last 5 minutes and both went in fine.

      • Weird, seems to say out of stock if currency is NZD and not AUD. Odd.

        • Showing in stock for me as well

  • damn this some affordable protein, thanks OP!

  • I cant seem to get the free shipping. It keeps quoting $25…..

    • if total value is under $79.something then it will charge you $25…for shipping. possibly you had previous loyalty reward that brought your value down below $79. if it is so then do what I did: i added a $2 item to the cart to keep it slightly over $79…

      • +1

        Ahhhh yes u were right. Thank mate! :)

  • Thanks, just bought one!

  • Thanks OP. just on time…

  • Im confused about whey protein protein powder shakes. How is this different from stuff like Sustagen sport and other liquid meal replacements? They both seem to give you protein in a milkshake form. Stuff like Sustagen can be found at chemist warehouse for $20-25 per 900g can which is a LOT cheaper.

    P.S. Why is it so damn hard to dissolve the powder for these things? You have to do a crazy amount of stirring and theres still some solid bits left.

    • +1

      Just higher protein content (90%+) and less to no carbs.

      Also this powder brand has excellent mix-ability. No clumps ever.

      Sustagen is like 30% protein, 30% fats and rest carbs. That's not good. You can get fat on it and fats ain't great for building muscle.

      • Meal replacements contain almost no fat actually. Im looking at the iSustain one, 60g serve has 14.6g protein, 1.7g fat and 33g carbs. Its mainly meant to give you energy for people who have appetite problems because they are on medication, etc.

        • +2

          I m not expert but…
          If you are not a hardcore gymer or bodybuilder you can stick to Sustagen. no problem. I used to take it before joining gym and doctors also suggest to take it as meal supplement as it contains not only protein but also other necessary ingredients including FAT. Fat in a certain amount is very essential for our body and brain.

          if we eat fat it does not stays as fat in our body.there is a misconception/misunderstanding. our body takes fat as any other food and digest it…break down into nutrition and provide that to our body via our blood steam. then you may ask how we get fat? here is the answer: if I am not mistaken, if we eat more calorie than we need say per day, then our body store that excess food (does not matter good food eg. protein or bad food eg. fat) as fat for bad days. when we starve, our body burns fat to get the nutrition out of fat-that's the mechanism of our body to store excess food as fat.

        • @DMS: So the main advantage of whey protein shakes is if you need protein only because you are a bodybuilder?

        • @Question:
          No. You can as a supplement of protein but not as a full meal supplement/replacement as it does not have enough carbs, vitamins (at least this one) and other necessary ingredients that a food form meal will give you.

          However, this protein powder is good for bodybuilder in a sense that its mostly useful as post workout drink as it include glutamine for recovery and to get rid of soreness i guess and BCAA (branch chain amino acid) which actually also present in protein too. And just taking protein powder of this form is not enough even for bodybuilding because you also need to eat carbs, fat, and vitamins, etc to build your body or even to stay healthy.

        • @DMS: Yea i mean, if your only concern was to get protein, then the only reason you would pay more for whey protein shakes vs meal replacement shakes is because you are a serious bodybuilder and need protein only.

        • @Question:
          Well short answer is YES.

          But I actally mentioned before that bodybuildes do also need other things like carbs, fat etc in addition to proetin.

          This kind of protein powders compared to sustagen are optimised for bodybuilders which is a redandent feature for non bodybuilders. So if u r not a bodybuilder why would u pay more for this one whereas you are better off having sustagen which actally give you more necessary nutritional elements in additon to protein.

          This kind of protein powder is processed in a way that heps to digest quickly unlike sustagen. If we eat protein powder with other things like fat or carbs, it will slow down digestion process which is not a good thing for a post workout drink as your body will b sterving for peotein right after workout.(not 2b forgotten that bodybuilders do need other things too throughout the day) This is one of the benifits of this kind of protein powders over sustagen.

          lot to say…but need to sleep..
          This is a very short explanation. Hopping you r not more confused. ;)

        • There is actually no evidence to suggest that having a meal or in this case a shake after your workout will lead to better results than waiting an hour or so. Its about hitting your macro/micro goals in a given day not necessarily the '2 hour every meal' nonsense that seems to be popular thought

    • Recent studies show that taking protein supplements has absolutely no effect on muscle growth, assuming that your diet contains the necessary food groups. Dr Michael Mosley did a feature on this recently on the TV.

    • +1

      Protein powder mostly contains (depending on brand and mix) protein, with little amounts of fat/carbs. This is better if you're counting your calories (ie. losing/maintaining weight)

      Sustagen and the like contain more calories than protein powder (more carbs generally). Either are fine, but most people take protein powder as it has a higher protein count and has less calories, making it easier to fit into your diet.

      Also, with mixing, it's highly advised to get a shaker bottle that includes a metal ball. The ball helps to break up the clumps.

  • Bought ~ thanks OP! Great price.

  • Order One! Thanks awesome price

  • +2

    Have I used any of the protein from the 127$ deal? NO.
    Will I still proceed to buy this because it is a good deal? YES

  • Cheers, got one. Got to add one extra thing before hitting free post limit :)

  • As cheap as this is, gold standard whey and my stomach do not agree.

  • Have always heard people talk about Venom Protein and thei 3kg for $69 delivered…

    What is better?

    • I've been using Venom for a couple of years; switched from Vital Strength and International; it's good. Stick with chocolate and vanilla. Banana is acceptable. Avoid "caramel" like a plague.

      Venom L-Glutamine is great value also, but alters protein flavour and leaves an unpleasant aftertaste; Will be reverting to Vital Strength…

    • Venom is cheaper but crap. ON mixes better and tastes better.

  • +4

    For some reason I am not getting free shipping, asking me $13 for shipping, anyone else having this issue? edit I got no previous loyalty credits and order total is $81.87 + shipping

    • +1

      I am getting the same issue, anything I am doing wrong here?

      • +1

        Yep same problem. States free postage but then wants to charge for it…

    • I get a message saying 'AU$13.19 Surcharge will be applied to this order'

      • @buckster add a cheap item, I added something for $0.60 and it stopped that.

    • It's showing no shipping on the iherb website. When I go to paypal, it's showing shipping $13.19 :(

      • I just got it to work with mobile website.

  • Not bad at all. Normally use Venom but finding the flavours hard to swallow of late…

  • Great price

  • I ran out two days ago and was hoping for a deal like this! Thanks

  • +1

    not getting free shipping. applying the discount code gets me this.

    Subtotal: AU$81.87
    Shipping: AU$13.19
    Total Weight: 9.72 lbs (4.41 kg)
    Tax: AU$0.00
    Rewards ? : AU$0.00
    Order Total: AU$95.06

    • Same here

      • +2

        Got it to work. Need to enter your address first and it'll update shipping to 0

        • Thanks, it worked

        • cheers

  • -1

    short dated stock?

    • -3

      Expires January 2017 according to the deal description.

      • +4


        • +2

          Whoops. That's what you get for commenting in the morning… đŸ˜‚

  • -5

    Waste of money.

    I've tried protein powders for many years, did 0 for any muscle growth/retention.

    What did help with muscle growth was a balanced diet and rest, that's it.

    Your muscles arnt sitting there waiting to get this flush of (by-product) protein for them to start building up.

    Whey protein in this form was discovered less than 50 years ago and there were much bigger folks out there before this rubbish was invented.

    Save your money, the Protein industry is a billion-dollar industry because of this.

    • Whoever said protein shakes are for replacing meals and rest?

    • Just taking protein doesn't give you massive muscles.. It's a supplement to your workout.. Along with the right diet for your goals.

    • +1

      Hahaha, do you even lift?

      Sounds like a 'my milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard' scenario

      • Do you honestly think the body is designed to absorb protein delivered to it in 100% liquid form?
        At best you're body will piss out 90% of it, or you'll lose it as part of the constant diarrhoea you have.
        The very same effect your body does when it has a Multi-Vitamin tablet which is sold on the basis that it delivers 67 Vitamins lol

        I'll tell you how you can get 30g of protein:

        Milk + Weetbix (no sugar)
        Natural Peanut Butter on Brown bread (snack)
        Chicken breast/Salmon/Tuna/Lean beef/ with brow rice
        Piece of fruit.

        So skip the smelly farts (which are a sign to your body) and diarrhoea from the Protein Poders and eat the above, you're shitting out most of that powder

        • It's a supplement. That means it helps if you don't have enough protein. It is taken this way because it is more effective than eating heaps.

          ON gold works good for me but it's not as good as pure Wpi

    • You're just doing it wrong.

  • What's the best flavour for someone that hates that protein powder taste?

    • +1

      Mix with Milk.

  • Actually

    • Add your address and shipping will change to Free

      • Yeah done that but I think since i have credit pushing it to under the free shipping $ requirement it still charges?

  • Hmm added 2 to cart, applied code and my address before payment .. Shipping still $72.

    Looks like the price has just gone up to $105 on the product page (but still $88 in my cart)

    • Now waiting for a cancellation and a refund. "Price error"

      • Mine just shipped

    • +1

      Buy one at a time
      You can use the code multiple times

      • Sweet thanks. Had to put it to 1, remove FEBEND (which made my aus post free become selectable) , select Aus post, then re-apply FEBEND

  • Damn I had loyalty credit so when I apply the code FEBEND it reduced the order total below the free delivery threshold.

    Had to either remove the code or create a new account.

  • Wow. Think I just missed out… :(

  • It's not expired… I just got one.

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