My Dog Bit Another Dog & Its Owner - What to Do?

Hi everyone

Long story short.

My dog was involve in a dog fight and bit their puppy and the owner, the owner is asking for $3xx for cost treatment and fuel after 15 days of the incident. But he can't provide any treatment record, receipt or transaction history.

If this happen to you what would you do?


  • What kinda dog you got?

    • +3

      Since the OP hasn't replied and may not have noticed my comment, I'll reply to this post so it appears at the top.

      Your Home Contents policy will normally cover legal liability for injuries caused by a dog (or even cat). Legal liability is the relevant section. There may be some quibbles if you have a declared dangerous dog though.

      Livestock are in a different ball park, "hobby farmers" or people that have horses/cows on their land but do not operate a farm often fall into this trap when their animals damaged someone elses property or injure someone. Normally Home policies exclude livestock for this obvious reason.

  • +156

    Why did you join Australia's foremost bargains website 29 minutes ago to ask about a dog fight that happened 15 days ago?

    • +100

      He couldn't find an appropriate forum on Whirlpool.

    • +4

      LOL..too funny.

    • You jv's twin? :)

      • +8

        Not with that many upvotes he/she's not!

        • +1

          jv's evil twin then…

        • He.

    • +3

      And you will probably never see his account active again after today.

  • Med size dog at 12kg

  • +135

    If this happen to you what would you do?

    Cough up the ****ing money. Your dog needs to go to behavioural training as well, it shouldn't be biting humans, let alone other dogs.

    • +15

      I second Spackbace's comment. If a dog bit my small child (a human), I would literally try to rip out it's heart. After which time I would then go for plum like objects of the owner - screw the consequences.

      Get your dog trained ASAP!

      Shoe on other foot Zeven, what would you do if a dog bit your parent, niece/nephew, cousin, smaller sibling? Let it get away with it and say "meh, animals do that sometimes"….methinks not.

      $300-399 is small fry in the bigger scheme of things.

      <end rant>

      • +4

        ok over reaction here…

        if the dog bites humans it means it is totally not well trained and the owner is 100% to be blamed

        The dog doesn't know any better and could think its only play biting. Its just being a dog.

        The owner should be punished severely though.

        • +49

          I scroll up and down but couldn't find the "full" story.

          Where is the full story so we can read the story fully? :>

        • +19

          What do you mean triggered by the other party? & incorrect method to stop it? We need a full story to answer your question. From just the information you have given us you are lucky it didn't get reported to police & the dog put down.

        • +2

          Can I have your name and address? I will personally lodge a complaint to your council so they can order to euthanise your dog.

          It's batshit crazy that you still think you are in the right.

        • +3


          This. Dangerous dogs should be put down.

        • +1

          If I were you I would be paying them out asap and hoping to god they don't report you to the council. That of course is if you value your dog over the $400 it will cost to potentially keep it alive.

        • @kungfupanda: And that is the biggest mistake the OP made, not typing out the full story initially thus allowing bargainers to their own devices.

      • -1

        "If a dog bit my small child (a human), I would literally try to rip out it's heart."

        Do you believe that by killing the dog you have served justice or that you're better than the dog?

        I agree, that there are times where self-defense might be required against an animal. However, its up to humans as the evolved species to find a better way and live in peace with other animals.

        Please know all animals have a right to life not just humans.

        • So sad that we live in an age where scientific racism still exists.

      • You did that to my dog & not only would I get charges pressed for animal cruelty, hopefully getting you jailed, I would also raise a civil case to sue you for as much as the law would allow.

  • +13

    At $300 I would pay to get him off ur back as your dog did bite and that would stop the situation escalating…

    The lesson learned is that next time your dog bites someone you should look shocked and proclaim how people shouldn't let dogs loose and your going to immediately take this wild dog to the council to deal with… Then take ur dog home as per normal.

  • +23

    Cough up and train your dog. If you've already admitted fault and they can prove it, you can be on the hook for a lot more than $300.

  • +27

    I'm surprised a vet visit was so cheap.

    $300 for an assessment of a mauled puppy?

    Should be on Ozbargain site…… Oh wait

  • +16

    Cost is the least of your problems, from my understanding you are lucky they didn't report your dog to the council or whoever as being a dangerous dog and possible consequences of your dog being put to sleep.
    If your dog is dangerous keep it on a leash when in public and ensure it stays away from other living things (humans and animals).

    • +1

      I think the owner is trying to justify if $300-$399 is worth the "value" of his dog.
      This is OzBargain after all…. last thing he wants is to be ripped off :>

      OP, you can look for deals on a new dog here:

    • +13

      He was having a rest before attacking

    • +1

      I definitely would ask to see receipts. If the receipts look reasonable, then you can consider whether you want to pay or not. I would also consider the nature of your dog, whether he is generally grumpy at other dogs. If this is a rare occasion, for example the puppy annoyed him so much, then I wouldn't pay for the bills.

      Dogs can turn from playing to fighting in a split of a second. One time at my local dog park, about 5-6 dogs (large) were playing and running around happily, one dog got grumpy and snarled at another one, then all of them started fighting each other. Although all the owners were there, none came to stop the fight but let the dogs sort it out themselves. It was probably a good decision because the dogs moved really fast and they wouldn't notice fast enough which object was human, which one was dog.

      • +16

        Even if it was due to the other owner getting involved where others might argue they shouldn't have, the fact still remains that OP's dog bit another human.

        I'd be paying the $300 if it meant they weren't going to complain to the council, because that could result in OP's dog being destroyed and / or them being issued with a hefty fine.

      • -1

        …This is shocking advice and also not a good decision. Oh it's a grumpy dog so it's OK? That's like the equivalent of punching someone out on the bus because they took your seat. This is why I don't take my dogs to 'dog parks' because of bumbling, inept owners letting dogs behave this way.

        • +5

          Which part of my post says "it's a grumpy dog so it's OK"? Your analogy is irrelevant. Find a different one.

          Poorly-trained puppies can annoy the most patient dogs. If OP's dog is usually calm and well-behaved, I believe that the puppy's owner need to train his dog. It is not reasonable to expect a older dog to constantly ignore an annoying puppy.

          It is not reasonable to automatically assume that the larger dog is always at fault. I presented different scenarios in my post trying to find out more information.

          It is also not OK to expect a dog to react fast enough when a person putting their hands between two fighting dogs. It's a pretty stupid action.

          There are many facts that we don't know in this case. Anyone's advice is based on their experience and interpretation of the OP, hence can be shocking to some other people.

        • +1

          "If the receipts look reasonable, then you can consider whether you want to pay or not. I would also consider the nature of your dog, whether he is generally grumpy at other dogs. If this is a rare occasion, for example the puppy annoyed him so much, then I wouldn't pay for the bills"

          These parts IMHO.

          In my opinion the owner is always responsible in a public place and unleashed, no matter how unreasonable this is in the circumstances of what actually happens in any instance including this one. The owner "owns" the dog and all it's behaviour and consequences of same.

          For anyone who reads this and says "no" the critical point is unleashed and so IMHO simply cannot be in control of its owner.

        • @l1403l:

          You just said "I would also consider the nature of your dog, whether he is generally grumpy at other dogs" so what does this statement mean exactly then?

          Do you even know how puppies get trained? Puppies need to be socialised and taught etiquette by well socialised adult dogs which is integral to the training process. Any dog that reacts to an annoying puppy that requires the puppy to go to a vet is a dog that has absolutely no bite inhibition and is a massive liability.

          I'd hate to hear the advice you offer on 'dog training'

        • Btw my dog is quite well behave from my perspective. He is the type will run away. And he is not a barker either. But i do admit he is a bit nervous when is surrounded by dog with little space for him to run away.

        • Btw my dog is quite well behave from my perspective.

          Not in any way relevant to the discussion.

          But i do admit he is a bit nervous when is surrounded by dog with little space for him to run away.

          So the puppy made your fully grown dog nervous?

          Did you come here for advice or an argument? Or are you just trolling?

        • @Zeven8:

          Your dog had nowhere to runaway…At a large grassy dog park…?

        • @DisabledUser149354: Even in the leash free area, the owner has to be in "control" of his dog.
          The OP should have been in control of his dog, and been able to stop the fight BEFORE the owner of the puppy had to do something ( stupid )

        • @Zeven8: haha so your dog's first thought when confronted by another dog is 'ok be the bigger man and just back off' ok seems legit

        • Hey, I have 3 dogs - one of them has NEVER had a go at any human but they were all involved in a fight one day and I stuck my hand in there and he bit me. My fault.

          When dogs go crazy on each other, it's often more noise and display then anything else.

          This would explain why the puppy in OP's story only had a scratch.

          I currently have a puppy and it annoys the crap out of my dog (the one above). It pulls his ears until he cries so I have to save him. It doesn't go NEAR the other two dogs of mine because they both give it what for.

          The Op's story is severely lacking detail to comment effectively.

    • +4

      I would have offered money if it happened. It is called common courtesy. While training your dog maybe someone needs to train you.

  • +21

    lol, the stupidity of these threads on ozbargain lol

    You are to blame, cough up the cash

    • -1

      You are to blame, cough up the cash

      So if you rear ended someones car, and they told you that it cost $2,000 to fix, would you just cough up the money? no receipts? no quotes? just hand over your cash?

      If so, you're not too bright.

      • +2

        His dog bit someone. Getting off with $400 payment is probably one of the best case scenarios.

        If you were drink driving and rear ended someone's car you probably wouldn't be calling the cops.

  • +19

    Seriously? Your animal attacked him and his animal and he's only requesting $399 (at most)? Just pay it you.

    • Yeah exactly.

      A friend of mine got a dog in Asia and bitten a human, the local laws require the dog to be put down.

      I think $399 is a bargain.

  • +35

    Absolutely do not pay the money without a written agreement from the other person saying they agree to release you from further legal action. Otherwise there is nothing stopping them taking the money and just sue/report you anyway.

    • +2


    • +1

      Yep. If council gets involved then a couple of hundred bucks now turns into a $1000 or so pretty easy. If you can buy your way out of that headache go for it.
      Just check out your local bylaws on your councils website and you can see the issues you can be facing.

  • +2

    Let the other owner bite you and your dog. If they do it, you're even.If they don't your free because you offered…

  • +5

    Just pay the guy - Make sure you get him to sign a statement to discharge you of any further liability for that incident.

  • +7

    Zeven8, are you sure your name isn't Abtar? I heard the recording and it's pretty incriminating for you mate. Just admit it and move on.

    Secret Zeven audio he didn't want us to hear

    • +1

      Shocking revelation!

      • +1

        'tis a Classic!

  • Freaking pay the guy and settle it. If he reports it your dog could be investigated apon and possibly loose it .

    • Paying him doesn't necessarily stop him from reporting the dog any ways.

  • +2

    It's a bad sign when a dog doesn't have any bite control, in this case I'm assuming it bit hard enough to puncture the skin. It's evident you have not taken your dog to any sort of socialisation classes or behavioural training. It's also evident that you, like many, aren't fit to own a dog seeing as it goes attacking other dogs and owners.

    I've met your type. You should pay up, but you won't.

      • +15

        Going by the many replies in this thread, the general consensus is that you hadn't paid. Maybe you should write your story 'a more carefully' with the pertinent detail being that you had paid included.

        You having not taken your dog to obedience; and you being ill equipped to own a dog may be assumptions but they're true.

        • -8

          Hahah. This is too funny. This guy is obviously trolling and then your condescending comments acting like your poo don't stink. Hilarious.

        • +4


          Hahah. Ozbargain is always trolled using the FOB English technique. Hilarious

          Hahah and It's 'shit don't stink' haha

          LOL hilarious

        • +2

          @snagseb: of sounds like you are triggered

        • +2


          Hahah. This is too funny! Triggered seems to be the current in vogue internet word. By the way, calling someone snowflake is considered racist!

        • @jenkemjunkie:

          Hahaha, no it's not, snowflake.

        • @snagseb:

          Seb…you're the embodiment of internet cliche.

        • @jenkemjunkie:

          I see you are still triggered. Keep pretending you're not :).

        • @jenkemjunkie: Snowman ?

      • the owner is asking for $3xx for cost treatment and fuel

        If that had read "I paid the owner $385 for the cost of treatment and fuel" there would have been little need for assumption. Post the receipt and there shall be less need.

    • Do you even own a dog? What is evident is that you have no idea about dogs.

      • What makes it evident that I have no idea about dogs?

    • I disagree - if an idiot sticks their hands into the middle of a scuffle, it's their fault.

      "Bite control" is when a dog shows signs it is going to bite, then it growls, then it looks/acts like it will and doesn't. This is bite control. All dogs can bite if they want. They are much faster than any human and if they want to, they will bite you. Bite control is when they don't.

      Sticking your hands into the middle of an older dog telling a younger dog to LITFA is your fault.

      It's evident that you don't actually know much about dogs.

      • Mate I own a protection dog. Not some wannabe backyard attack dog. You've probably never even encountered a dog like mine. Initial outlay is 35 grand…and that doesn't include the constant additional scenario training. All the commands I give are in german…but you wouldn't know that… it's standard practice for German Blood line dogs to be trained this way. If I stuck my hand in front of my dog while it's 'being run' by the trainer in a bite suit, I WOULD NOT get bitten….but you also wouldn't understand what 'being run' meant either. A 6 year old could heel my dog, and would not have to worry about being accidentally bitten if he clumsily stuck his hand in it's face.

        You are like every other dog owner, you own 3 and you can't control 2 haha and here you are trying to tell me about bite control LOL. Please tell me more about that "Don't get between two fighting dogs" spiel every clueless mum and dad tells their kid.

        What I meant by bite control is the pressure a dog regulates when it does bite. Like I said before, for a dog to puncture skin and draw blood it is a very worrying sign, it learns to regulate this as a puppy…but if you disagree then send a message to Dr. Ian Dunbar - an animal behaviouralist and vet surgeon.

        bite control / inhibition / soft mouth is an important factor in the socialization of pets because many breeds do not innately have the ability to monitor the strength of their bites. In addition to its role in domestication, bite inhibition is also a significant part of the development of dominance hierarchy in wild animals such as wolves.

        In the meantime keep dropping knowledge with the other experts at the dog park that are blind to the shit behaviour their dogs exhibit thanks to the ham fisted methods of their owners. I bet you they lap up your wisdom with quotes like this ""They are much faster than any human and if they want to, they will bite you. Bite control is when they don't"

        • oddly enough I don't think ANYONE HERE is talking about $35,000 dogs … so your comments? Irrelevant.

          And my comment that you repeated - that comment came from my private dog trainer. The one that trains me and my mongrels, NOT in German and NOT with $35,000 dogs.

          Seriously, what a (profanity).

        • -1


          Your 'private dog trainer' ( which I doubt you even saw) is a charlatan if that comment came out of their mouth.

          Get someone qualified to teach your dogs you can't handle

  • +2

    I would be asking for a receipt before I paid any money. It's a sorry story and you have admitted liability so good on you, given you weren't there, I think that you are being judged quite harshly here. If I were you I would contact the local council yourself and find out what they suggest you do. I would most definitely seek training for your dog.

  • +1

    Wtf (shakes head)…………. and owners neck

  • +6

    You do realize you can be charged for this its an offense? Also if the indecent was serious enough they can put your dog to sleep?

    • +6

      $300 to not have your dog killed is a bargain actually.

  • +9

    First things first

    In no circumstances your dog should be harming another dog let along a human, especially if the other dog is just a pup. If your dog injured the pup it means you have not been taking care of it and is not watching your dog while it plays.

    You should be the one that interferes the fight as soon as it breaks out being the owner of one of the dogs. It should not be up to only the owner of the small pup to break up the fight fearing your dog is gonna maul her pet. If both parties pulled their dog back this whole thing can be avoided. You are showing very little care factor towards other peoples pets which is very concerning as a dog owner

    Then about the payment.

    Don't pay unless you can get a written agreement on the $399 will be enough for the incident and no further payments or legal actions will be done to you or your dog. If you don't you can be reported.

    For should you pay or not? Just pay it. $399 is cheap for vet visit and the injury fee of the other owner. If you refuse things can go much worse (court order, council report etc). This also should serve as a lesson to always keep an eye on your dog and stop it before a fight breaks out.

    • This is the answer to your question OP.

      Bluntly speaking you have no rights here unfair as that may seem to be to you.

      The only point I could support you on is "receipts please" but honestly I'd probably simply pay anyway as the sum is in no way unreasonable. I would definitely, receipt sighted or no, request a written "this payment of $300 given to me today settles the matter" from the other party though.

      (edit to correct spelling)

    • Don't pay unless you can get a written agreement on the $399 will be enough for the incident and no further payments or legal actions will be done to you or your dog. If you don't you can be reported.

      Reporting a dangerous dog to council isn't a "legal action". Even paying to indemnify YOU of any further civil action by the dog owner, does not negate the possibility of the dog being reported to the council, and the council taking their own legal action.

      • Well I should word it better, it should read no further action will be done and a consent that the injury is minor which does not need authorities to intervene. And of course OP should apologise for whatever his dog did too…

        If they still reported it, you can show the written agreement and insist the other party was ok with it being a minor incident.

  • +2

    I would think $3XX is a bargain.

    You did the wrong thing, and the whole situation could be a lot worse. Just pay, and get him/her to sign a receipt and liability discharge statement.

  • +2

    The minute you walk through a vet's door, you're up for $95 straight away… $3xx is a bargain if there was any treatment whatsoever needed. You're getting off lightly, get a signed agreement that it's the end of it, pay the cash, and for (profanity)'s sake, get your dog trained (or keep a closer eye on it). My dog is the gentlest creature in the world (as all dog owners would say), but I'll watch her like a hawk around kids or other similar animals, because you just don't know what the other little shits are likely to do to her.

  • +17

    Just to let everyone in advance I paid that person already to save the trouble before i post this topic.

    I try to find out is whether, what will most people would do if this happen.

    I have experienced this kind of situation twice. First time I was bitten by a Husky before for trying to help out a dog fight which multi dogs was involved. I did not ask for anything from that husky owner. Although I have to go to hospital for the wound and my right hand could not move normal for a week and leave 3 scar on my hand until today(It cost me $67 in hospital for the injection the rest is on medicare). I truly believed it was an accidental which no one wanted. Dog fight could happen in split second and we are just human sometime we just could not understand.

    This time it happen to my 2 year old dog (mixed bleed) at 12 kg size. He have played for 30 mins with other dog and the dog was involve the dog fight. He was taking a break laying down on the grass. And the puppy (19-22kg German Sheppard mix 1 year old) trying to ask for more when my dog was resting. Which somehow trigger the fight 12Kg vs 19kg. Puppy was only scratch no bleeding. But somehow that owner try stop the fight using the hand to block between them and got himself (should have pull the back leg) bitten by my dog. Leave maybe 2-3 bit mark and was still bleeding by the time he was leaving.

    (For those have question about the area and why my dog was not on leash. It happened within a fleeced unleash dog park. The area was quite big. When the incident happen my dog was right next to the other owner, and I'm 6 second away from them)

    Maybe I was just being skeptical, he was trying to take advantage and ask for money. It is because how to list the cost was covering every small item including fuels where the park was only 5kms away from the hospital. And telling me he have been thought so many procedure X ray, physio, GP and Specialist. But could provide me even 1 single record or receipt for the medicine or treatment was involved. He have sent me photo of his injury after 2 week. Which i reckon is no where close to where i have been thought before.

    I end up paying the full amount he asked for and i don't think is worth the effort to find out to truth. I believe at the end of the day it was my dog that bit him and it happen in my local area i do not want this to turn worse. Although he can't provide any record but instead send me 500 words essay with a total different story.

    Do you think I make the right call?
    Do you think he take advantage of me?
    What would you do if it happen to you?
    Was this a bargain?

    • +8

      If its hush money and you dont hear from them ever again then it is a win and worth it.
      Probably took advantage of you because your english is pretty bad. Might have assumed you were on a visa and worried about being deported.
      Its a bargain if you dont have to put you dog down and pay compensation.

    • +2

      You already paid the money so don't worry about all that now. You're just punishing yourself for shit you can't change now.

      If he's invoicing you for fuel he sounds like the type that couldn't afford to litigate to seek compensation. Just move on and ignore his shit, you'll be fine. Your dog won't get put down.

    • -1

      6 second away from them

      Are you sure it was 6 and not 6.5 seconds away?

      • +3

        Please read his story more carefully. He was 3.5 seconds away plus 2.5 seconds reaction time.

    • Hope you got a signed statement releasing you from any liability. The other party sounds like they're taking advantage of the situation but fortunate theyre not asking for much.

      Without a signed statement, he could come back for more and still take whatever legal action against you regardless of your settlement.

      If you didn't get a receipt, the other party doesn't have any receipts, what on earth happened is anyone's guess.

    • +1

      Sorry just read this one now.
      Most of the time the perpetrators just do a runner with false address/information (in my experience).
      So I'd say you wrapped it up pretty reasonably

    • +1

      This is totally my opinion.

      When its in a multi dog fight, you cannot blame anyone… since basically everyone is at fault for not watching after their dog and either not making their dog obedient enough to stop on command or be in close vicinity to stop it before it got big. Its great that you didn't ask for the husky owner for money, you did the right thing.

      When its an one on one dog fight, it is both owners mistake. And seeing the other owner tried to break up the fight while you basically did nothing (3 times in your story you did not mention you even tried to stop the fight or even know what the heck happened) then the odds are truly against you as you seemed to be distracted when the fight happened.

      now answering your questions in my point of view

      Do you think I make the right call?

      Definitely, even the money is for shutting the other person up. Make sure you get them to write an agreement on the case is settled by the amount. People can be nasty.

      Do you think he take advantage of me?

      Maybe, but theres really nothing you can do about it as you are like 95% in the wrong

      What would you do if it happen to you?

      It wont, I never let my dogs get into any fights. they are always within 3 metres of me, they come and stop on command and I always have my eye on them even when chatting to others. If this were to happen, I most probably will be the other owner that is pulling the dogs away.

      Was this a bargain?

      Yes, considering the person can make it much much worse. With injury report on his hand and dog he can easily report your dog to the council to have it put down. I will worry about that much more than $400… if $400 means I can keep my dog, take it.

      • *At the end I was the one stopped the fight.

        Thank you for the comment. Peace

    • +1

      "Was this a bargain?"


    • Maybe he has insurance that covers most of his bills;
      Maybe he felt partly responsible so only asked you for part of the costs;
      Maybe he did take advantage of you…Who knows.
      Just make sure you keep a record of the conversations or text messages between you and him that indicates you had paid him the sum of $3xx to settle the matter.

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