Simple Vegetable Garden Ideas and Experiments

Thinking of starting me own garden what are some good beginner garden ideas or tips start offs to get me going.

Also want to start a herb garden how easy is this to do.

Produce I am interested in:

Cherry tomatoes
Sundried tomatoes
Snow peas
Mixed herbs
Italian herbs


ingredients for mayonnaise if possible I know there is egg and milk and some other things oh well maybe next time then for mayonnaise haha lol

I get lots of rain in my area so I hope this won't be a problem

Edited: updated and fixed up list and took some items off for another forum post as I realised they didn't belong here or sounded silly hehe lol

Sorry for accidental ground beef and chicken that will be a further experiment later with more questions about raising animals yes I am trying to make pizzas and other Italian dishes and roasted delicacies like potatoes and veggies also want to maybe start a small chicken farm or mini pig shelter/ but this well definitely require more research.

Also what is the best way if possible to home grow pepper and salt if it is even possible?

Cheers thanks in advance. Love home grown stuff if it is feasible and not too maintenance demanding.


  • lettuce is very easy to grow

    • What's the best way to start? Do I buy seeds or just plant supermarket lettuce in the ground and wait?

      • get from bunnings.

        • get what from Bunnings? Lettuce seed?

  • +1

    Ground beef - I've never had much luck growing this in the veggie patch.

    • +1

      Did you season it correctly when you were planting it?

    • Ha ha ha lol I realised my mistake shortly after all fixed now

  • +2

    is that a pizza topping list?

    • Yes among other things also trying to make stuff like spaghetti and meat roast.

  • +3

    Planted some mayonnaise in the spring, still hasn't bloomed.

    Will keep you updated on my progress OP

    • Ha ha ha lol I meant ingredients

    • +1

      I had the same problem with my salt plant!

  • Gardening is growing money on trees.

    • What? Do you mean that it is cheaper if so yes i agree too. This one of my main reasons for maybe starting a garden vegetable at home.

  • The problem with vegetable gardening is that you don't just plant and then reap, but its a daily grind and a lot to learn.

    I had a situation where I was trying to grow kale and lettuce and that sort of stuff and caterpillars just ate everything! Then my rabbits finished it off.

    It just wasn't worth it for me as it was constant work.

    • If I build a green house or cover/shop will it finish or fix this problem?

  • +1

    I think pepperoni grows on pigs.

    • +1

      Whoops my bad digital Freudian slip or whatever it is called for random word slips haha lol.. been ordering too many dominos pizzas lately lol thanks for the catch

  • We have a friend that has got into wicking beds. It takes a bit of setting up but it is a good self regulating way of growing veggies.

    There are also a number of hybrid fruit trees you can buy where they have grafted various fruits onto a stem. This might stop you building up a lot of one fruit and not having room for others. When I was a kid, and we had a decent back yard, we have Apricot, Blood Plum, Apple, Pear, Lemon and Almond trees. Best way to get kids to eat fruit is to take it straight off the tree.

    You also might want to look into a worm farm and compost heaps to use up the vegetable scraps and for soil nutrients.

    Have fun.

  • We moved to a new place last year and the previous neighbors must've planted tomatoes as they started growing everywhere a few months after we moved in. We haven't bought tomatoes from a shop in a few months now and homegrown tastes much better!

  • will give you monthly reminders about what to plant and when.

  • there is no milk in mayo - eggs, oil, salt, pepper, Dijon mustard….whizz

  • Remember to plant for your climate. Bananas (pineapples too) are really a tropical crop, citrus enjoy a winter rest in a cool temperate climate without frost.

    • pineapples are but you can grow them in sydney and frost wont kill them. They will fruit but will be small. Basically just stick them in the ground and forget for 2 years.

  • Just buy some seed. IGA seems cheaper than bunnings and see what you can get up.
    Summer is a real battle these days as they like light but the heat kills.
    Just water 3or 4 times a day while things are just coming up. Get yourself some gardening tool and dig up beds, compost and mulch.
    Seaweed emulsion is miracle grow so get some and a watering can.
    Now don't get to attached to things so if one thing doesn't work plant something else

  • garlic and shallots are virtually un-killable even in pot plants

  • For the more advanced the gardening Australia show on the adc is the shnizle, so record it, and watch the hairy hippies in their natural habitat, it's pure gold.

    • I remember when this guy didnt have a beard!

  • My 2c - getting seedlings from local weekend markets is sooooooooo much cheaper than bunnings/nurseries. Plus supporting local farmers and growers, so that's good too. I also find they survive better because they're grown in more normal conditions than the commercial growers.

    Also research companion gardening - some plants if grown next to one another will deter the pests that feed on the other. Keeps things natural and saves money on pesticides.

    Pinterest is your friend for all things garden related

  • Growing a vegetable garden is great. Think about the climate and the vegetables that are best to grow in that particular climate.

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