Come along to our Annual Fee Free Day this Labour Day Saturday only 4th March 2017 and adopt a furry friend for free (saving of $99).
Come down to the shelter from 11.00am until 5.00pm Saturday only.
All cats are sterilised, micro-chipped and vaccinated.
If you do adopt a cat consider making a donation.
Free Adoption for Adult Cats on Saturday 4 March 2017 - Cat Haven WA

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for cats. the cats get to adopt a new human
slavepetI could on + your comment once…even though I tried many times sigh
Because it costs them for both the time keeping them alive, and prepping the animal for adoption. That and also people are more inclined to look after and/or hold onto things that they had to pay for, over anything acquired for free.
This is what it costs the RSPCA:
Because if that happened, cat lady would become common place.
Seriously? They rescue dogs and cats from bad situations (e.g. kill pounds, abusive owners, neglect, etc), transport them to shelters/foster homes, nurse them back to health, feed them, desex them, do all their vet work, and socialize them with other dogs and cats. This can often cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.
Asking for a small adoption fee (that rarely actually covers the costs spent on them) for a healthy, desexed animal is hardly a huge ask.
Adoption fees of $500 are about the same (or less in some cases) than buying a pet from a pet store. It's a lot cheaper if you buy a pet on gumtree.
Hence this is what people tend to do.This is why we need more people to donate to help fund these shelters, so the cost of re-homing animals can be reduced and encourage more people to go down this avenue.
I don't have a problem with the adoption fee.
But the places that make you sit a 100 question exam, inspect your property (plus anybody else you might leave the animal with), I find excessive.considering how/why many animals get surrendered - and some who get adopted only to get surrendered again - because of downright irresponsible and useless owners, i can't blame them for being that stringent.
given the extent of animal abuse in this country, this type of pre-ownership examination should be the norm. there some despicable people out there who shouldn't own even a pet rock.
I don't disagree with the need for tighter checks. I already have a nine year old dog (I re-homed him when he was 3), and I would love to save another from a similar fate. But I find the whole process extremely onerous and discouraging. I don't need to be judged because my grass is patchy or my coffee table has sharp corners. It doesn't bother me, but I can see how it bothers others.
Frankly, given that it is easier to just buy a puppy or get a dog from an anvert on gumtree, how are people being encouraged to adopt a pet instead?
I am just stating my opinion.
@Tiggrrrrr: for one, it's the morally right thing to adopt from a reputable organisation than just a random off gumtree. but people will trade pets in ways that suit them, and not the animal's best interests.
also in WA, it's actually illegal to sell or give away a cat that hasn't been sterilised and micro-chipped, which leads to not knowing the animal's true health condition.
animal shelters are more stringent, and they have to be, because they are already under a lot of scrutiny from extreme animal rights activists who are way to quick to criticise any organisation that isn't 100% no-kill, the government (who only recently started giving some funding to Cat Haven) and the average Joe Bloggs who doesn't have to deal with the hands-on work involved in rescuing, rehabilitating and adopting out these animals.
so tl;dr, i can understand some people who do the right thing by animals would be pissed off by such a thorough process, but i hope you can also see from their point of view why they feel the need to resort to such a thing.
Adult cats are the best. They're far more affectionate and always want to be near you. Kittens are cute but hyperactive. Seriously give an adult cat a happy home and go adopt one.
And please don't let it outdoors.
This. Once my 14 year old passes (in like 10 years at the rate she's going), I'd mostly look at adult cats. So much easier to deal with than kittens.
Free Adoption for Adult Cats
How much do humans have to pay?
Do they have free shipping?
Yes, via Kitty Express.
Although this is done with the best intentions by this cat haven, don't rush getting a pet.
Remember all the costs involved as well as the fact this is a lifetime commitment ; dont be the sort of person to put a cat up for sale on gumtree because you cant afford it or are moving interstate.
I dislike those people who get rid of their pet as soon as they become an inconvenience. I've knocked back jobs OS because of my cat.
I can't give you more than 1 upvote, sorry.
If you're getting a cat, please make sure you're committed to it.
If you're not sure, check out their foster system. You can foster a cat and you can take care of it with no strings attached. They give you the food, litter, litter box, everything. All the equipment is provided. After some point in time, you can give the cat back.
But if you're anything like me, you fall in love with the cat and you end up adopting him yourself. But at least you get a free trial window. Better for you and the cat. :)
Hello from a fellow Cat Haven foster failure :D
Please dont buy from breeders, come to this day and save an animals life.
come to this day and save an animals life
Then the poor kitties from the breeder will have to die instead :-(
Uh…no they won't?
Uh…no they won't?
Well, yes they must.
There are X number of kittens born. There are only Y number of people who will take kittens.
X > Y, hence some must die. This is the way of the world :-)
@llama: Not really though. Breeders exist due to supply and demand. If there was less demand, there would be less supply. A person adopting an animal from a rescue simply means the rescue is then able to save another animal from a kill-pound or an abusive home. It has no effect on animals from breeders being killed. They are two completely separate entities.
Breeders exist due to supply and demand.
If there was less demand, there would be less supply
Perhaps, but what about all the poor kitties that have ALREADY been bred?
I know this is OzB, but perhaps consider a small donation if you take this offer up (or even if you don't). It'll likely be tax deductible too if that matters to you
I believe the title should be 2017 rather than 2016.
Maybe this deal is for all the cats that nobody wanted from last year?
The old stock gets marked down, then it goes into the clearance bins LOL
Caturday? I'll see myself out..
Free adoption for cats or humans? I hate it when I miss out on a deal!