Just found out today from the developers that Opticom is the network being used and I've heard terrible things about them.
Also doesn't help that the I have a choice of 6 ISPs on their network in South Australia.
- Commander
- Exetel
- Foxtel
- iiNet
- Internode
- iPrimus
Of the ISPs listed who should I go with?
I know that TPG now owns iiNet and Internode and quality has gone down the shitter.
Will my choices always be this limited or will Opticom open their network to more ISPs eventually?
Exetel - have heard some good stories about how they configured the overall setup for customers and provided some amazing speeds (100Mbps down and 25Mbps up) with minimal latency.
The important thing to note is to ensure that you call the Opticomm number for them to turn on the access to the Internet and then select your ISP based on your preferences.
Am aware that the Exetel network (when configured properly) had the best performance (although remember it being pricey).