• expired

Oculus Rift + Touch $648 USD Delivered (~ $851 AUD)


$549 USD for the oculus rift down from $650
$99 USD for the Oculus touch down from $200

Slightly cheaper on Amazon, but the delivery cost is more.

Referral Links

Referral: random (459)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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closed Comments

  • +2
  • That's very cheap. I remember it costing $1150 AUD at launch (without touch) because $150 of it went to shipping.

    Guess they realized the demand wasn't there beyond early adopters and shipping didn't actually cost as much as they were charging.

  • The best part of the pricing now is both of them put it under the 1k threshold, which means no GST addition. In practical terms, I didn't get that problem as I was in the early rush that didn't have a shipping fee (fluke).

    Also in the discounted things, a sensor has dropped in price from 99usd to 59usd.

    A tempting option that may technically open up is getting another set of touch controllers (they come with a sensor, and the price jump isn't much), to do augmented reality live video tracking, something that hasn't been done by mere mortals with not massive budgets.

    The real winner of the price drop is people with a rift - touch controls are amazingly cheap.

    • Oculus do charge GST if you but it from them and send to Australia. They have an ABN and show the GST charged on the receipt. Hardware is charged in US$ though.

      Fortunately I bought my touch with 28 degrees card so I made a price protection claim, fingers crossed.

  • +4

    Personally I think the Vive is much better.

    Oculus has

    • Facebook/Advertising/Tracking
    • Their motion tracking system is webcams, you need 3-4 webcams and powered usb cables all around your room which is messy and expensive.
    • The webcams for Oculus can be accessed like normal webcams, if someone gains access to them remotely, they can see you, even in a dark room.
    • Oculus tracking is inferior to Vive in accuracy and speed.
    • Vive is modular and upgradable, you can swap the headset for the higher resolution LG headset coming out for example, you can swap the tracking system with the next gen version coming out, you can use 3rd party controllers.
    • Oculus pays devs for game exclusivity so they can't release on Steam.
    • Game developers prefer HTC Vive to Oculus.
    • Vive + REvive makes it a no brainer over the Oculus. If you can spare the cash.

      But I'm waiting for a solution with fewer cables.

      One cable from headset to a breakout box that has the rest of the cabling at minimum. Is that how it is right now?

    • +2

      Some of your points are privacy concerned which are fair enough and a choice, but some of them seem irrational and fanboy esque that I'd like to point out:

      • If a person is able to get low level access to your computer, the oculus "webcams" are the least of your problems. Here's a fix if needed. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1621151 . I'm sure you would have something similar on your laptop or phone, yes?
      • It works fine with 2 Sensors for most purposes, and with three it works great for 360 in most setups. Pre the 1.12 update, you could argue the resolution and tracking isn't as good. That's not the case anymore.
      • Vive decided to not lower their price in response. That's a risky move on their part.
      • The oculus audio headset is changeable, albeit to not a typical 3.5mm port. That's also had a price reduction too. It's a big drawcard having it ready to go as it is and helps with weight/ergonomics too.
      • I find it funny you mention about the Vive's modularity. Yes you can swap the headset for an LG one, at massive cost. I'm sure I could swap to an upgrade of the oculus in the end too. A better example you could have cited is the compressed wireless pack you could buy for it.
      • Oculus pays for time limited exclusivity, and have removed the "DRM" they had originally hardware wise. They've helped people on the Revive project and games unofficially usually work with that app. What's the complaint then about? We are all getting top quality games that would not have been possible or too risky (Robo recall is amazing!). Vive has had the ability to help the scene for a long time, and hasn't. https://www.oculus.com/blog/the-state-of-the-game-vr-in-2017… For an example of the list of games getting help to be viable. It's a massive risky making vr titles at the moment, and before the rift you've seen that in the quality and depth of games that have been out - mostly tech demos.

      Lastly regarding steam - do I really want all my games to be on steam? they are going to cost more soon thanks to the tax jump, and most of their sales are crap these days anyway.
      - Game developers preferring Vive to Oculus is mostly anecdotal. I'd like to see what they think currently, excepting ones like the gun gallery game that prefer vive due to ideological reasons (facebook) like you've mentioned.

      • -2
        • Nevertheless if got in and only wanted access to your webcams… you wouldn't find out about it. Its not an issue on laptops or phones, do you point them across your room when you aren't using them?

        • If you have a look at peoples experiences you absolutely need three webcams for 360 degree games which is most games, you can get away with two for oculus games because most of them are 180 degree games.

        • You can't swap Oculus parts, thats my point, I'm not sure why you are implying you can, The oculus is in no way futureproof. The Vive was built for modularity and long term. And of course its going to be substantially cheaper, what do you think two controllers + two lighthouse trackers + linkbox + cables + extra shipping costs?

        • They removed the DRM but don't use SteamVR… they know thats where the big sales are but they want the headset exclusivity obviously. Do you think they are deciding to not release for the Vive for fun? its easy for them to make it compatible without revive. They only removed DRM due to huge backlash.

        You don't have to buy Steam games on Steam and the tax thing is a strange thing to mention because Oculus should be doing the same, but even if they don't Oculus games are heavily overpriced anyway.

      • While someone did manage to hack into the oculus sensors, its ridiculous to claim they're just as easy to get into as a webcam: https://uploadvr.com/hackable-webcam-oculus-sensor-be-aware/

        Its nonsense fanboyism and nothing more.

        So much misguided nonsense going around in VR at the moment!

        • -2

          You can debate how easy it is but you need to face facts. You have 2-4 webcams facing you all around the room which can see in the dark very easily.

          I'm not ok with it and I know plenty of other people aren't as well.

        • +2


          Hysterical nonsense. They dont see in the dark easily, they filter visible light to maximise infrared light sensitivity. So unless you have infrared illumination (such as a Vive lighthouse) in your dark room you want see squat.

          HTC vive has a camera built into it too. Do you cover that up as well? Better not go loading up any VR porn, the whole internet will be watching.

        • -1


          What I meant was compared to a normal webcam, they see in dark rooms very easily.

          The HTC Vive headset has a camera, it doesn't point at you, and when you finish using it, it no longer points at people or rooms. Its not an issue just like phone cameras etc aren't an issue.

          The Oculus webcams point across all directions of your room giving full visibility.

          Its a valid issue, you can't deny that. Most people don't like web cameras pointing at them.

    • +1

      I dont have a fb account and can use it fine

  • -1

    This is not a deal, it's the regular price now as far as I've heard. Happy to be corrected though.

    • +2

      It's a deal compared to yesterday, but see your point. If I was on the edge of getting one, this would have been a tipping point.

    • It's significantly higher than the just announced new RRP actually.

      • +1

        This is AUD. The RRP was in USD.

  • -1

    I doubt Oculus will be around in a Year unless the settle the US$500mil judgement against them. They mayt be dumping stock to pay the bill or before they bailout

    • +2

      Yeah, I don't think 500 million is going to make Facebook even blink.

      Zenimax is asking for an injunction against US sales which you'd have to think would kill Occulus - but that's got pretty much zero chance of actually being awarded. In the end if the legal system finds in Zenimax's favour then they'll most likely get a larger award than 500 miilion (and maybe this time dumbo Sheryl won't snicker about it) or Occulus will have to pay licensing costs to Zenimax.

  • +2

    Will hit the gun when it drops down to $500
    Then it will be outdated and a new one will come out :(

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